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Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks?

09-02-2007 , 12:44 AM
Some have no problem with risk. Others are risk averse. I believe we have a cross-section here.

I'd hate to see the parties some of you guys would throw.

I've cashed checks from my Florida credit union account at casinos here, no problem.
I totally agree that some have no problem with risk and some don't. However, when you have to cash your payroll check before you go or as soon as you get there then imo you don't have enough money to be taking risk. My reasoning is that these are the type of people that WE are paying their health insurance etc. What happens if he gets hit by a car when he gets back? Who pays the hospital bill? US! There is a difference between risk and personal responsibility. Just pisses me off when people that can't afford to gamble do.

I think there should be a rule. If you are on ANY sort of government aid whether it be healthcare or your electric bill or if you don't carry health insurance or car insurance etc. then you shouldn't be allowed in a casino. Swipe your drivers license at the door. Have Medicaid.......denied!!!

I just see it so many times. Someone ends up paying for these people.
Wow. I agree that people who can't afford to gamble shouldnt, but your rule seems so stupid. Why stop at casinos. If someone is on any government aid they shouldnt be allowed to go to amusement parks or buy alcohol or cigarettes. How about not allowing students with government subsidized loans to go to a casino, bar, club?
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-02-2007 , 02:31 AM
Palms does
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-02-2007 , 08:50 AM
Some have no problem with risk. Others are risk averse. I believe we have a cross-section here.

I'd hate to see the parties some of you guys would throw.

I've cashed checks from my Florida credit union account at casinos here, no problem.
I totally agree that some have no problem with risk and some don't. However, when you have to cash your payroll check before you go or as soon as you get there then imo you don't have enough money to be taking risk. My reasoning is that these are the type of people that WE are paying their health insurance etc. What happens if he gets hit by a car when he gets back? Who pays the hospital bill? US! There is a difference between risk and personal responsibility. Just pisses me off when people that can't afford to gamble do.

I think there should be a rule. If you are on ANY sort of government aid whether it be healthcare or your electric bill or if you don't carry health insurance or car insurance etc. then you shouldn't be allowed in a casino. Swipe your drivers license at the door. Have Medicaid.......denied!!!

I just see it so many times. Someone ends up paying for these people.
I suppose you didn't catch the subtlety of my humor. So, in that case, I'll try to make it more clear. You are completely and utterly wrong.

First, you do not know the circumstances of his situation. He may be in college, has a part-time job, or a full-time job, or more likely, it's none of our business.

Nice of you to decide what is right and wrong. We need more people like you in this country to look out for us. Gosh, I suppose we shouldn't be playing poker on the Internet because we might click a mouse and lose a house.

I hear the sound of jackboots marching. After they come for me, I'm sure they'll find something they don't like about you.

I wanted to ask if you actually thought about this before you wrote it, but, I know you did. People who think like this really scare me. It's not so much the totalitarian ideals, but that you really believe it.

I suggested he could get a personal check cashed. I suppose if he doesn't have a checking account, he should also be kept out of the casino. Would there be any more rules you'd like to make? Perhaps, if he doesn't have health insurance, he can't get a driver's license, and that would preclude him from visiting a casino?

Sheesh, dude. Can you see where your thinking would ultimately lead?
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-02-2007 , 06:43 PM

I totally agree that some have no problem with risk and some don't. However, when you have to cash your payroll check before you go or as soon as you get there then imo you don't have enough money to be taking risk. My reasoning is that these are the type of people that WE are paying their health insurance etc. What happens if he gets hit by a car when he gets back? Who pays the hospital bill? US! There is a difference between risk and personal responsibility. Just pisses me off when people that can't afford to gamble do.

I think there should be a rule. If you are on ANY sort of government aid whether it be healthcare or your electric bill or if you don't carry health insurance or car insurance etc. then you shouldn't be allowed in a casino. Swipe your drivers license at the door. Have Medicaid.......denied!!!

I just see it so many times. Someone ends up paying for these people.
Your reasoning is really far off base. While it's true that playing cards with your paycheck is not a good idea financially there is no correlation between that and being uninsured. In fact, most people are insured through their jobs so if they got hit by a car they are already part of an insurance program and have paid premiums.
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-02-2007 , 09:45 PM

I totally agree that some have no problem with risk and some don't. However, when you have to cash your payroll check before you go or as soon as you get there then imo you don't have enough money to be taking risk. My reasoning is that these are the type of people that WE are paying their health insurance etc. What happens if he gets hit by a car when he gets back? Who pays the hospital bill? US! There is a difference between risk and personal responsibility. Just pisses me off when people that can't afford to gamble do.

I think there should be a rule. If you are on ANY sort of government aid whether it be healthcare or your electric bill or if you don't carry health insurance or car insurance etc. then you shouldn't be allowed in a casino. Swipe your drivers license at the door. Have Medicaid.......denied!!!

I just see it so many times. Someone ends up paying for these people.
Your reasoning is really far off base. While it's true that playing cards with your paycheck is not a good idea financially there is no correlation between that and being uninsured. In fact, most people are insured through their jobs so if they got hit by a car they are already part of an insurance program and have paid premiums.

I know this would never happen and was purposely being a little over the top. However, it is apparent none of you are in the healthcare business.

I don't care if he's a student or not. So, what's he do if he loses? Use credit cards to pay his bills when he gets back? Or maybe not pay the landlord his rent?

I have absolutely not problem with gambling. Hell, gamble huge sums of money if you can afford it. But, if you can't then I and others will ultimately have to pay for you whether it's retirement or healthcare or some other issue.

If you don't see ANY problem with having to cash a paycheck right before you leave then you are part of the irresponsible unaccountable crowd I'm speaking of. I don't care how you run your life but just be able to pay for it.

Go buy a couple rental properties and/or get into the healthcare business and you'll have a much better understanding of my point. It is possible to sacrifice until you can afford it.
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-02-2007 , 10:16 PM
If people didn't gamble money that they can't afford to lose or could be put to a better purpose, poker games would not be nearly as profitable as they are. Basically, I don't care where the money comes from and I also don't worry about anyone's financial decisions except mine.

Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-03-2007 , 11:20 AM
If he has a job, then he may have health care. Or he may not, given this country does such a good job of covering people who work. And at his age, his premiums cover those my age, who have more health expense. You may know healthcare, but it appears you may not understand spreading risk.

Regardless, man, you are harsh.
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-03-2007 , 11:32 AM
Non-local checks ???
Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
09-03-2007 , 02:35 PM
My apologies for being such an a-hole in my posts. I own a couple rental properties and one of my tenants just bought a newer car and has like a top of the line cell phone but can't pay their rent. Just pisses me off and I got caught up in it. I'm also a pharmacist and own my own company and see the healthcare side of it all the time.

It just seems as if being deeply in debt doesn't bother people anymore. It's almost like a right of passage. You can go into major debt when you are in college or young and it's just part of the process. It's like peoples personal "wants" come before the needs.

Again, I do apologize for being such a jerk about it. It's a total over generalization and that is not fair.

Will Vegas casinos cash payroll checks? Quote
