We have all seen some pretty atrocious plays on PAD: TIlly checking a boat behind....Hellmuth mucking queens to standard open and then thinly veiled bragging about it, Gus going crazy with 99 in like a 4way pot, Negraunu's enuff said lol, Safai's 25 hand etc.
But those are single terrible plays, who in your opinion has had the absolute worst performance on there? Whether it be in the Sit n Go or Cash Game episodes. The shows last an entire week and although a small sample into their real game, the show airs enough hands to where we can at least tell how they were playing that particular session. Keep in mind that the worst performance can also go to a winner of an episode or cash game, just because they win doesnt mean they played good right??
Conversely, who do you guys think has had the best performance on that show? besides Leean and Jennifer Harman's Tatas of course