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Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Why I don't like Foxwoods....

11-03-2008 , 10:46 AM
Played 2-5 @ the woods this weekend. 2 incidents really pissed me off:

PF raises of $15-$25 are getting 5-6 callers on average. New kid @ table does not realize this and is getting aggravated as he is raising and laying down his AK, small pairs (so he says) etc.. Finally, he gets a hand he feels good about and puts a PF raise of $100 out there. Everyone folds with the exception of this Asian guy with a monster chip stack who just smooth calls. Background on the A-guy. He has been playing for about 2 hrs generally more interested in his newspaper (reading during the hand..maybe an act but funny nonetheless) than the game. The flop is rainbow nothing of any consequence. These guys end up all in after the flop for a $2K+ pot. Kid flips over AA, A-guy flips over KQ(off)..yup all he had was K draw. You know the rest...runner, runner A-guy gets the straight.

The Kid goes ballistic, yelling, screaming throwing chips and essentially threatening the A-guy. The floor is called over by the dealer 3 time and players at the floor shows up. It is left up to us at the table to calm things down. In the end, the winner of the hand is made to feel so uncomfortable that he and all his $$ now leave the table. This now shifts the anger of the table back at the kid. If that happened at Borgata...the kid would have been thrown out.

I'm in a 3-way hand. I really like my hand post flop and i am getting ready to raise. Woman in front of me raises causing me to rethink things. After she raises, her cell phone rings and she gets up from the table and walks away to have conversation. I tell the dealer..her hand is dead. Dealer tells me to call the floor. Everyone at the table is now pissed at me because I am making a stink and delaying the game (we all love paying time). I fold..figuring some dead relative is sending me a message to get out of the hand. Am i wrong here.

We were at Foxwoods to play in satellite for WPT. Mohegan gets my cash game business now in the winter months when I am back in NE. Good floor people, raked pots and hopefully an environment that is less like the combination between a zoo and a free for all.

The casino's job is to keep the integrity of the game strong for all playing and to make sure all bad players are not made to feel like they no longer want to play poker.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by jrsyshore
Mohegan gets my cash game business now in the winter months when I am back in NE. Good floor people, raked pots and hopefully an environment that is less like the combination between a zoo and a free for all.
I was with you all the way up to here. Have you played at Mohegan yet? From what I've seen in person and based on the trip reports on 2+2, calling the floor people *competent* would be stretch most days, never mind good. Maybe MS will be the place to go in a year or so, but there's still quite a few kinks to be worked out with the new dealers and floors.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 12:31 PM
I only base my experience on how a new green staff handled things at MS...compared to how the big guy on the block with the WORLD POKER ROOM is handling things. MS i not perfect..but my expectation is slightly smaller as they are so new. All they have to do is be slightly better than Foxwoods and they are good. Hell...all they had to do was make sure your drink comes within one dealer down are they were good. I did notice that the F-woods waitressess were slightly better looking (still lightyears away rfom Borg) than I last remember. Finally got rid of the battle axes acting like waitresses. They finally figuring out that losers don't feel so bad about it if someone attractive with a pleasant personality brings your drink before it goes flat.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by McMonkey
I was with you all the way up to here. Have you played at Mohegan yet? From what I've seen in person and based on the trip reports on 2+2, calling the floor people *competent* would be stretch most days, never mind good. Maybe MS will be the place to go in a year or so, but there's still quite a few kinks to be worked out with the new dealers and floors.
MS does have its problems, but they are trying so much harder than Foxwoods. And while many of the MS dealers are new, they deal so much faster than Foxwoods dealers it's silly. More hands per hours ... +EV. As for the floor, everyone bitches about the floor in every card room.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 02:09 PM
I don't understand wanting to pay rake as opposed to paying time. Not only do I find that time rake at the Borg is generally cheaper than a similar rake taken from the pots ($10/hour at 2/5NL, and $12/hour at 5/10NL.) I also find that time collection is slightly faster vs. a rake on each pot, and the pot sizes are slightly easier to calculate. The only way I would think otherwise would be if I were super-nitty, and wasn't winning my share of hands.

What is the time rake at Foxwoods vs. the pot rake at Mohegan?
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 02:29 PM
People bitch about MS, but overall its not a bad card room. Just pay attention to the action and make sure the new dealers don't accidentally screw up (there's more complaints because MS has so many more new dealers).
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by slowplayj
MS does have its problems, but they are trying so much harder than Foxwoods. And while many of the MS dealers are new, they deal so much faster than Foxwoods dealers it's silly. More hands per hours ... +EV. As for the floor, everyone bitches about the floor in every card room.
foxwoods has automatic shufflers...I don't see the hands being dealt any faster than they already are.

If you call the floor at Foxwoods they come immediately. His story seems to be rather exaggerated.....kid sits down...and instantly gets involved in a $2k pot??...I'll bet my life he was telling a story of the 1/2 NL. Impossible.

Cell phones at foxwoods = dead hands.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 03:53 PM
-kid did not just sit down..was there about 30-40 mins.
-2/5 table..was there about 14 hrs..pretty sure it was 2/5
-no floor came

them the facts.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by cl0r0x70
I don't understand wanting to pay rake as opposed to paying time. Not only do I find that time rake at the Borg is generally cheaper than a similar rake taken from the pots ($10/hour at 2/5NL, and $12/hour at 5/10NL.) I also find that time collection is slightly faster vs. a rake on each pot, and the pot sizes are slightly easier to calculate. The only way I would think otherwise would be if I were super-nitty, and wasn't winning my share of hands.

What is the time rake at Foxwoods vs. the pot rake at Mohegan?
$12/50 mins (not per hour) vs. 10% $4max

I completely disagree with you on this. I am no nit, but taking a red chip out of my stack every time the dealers switch puts me on a mini-tilt. IMO, you have to be pretty loose and see many showdowns to be +Ev with a timed rake. Especially during those card-dead hours.

Last edited by Cheezy21; 11-03-2008 at 04:07 PM. Reason: I had the 1/2 rake amt
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:05 PM
foxwoods 12/hr
ms $2@20, 1@45, 1@60
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:47 PM
I've been playing FW's daily for about a year up till 2 months ago where I've been playing at MS. Personally, I couldn't give a shyte about paying time or rake, I'm probably losing out paying rake at MS because I only get $1 an hour (in pts) as apposed to $3 at FW ( I have a black card) Of course there was a learning cure for dealers and floor people at MS (they didn't want to hire any dealers with experience in poker dealing) but they've improved incredibly fast. One thing no one mentioned is at MS, the dealers get to keep there own tips as opposed to being pooled like at FW. So dealers have much more incentive to get more hands out and be pleasant and move the action along. Floor people at MS have improved greatly and are MUCH more pleasant than FW where they're mostly diks except for my girl Mya My only complaint at MS is the tables are kinda cramped, there's just enough room to walk between tables. Both places are cash cows due to the crazy action, as long as you don't go on a bad beat parade. BTW time at FW is 5$ per 1/2 hr (1/2 NL)..6$ per 1/2 hr (2/5 NL)

GL all

Last edited by reedcusa; 11-03-2008 at 04:52 PM.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cheezy21
$12/50 mins (not per hour) vs. 10% $4max

I completely disagree with you on this. I am no nit, but taking a red chip out of my stack every time the dealers switch puts me on a mini-tilt. IMO, you have to be pretty loose and see many showdowns to be +Ev with a timed rake. Especially during those card-dead hours.
How do they do 25 minute cycles? That's odd. Are you sure you're not just noticing them pushing dealers a bit early than the half hour?

Assuming 25 hands/50 minutes, I suppose you would need to win slightly more than your share of pots to make time better than rake. If you win 2.8 pots (1 out of 9), average at a 9 handed table, you're going to pay $11.20/hour.

I suppose I'm greatful for Borgata's low rates. They're the lowest I've ever seen.

There is also the idea that time rake increases action (in theory.) Nits are not rewarded for sitting out.

Last edited by cl0r0x70; 11-03-2008 at 06:22 PM.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Cheezy21
$12/50 mins (not per hour) vs. 10% $4max

I completely disagree with you on this. I am no nit, but taking a red chip out of my stack every time the dealers switch puts me on a mini-tilt. IMO, you have to be pretty loose and see many showdowns to be +Ev with a timed rake. Especially during those card-dead hours.
Hey kind of had the same effect on me...simple solution..I started taking time out of my pocket instead of my stack..obviously no difference $ wise a big difference psychologically for me
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 07:41 PM
I was at the table that the angry guy came to after the bad beat. He was pretty tilty, which I was happy about, but unfortunately, he went on weak-tight Helmuth tilt and didn't give away much money.

From his version of the story, he should have been kicked out. He was a dbag, but fun to have at the table.

In related news, a guy at my table tbat same night got tossed (or maybe just asked to leave the table) for telling the dealer that he was going to "flip this f-ing table over in your face."

Oh, and I'm surprised about the cell phone thing. Seems like they've been cracking down on that lately. Also, they collect time every half hour, not 25 minutes. Just seems that way because the light comes on at five of.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by jrsyshore
Played 2-5 @ the woods this weekend. 2 incidents really pissed me off:

PF raises of $15-$25 are getting 5-6 callers on average. New kid @ table does not realize this and is getting aggravated as he is raising and laying down his AK, small pairs (so he says) etc.. Finally, he gets a hand he feels good about and puts a PF raise of $100 out there. Everyone folds with the exception of this Asian guy with a monster chip stack who just smooth calls. Background on the A-guy. He has been playing for about 2 hrs generally more interested in his newspaper (reading during the hand..maybe an act but funny nonetheless) than the game. The flop is rainbow nothing of any consequence. These guys end up all in after the flop for a $2K+ pot. Kid flips over AA, A-guy flips over KQ(off)..yup all he had was K draw. You know the rest...runner, runner A-guy gets the straight.

The Kid goes ballistic, yelling, screaming throwing chips and essentially threatening the A-guy. The floor is called over by the dealer 3 time and players at the floor shows up. It is left up to us at the table to calm things down. In the end, the winner of the hand is made to feel so uncomfortable that he and all his $$ now leave the table. This now shifts the anger of the table back at the kid. If that happened at Borgata...the kid would have been thrown out.

I'm in a 3-way hand. I really like my hand post flop and i am getting ready to raise. Woman in front of me raises causing me to rethink things. After she raises, her cell phone rings and she gets up from the table and walks away to have conversation. I tell the dealer..her hand is dead. Dealer tells me to call the floor. Everyone at the table is now pissed at me because I am making a stink and delaying the game (we all love paying time). I fold..figuring some dead relative is sending me a message to get out of the hand. Am i wrong here.

We were at Foxwoods to play in satellite for WPT. Mohegan gets my cash game business now in the winter months when I am back in NE. Good floor people, raked pots and hopefully an environment that is less like the combination between a zoo and a free for all.

The casino's job is to keep the integrity of the game strong for all playing and to make sure all bad players are not made to feel like they no longer want to play poker.
Understood you dont want to chase the crazy guy away. Dealer should have mucked the girls hand. I don't think either of these examples is exclusive to FW.
Originally Posted by Money4Aces
foxwoods has automatic shufflers...I don't see the hands being dealt any faster than they already are.

If you call the floor at Foxwoods they come immediately. His story seems to be rather exaggerated.....kid sits down...and instantly gets involved in a $2k pot??...I'll bet my life he was telling a story of the 1/2 NL. Impossible.

Cell phones at foxwoods = dead hands.
AA was playing for a while and was having a bad day. I heard the same story that night.

Originally Posted by cl0r0x70
How do they do 25 minute cycles? That's odd. Are you sure you're not just noticing them pushing dealers a bit early than the half hour?

Assuming 25 hands/50 minutes, I suppose you would need to win slightly more than your share of pots to make time better than rake. If you win 2.8 pots (1 out of 9), average at a 9 handed table, you're going to pay $11.20/hour.

I suppose I'm greatful for Borgata's low rates. They're the lowest I've ever seen.

There is also the idea that time rake increases action (in theory.) Nits are not rewarded for sitting out.
I agree with the rake theory. Everyone plays the same amount of hands, everyone should pay
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 08:17 PM
I should note that while situation #1 was horrible it did work to my advantage. When this guy goes on tilt, yelling etc..and scares the guy away from the table with all the $$ there is an older guy next to him that gets all pissed at the tilt'd guy cause he just scared about 4K from the table. The older guy is all pissed, steaming and shoves an angry $75 preflopraise on the next hand. I've got pocket 3s and decide to call figuring he is just steaming. I spike my three on the flop and check to him. Without hesitation, this guy, still redfaced shoves his whole stack into the middle, about $850...I insta-call...and crush his KK.

We now have this guy go on a tirade yelling at me for calling his $75 raise. It was just downright funny cause this guy had lost all sense of playing his hand correctly because he was pissed at the guy next to him for what he did in a hand he had no part of. I really had keep myself from LOLing all over this guy...but i figured some modicum of respect was warranted.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 09:06 PM
I play at Foxwoods a decent amount at 2/5 -- was there this weekend too, didn't hear about any of those hands you described, but that's not that surprising. I'm generally impressed with their floor and if your story is accurate in how you describe it, then I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Whenever a floor is called to my games they're usually there pretty quickly, especially if there's yelling/escalating voices -- then they're just naturally there. And I've had security called to escort people out multiple times for offenses much less than what you described -- like I said, I don't think it's a general Foxwoods thing, sounds like you got a bad/busy/non-existent floor.

Also, for your cell phone hand, it seems like there are better ways to handle it. No one likes a guy who calls the floor immediately. If you simply ask the woman to hang up or pay attention, then it goes much smoother. Or you just raise, let the action get back to her, and then go from there. Calling the floor or complaining to the dealer should always be a last resort option after you've attempted to handle the situation yourself, and it is obvious that you are not getting a resolution you find adequate. That being said, I wasn't there, I don't know the specifics, I'm just talking about the situation as I envision it, not as it may have been.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-03-2008 , 11:14 PM
I'm impressed that we got this far w/o anyone calling OP a nit.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:49 AM
OP is a nit for trying to get the dealer to muck the lady's hand just because she raised into his good (but not great) hand.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 06:31 AM
[QUOTE=cl0r0x70;6928583]I don't understand wanting to pay rake as opposed to paying time. Not only do I find that time rake at the Borg is generally cheaper than a similar rake taken from the pots ($10/hour at 2/5NL, and $12/hour at 5/10NL.) I also find that time collection is slightly faster vs. a rake on each pot, and the pot sizes are slightly easier to calculate. The only way I would think otherwise would be if I were super-nitty, and wasn't winning my share of hands.
i can explain this. lets say u buyin for $200, get stuck, then rebuy for $250 more. u lose it too. finally u rebuy for $500 1 final time, to get back both ur original buyins and $50 profit if u double up. u scoop a big pot and find out ur outta the hole and $23 ahead. but wait u just paid time not more than 2 hands ago. so u decide to stay til they charge time again so u wont have wasted $10 for NOTHING.

by the time time goes around again, ur dead broke and very pissed at the floor for ever instituting the time charge.


When people get unstuck they wanna be free to leave, without feeling like a fool for paying $10 time and then leaving 2 hands later.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 07:01 AM
also wheres a good inexpensive room not too far from the foxwood or mohegan sun casinos? the rates at the casinos are so terribly high. can u ever get a $50 room for poker players? i doubt it.

P/s/ would be glad to share a room with a fellow and TRUSTWORTHY 2+2er. we each would pay half, which might lower the cost to like $40 each.preferably under the arrangement i use it 12 hrs, then u use it 12 hrs. that way we both get a good rest in the room ALONE, and without the worry of someone u dont know robbing u in ur sleep.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
also wheres a good inexpensive room not too far from the foxwood or mohegan sun casinos? the rates at the casinos are so terribly high. can u ever get a $50 room for poker players? i doubt it.
Look in the Norwich, New London, and Mystic areas for lodging. Plenty of options. I've heard that the New London Red Roof Inn can have rates as low as $50/night. Of course, at that price "caveat emptor" is a good phrase to keep in mind...

I've heard good things about Bellisimo Grande. Also, during winter months you can often get good deals in Mystic.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
also wheres a good inexpensive room not too far from the foxwood or mohegan sun casinos? the rates at the casinos are so terribly high. can u ever get a $50 room for poker players? i doubt it.
Depends on the season. I use and search near Groton, CT. Right now there are rooms available at Ho Jo's for $42 this Friday night (~25 minutes away in Groton). That is followed by 5 or so places @ $50 (some are ~15 minutes away on the Goldstar highway). You can expect cheaper/same rates during the week and Sunday I would imagine. Generally Saturday night's are more expensive. If you go directly to you often get about $6 off kayak's price and they are sometimes low man at $43 (edit: this is in Niantic ~25-30 minute drive but great gas prices - just off exit 74 on I-95). You can also give a shot (I've had limited success with them - but there is no cancellation allowed).

The great thing about these motels is that they are all decent. Do not however get stuck in a "smoking room" which happened to me once.

Edit: drive times here are from Foxwoods. Mohegan Sun should be closer to Niantic by 10-15 minutes).
P/s/ would be glad to share a room with a fellow and TRUSTWORTHY 2+2er. we each would pay half, which might lower the cost to like $40 each.preferably under the arrangement i use it 12 hrs, then u use it 12 hrs. that way we both get a good rest in the room ALONE, and without the worry of someone u dont know robbing u in ur sleep.
I'm thinking that "TRUSTWORTHY" is not something you are likely take somebody else's word on...

For me its not a big deal because I have a box at Foxwoods, but in general I prefer the privacy and not having to worry about somebody else's schedule.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by kak1154
Also, they collect time every half hour, not 25 minutes. Just seems that way because the light comes on at five of.
Next time someone is at the Woods, will you please ask the dealer this question? I distinctly remember a convo with the table (including the dealer) that dealer changes were every 25 mins.
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
11-04-2008 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
i can explain this. lets say u buyin for $200, get stuck, then rebuy for $250 more. u lose it too. finally u rebuy for $500 1 final time, to get back both ur original buyins and $50 profit if u double up. u scoop a big pot and find out ur outta the hole and $23 ahead. but wait u just paid time not more than 2 hands ago. so u decide to stay til they charge time again so u wont have wasted $10 for NOTHING.

by the time time goes around again, ur dead broke and very pissed at the floor for ever instituting the time charge.


When people get unstuck they wanna be free to leave, without feeling like a fool for paying $10 time and then leaving 2 hands later.

BTW, I have a room @ MS tomorrow night for $49. Get on their mailing list...I received a postcard in Oct that had dates (Sun-Thurs) through 12/31 for as little as $49. Same applies to FW.

Last edited by Cheezy21; 11-04-2008 at 01:00 PM. Reason: added hotel info
Why I don't like Foxwoods.... Quote
