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When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do?

09-26-2010 , 02:37 AM
I think people that want to complain are always going to find one. Either "I get no action" or "I get no respect" when there is action.

Either sit in the game/adjust or call ahead next time.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:52 AM
I apologize to anyone I offended with this post. I am known as the crazy guy at the table regardless of if I am playing with nits or fish. I just know my rate drops considerably at a nitty table, conversation is boring at a nitty table, and pot size is tiny at a nitty table. I was genuinely curious as to why people would play these tables. For me, I can tilt the nits and I'm already down 6 bucks in gas and an hour of my life. One of my favorite things in poker is seeing someone who is normally super nit shoving on you with A 9 suited, when you wake up with KK.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Sorry, but I have to disagree with just about all of this. What you said might be more or less correct in bits and pieces, but I disagree with the spirit of it.

You seem to infer that any poker table can be pushed into generating enough action or that table selection doesn't matter since you can just adjust to anything and win..
As for the bold, a resounding YES!!!

I am dead serious when I say that I will raise 15 times in a short period (like out of 40 hands). If the table folds to my raise, then I just keep raising and widening my range and raising and widening my range... Hell i'll raise 3, 4, 5 times in a row if I can get away with it.

As for the bold blue, another resounding YES!!! I can adjust to any table and win. That is what winning poker is all about.

As for the red bold, no. I never said table selection isn't important. Sure, it is. But it is not the end all be all of poker. I play 6-12 hour sessions, 5 days a week. I don't have the luxury of running all over the place trying to table select all day. IMO, the real value of poker comes from being at a table, profiling your villains, accumulated data and reads, building an image, and then exploiting all that info/image.

Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Just within the last month, I showed up at a poker room on a Tuesday morning....I sit down and it's me and 6-7 BBJ chasing nits. I start raising once I realize the table has no action, and players continue to do one of two things for three hours: fold when I raise unless they have a monster, or rack up and move tables or games when it becomes apparent to them I'm not going to let them see them see flops for $2, after complaining bitterly to the dealer, floor, and other players at the table.

Did I leave the game a winner? Sure... how could I lose? But I made nowhere near what I could have made at a table with "action" players.
So, during your 3 hour stretch are you trying to tell me there were no all-in shoves? There was nobody playing for stacks? The only time villains raised was with QQ-AA, AK?

Look, yes, on rare occassion, you run across a dead table. But in my experience it is not as common as people like to think. They are limited to their perspective and perceptions.

Everyday I play and listen to players complain about their being 'no action' and it just isn't true. Sorry. You can pound the round peg into a square hole all you like.

Lastly, I will say and agree that there are lulls and dull moments in a session. Sure, that happens. But in my experience, it doesn't last more than a couple of dozen hands at most. And in many cases, all it takes if for one player to go on tilt, or a maniac to join the table, in order to get things going.

Have I been a table that was dead for an hour? Sure. Have I ever had a 6-12 session at a dead table. No. ANd i play 5 days a week.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 05:58 AM
Your drive to the casino is a sunk cost, therefore shouldn't be any necessary need to "make use of it". Staying there and playing at a boring, unprofitable table just because you made a long drive over is an example of the sunk cost fallacy, or escalation of commitments. Just turn around and drive back home.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by wWizardG
I totally agree with this.
Although playing against a bunch of nits can be boring, it's not NEARLY as bad as playing at a table full of calling stations. There is nothing more frustrating than getting called down by a donkey chasing a 4 outer.
God, the quality of player that posts on this board has degraded so much over the years.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by ucla187
Your drive to the casino is a sunk cost, therefore shouldn't be any necessary need to "make use of it". Staying there and playing at a boring, unprofitable table just because you made a long drive over is an example of the sunk cost fallacy, or escalation of commitments. Just turn around and drive back home.
I mostly agree with this, however there is something to be said for the utility gained (not necessarily profit) of being able to play poker, at least for a little while, after you've driven a while and are looking forward to playing.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
So, during your 3 hour stretch are you trying to tell me there were no all-in shoves? There was nobody playing for stacks? The only time villains raised was with QQ-AA, AK?
In a three hour stretch (likely more, as I was there for about 5 hours total, but I wanted to estimate low to account for waiting for the game to start, getting up for lunch, etc.) there was never a 3-bet pot preflop (unless I was doing the 3-betting), and if there was a raise preflop, the range was nearly always JJ+ and AQ+. Saw guys just call raises with KK-AA, and limp with with AJ, KQ, TT, etc.

Saw two stack offs the whole day: AA vs. a set on the flop (dry board), and set over set when a guy checked his set on the flop and then his opponent turned a bigger set.

Originally Posted by dgiharris
As for the bold, a resounding YES!!!
To each their own, enjoy the game. I prefer to play games where the value is fat and the money flows easy. If I have to scrap it out for every buck and make $5 an hour on the day, frankly, it's not worth my time.

Maybe it just comes down to you being better at poker than me, but in my case, I can't beat a super-tight table for enough to make up for the implied time cost of being there, and sitting with eight old guys who do nothing but complain and read the paper while they play definitely doesn't have enough entertainment value to make up for it.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
I mostly agree with this, however there is something to be said for the utility gained (not necessarily profit) of being able to play poker, at least for a little while, after you've driven a while and are looking forward to playing.
True, if you really just wanna play some cards and aren't worried about profit then this is fine.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-26-2010 , 05:14 PM
I go through this pretty much everytime I go to Foxwoods, but I just suck it up and adjust. There's still some good money to be made at these games if you're patient and play it right. If you wanna get good, you gotta learn to take on EVERY situation imaginable.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
09-27-2010 , 05:08 AM
^That. Plus, if you can't at least beat nitty 1/2 games for a decent profit then you aren't very good yourself. "Regulars" are mostly very mediocre players at the 1/2 level.
When you drive 1+ hours and there's only 1 or 2 1/2 nitty NLHEs, what do you do? Quote
