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Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here

10-09-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by gongshow
This is just lol ridiculously wrong.

I understand that mistakes happen, but making an excuse for a mistake by saying "the dealers hourly salary is less than a min bet" is atrocious.

I can't think of any other job that requires no education, requires you to work indoors only, and you are able to make 60-80k/year. Hundreds of hands a day or not, when your job is to read tabled cards in correlation with the board, despite verbal declarations, you should be able to do so.
No dealers are making 60-80K per year. If there are any, it might be 1/19 of a percent. So I would say that this is "just lol ridiculously wrong".
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:56 PM
I'm pretty sure it's the dealer's job to determine the winning hand, kill the hand, and ship the pot. Dealer error, IMO.

That said, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Poker_Sux
I check, villian bets, and after a few seconds, I call, and i turn over my straight and say a pair of 8's, and she tables pocket queens and I say NH immediately....

Clearly you state you are tired and that is when stuff happens.

She bet and you called. Let her turn over her hand first.

The if you are tired, table you hand and say I am tired, do I have a straight or a pair of eights, asking for help.

It is smarter than calling and showing first and then conceding the pot.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Dealer mistake after you read your hand wrong. Table mistake for no one pointing out immediately that you had a straight. Your mistake in announcing your hand incorrectly.

However costly this mistake was, if you can't read your hand correctly, you were probably playing poorly enough to cost you more than that over the previous 3 hours. Let this hand stick in your mind the next time you are thinking to play longer than you should.
I am not nitpicking about whether I should have gotten the whole pot, none of the pot, or half of it.

I was more then happy to give her half the pot, since I was a ****** and didn't read my hand correctly, and actually probably would have given her half anyway even if the video evidence came within a few minutes of requesting it.

I was just curious about the situation, I didn't decide to post this thread 3 days after the fact because I was still stinging from a lost 140 dollars, because of my stupid mistake. I was reading some B&M threads bored, and decided to post my issue randomly. I didn't speed home from the cardroom and log onto 2+2 immediately.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cbarton
Clearly you state you are tired and that is when stuff happens.

She bet and you called. Let her turn over her hand first.

The if you are tired, table you hand and say I am tired, do I have a straight or a pair of eights, asking for help.

It is smarter than calling and showing first and then conceding the pot.
Ironically had I done this, I would have lost the entire pot with no evidence. Once I saw her queens, I would have quietly mucked.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:58 PM
Poker, I said table your hand and get help reading it when you are tired.

You win the hand that way.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-09-2009 , 11:53 PM
Poker_Sux, I think you misunderstood me. This should sting you. Don't play your "C" game at the tables. There's probably lots of other bets you screwed up because you were tired. Sometimes, this is the reminder that prevents you from leaking more money another time.

Yes, you should have won the pot, but it is your responsibility to make sure it happens.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-10-2009 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
If there's any loss of dignity, it's not worth it.

And even if you felt a little indignant about the whole situation...

Dignity grows back.
So it's not worth losing some dignity even though it grows back?
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-10-2009 , 07:08 AM
Gotta throw the flag on them taking almost an hour to review tape.

Should take 20 minutes tops IMO.

As for fault. I say 50% player 50% dealer since it was a player initiated error.

But sounds like it was just a friendly $140 lesson/reminder to not play while that freaking tired

Better a $140 lesson than a $1,400 lesson.
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-10-2009 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Shentx
So it's not worth losing some dignity even though it grows back?
LOL that was a little vague of me.

If you know in advance you're going to lose dignity, it's not worth it.

But if you lose some, the good news is that it does grow back.

Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
10-10-2009 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Poker_Sux, I think you misunderstood me. This should sting you. Don't play your "C" game at the tables. There's probably lots of other bets you screwed up because you were tired. Sometimes, this is the reminder that prevents you from leaking more money another time.

Yes, you should have won the pot, but it is your responsibility to make sure it happens.
you are right venice, I didn't mean for that post to sound attitudeish...
Weird situation - Is this dealer's fault? Or do I "officially" get some blame here Quote
