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Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players?

04-05-2011 , 04:25 PM
In the spirit of this thread:

Why is it that people who play NL think they are so much better at all forms of poker than players who don't play much NL?
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 04:39 PM
They don't, just people on here do, which really do not make up the majority of players!
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 04:48 PM
Most poker players think they are better than they actually are, and most nl players don't understand how limit is supposed to be played, I used to be one of those guys. I use to be the guy who used the all too famous "you can't protect your hand" lines etc. Solid players who have a real understanding for the game understand that both type of games are their own artform, but I do agree that the level of thinking is deeper in nl than limit for just the simple fact that your mistakes are magnified. I went through a year stretch of taking viscious beat after beat in nl, and I completely understand the variance variance etc. But when you are playing to pay your bills your landlord doesn't take variance extensions, so I switched back to limit and I have less variance in that game and its what I am able to make the most profit with so thats why I play limit. At the end of the day all that matters is what game are you most successful with, and for me that is 20/40 limit.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 06:27 PM
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 06:32 PM
Tastes great!
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cybralisk
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
this +1 pretty much what i was going to say
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Cybralisk
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
So this makes NL players better at other forms of poker?
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cybralisk
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
since you have it all figured out please come to the bellagio and sit in the 40/80 game. and thank you for summarizing a game you don't understand in something short enough to post on twitter. enjoy grinding .5/.10c NL online.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 07:26 PM
I think most competent nlhe specialists know that it would be much more difficult for them to learn and transition to stud, draw, o8 etc. than it would be for a lhe specialist for obvious reasons.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by WindyCityJ
In the spirit of this thread:

Why is it that people who play NL think they are so much better at all forms of poker than players who don't play much NL?
Because when you are ignorant (in an non-insulting definition), it is easier to believe you know everything you need to know. Different forms of poker emphasize different strengths. There's also the fact that most posters on 2+2 aren't at the highest levels of poker where such beliefs wither in the face of experience.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cybralisk
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
Sounds like you understand LHE very well.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Cybralisk
Becuase no limit is a much deeper thinking game and requires alot more skill then limit to be a winning player. limit is straight forward, you cant really make any plays, cant really bluff and cant really put anyone to major decisions, pretty much its bet,call, bet,call, to showdown. Its extremely boring and uncreative
This is pretty much proof that people don't understand limit.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
Sounds like you understand LHE very well.
Originally Posted by The Palimax
This is pretty much proof that people don't understand limit.
You are both invited to present a rational argument as to how a game which restricts your bet sizing can possibly be deeper than one which does not. More (greater number of) strategic options -> more strategic thinking - pretty simple intuition there.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:09 PM
A better question is why don't people who start threads try spell check. Batter up.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:18 PM
I'm not going to try to argue that one game is "superior" to the other. They're just completely different games that require different mindsets and a different playbook. NLHE hands very rarely play out to a turn or river, whereas a limit player needs to be proficient at playing all 4 streets.

Are low-limit B&M LHE games boring as hell and best played by playing super-nitty and just waiting for strong hands? Yes. But that's no different than low-limit B&M NLHE games.

Lots of NLHE players speak very derisively about LHE, despite the fact that they're terrible at the game. The dude whose post I initially quoted probably fits that description.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by WindyCityJ
Why is it that people who play NL think they are so much better at all forms of poker than players who don't play much NL?
Because they saw it on TV. Maybe their hero (Mike the Mouth) said that.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:43 PM
I never play it but I honestly wish I had the skills to play mid/high limit well; to me it seems obvious that good limit skills would be very useful in any poker game.

Since most NL players are losers, the opinion "they" have has no real aggregate value
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:58 PM
If most NL players are losers and bad, why wouldnt you prefer to play NL since there are more fish?
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 10:15 PM
I have a few ideas why, but the important thing is that I love when they sit in my game.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 10:31 PM
"How much can I bet now?" The same as the last time you asked.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-05-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
If most NL players are losers and bad, why wouldnt you prefer to play NL since there are more fish?
Most LHE players are losers and bad too.

In LHE there are more hands per hour and as a result more rake taken off the table. Including tips to dealers it can cost from $12/hr to $20/hr per player to play LHE and thats not counting the win/loss from playing poker. There are probably only 2 maybe 3 players per 10 that make money.

However, we LHE players love it when NL players sit down to play our simple little game.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-06-2011 , 12:30 AM
LOL, NL players think that they are better at all forms of poker? Most forms of poker are NOT NL and I don't think that the NL players think they are better at them in which they are right. I once had a guy at a 15-30 game 8-bet/call w/o the nuts OTR and I was all until he got called to a NL game and then I understood. I once told a NL guy who wanted to try 0/8 that if he flopped top-set he'd usually need to improve and he was all . Many of these NL guys think that they've got the best game simply bec they can make big bets and consider limit bets to be sissy. But they are pretty much stuck w/ only playing HE and a bit of NL 0/8 which is never going to get big in B&M play. So let them have their POV and let them have their game and don't pay attention to their superior attitude.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-06-2011 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Coug MJ
A better question is why don't people who start threads try spell check. Batter up.

[ ] NL players BETTER at all other games
[x] NL players BETTER at spelling
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-06-2011 , 02:02 AM
I think it's like Howard says, they're trying to feel "superior" to people that player other forms of poker. So many people say that NL is the game that requires the most skill. I'm actually one that thinks the opposite. I think it's the limit games that require the most skill to be able to profit at.

I feel like the NL players are trying to justify the fact that they really don't know how to put a player on a hand or figure out when it's a good time to play against someone and when it's not. Skills that you really need to have to play most forms of limit poker. I see it all the time when someone tries to play limit and complains their one pair won't hold up because no one will fold. Sometimes I even see it in NL when a player believes so strongly that their 1 pair is good and then can't believe their eyes when I'm stacking their chips with 2 pair.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
04-06-2011 , 03:05 AM
As someone who plays both games at a very high level, they are both games with equal complexity, but NL allows for big edges relative to variance. That is all. Oh and the "limit is a science, NL is an art" is a load of crock.
Why do NL players believe they are so much batter at all forms of poker than limit players? Quote
