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whats the correct move whats the correct move

10-11-2008 , 08:42 AM
Playing 2-5 NL game at local casino with 250 max BI, im up 300 have approx $550 in front of me, villain an older gentleman has 250 and has been on the table for 1-2 hours and has played approx 5 hands with only one showdown that he mucked. I have played very few hands and have a fairly tight image at the table.
I raise to $25 in middle position with AK folds around to villain in BB and he raises to $75.
Now the only real range i could put him was JJ or better possibly AK so after 30 seconds or so of thinking i mucked face up. He showed QQ.

So i guess what im asking is, was this a good laydown i mean if i know he has QQ im gonna move in on him.
Am i correct in saying that it is either a shove or fold in this spot.
Or am i just an idiot?
whats the correct move Quote
10-11-2008 , 09:41 AM
mucking here is fine, but calling is cool too. You have, what, a 38% chance of flopping a pair? Given his stack, he's probably pushing any flop, so you do have the odds. Hell, if there were no more betting you'd have the odds for a call too.... So really, you should probably be calling and folding any non-ace/king, non-2 board. By your actions you're actually stating that you think it is MORE likely that he has AA/KK than TT-QQ/AK. It is a thin situation though, but the correct play is too call. So you're certainly incorrect that it is a fold/shove spot at least. OTOH, shoving IS a fine play too as he'll flod QQ and JJ some large % of the time.
whats the correct move Quote
10-11-2008 , 01:16 PM
LOL @ folding faceup...when people fold strong hands face up, they never win another pot from me without the stone cold nuts, that is just a gateway to run-over-me-ville.
whats the correct move Quote
