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Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector

10-24-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Lol, I've mentioned in another thread that I hate foriegn chips as card protectors for exactly this reason (I think I misread a guy's stack in a tourney as his chip closely resembled a large denomination chip in the tourney).

Personally, I don't think they should be allowed.

RROP says players are entitled to a clear view of your stack. You are not entitled to a verbal count (although many gladly give it as a courtesy). Guess you've never heard Doyle talk about this on HSP or PAD, where he laughs and says "Anytime someone asks me I just point at my chips and say "there they are"".
Or maybe he felt cheated and quit playing . Clearly from your attitude you haven't hit 30 and started to suffer from declining eyesight (yet).
Ohhh ok, then ill ask the dealer for a count of their stack. They dont need to say anything. Its the dealers job to run the game essentially. Yeah ok you know me too well except I have contacts and my eyes are ****. You see, when your eyes start to get bad you get a new prescription and MIRACLES HAPPEN! But again, you know bessst.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-24-2011 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBroke
Ohhh ok, then ill ask the dealer for a count of their stack. They dont need to say anything. Its the dealers job to run the game essentially. Yeah ok you know me too well except I have contacts and my eyes are ****. You see, when your eyes start to get bad you get a new prescription and MIRACLES HAPPEN! But again, you know bessst.
Unless there's an All-in, Dealer shouldn't be counting stacks either. Yeah, its Dealer's job to "run the game", not help you make a decision.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 12:58 AM
You wont hate card protectors when a dealer mucks your unprotected hand !!! They are used for a reason.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBroke
Ohhh ok, then ill ask the dealer for a count of their stack.
You have been greatly misinformed about the rules of poker.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
Well actually you still didn;t need to get a card protector, you actually posted the answer yourself. Unless you don't have hands you have built in card protectors.
Sure, but when you have big hands like I do, it's difficult to keep your hands on the cards without obscuring some of your chips, and there isn't a lot of space on the felt anyway. I don't carry anything fancy as a chip protector and usually just use one of those oversize gold $1 tokens from some random casino that will never be confused with a chip, but I certainly find it far more convenient and comfortable to have something on the cards than to constantly keep my hands on my cards. Actually, in general I don't like having my hands on the felt in case someone tries to argue I checked because my hand made some tiny, barely perceptible movement.

I do agree though that chips shouldn't be allowed as card protectors unless it's a chip that obviously isn't in play because it looks nothing like that casino's chip.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBroke
Ohhh ok, then ill ask the dealer for a count of their stack. They dont need to say anything. Its the dealers job to run the game essentially.
Do you really believe the dealer will count their stack ( or should) if you ask?
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBroke
Ohhh ok, then ill ask the dealer for a count of their stack. They dont need to say anything. Its the dealers job to run the game essentially.
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Unless there's an All-in, Dealer shouldn't be counting stacks either. Yeah, its Dealer's job to "run the game", not help you make a decision.
Dealers should never counts players' stacks. If there's an all in, the dealer can count it because an all in is a bet or raise.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
As long as it doesn't look like a chip in play then I don't see the problem. If this is a 1/2 game then villain deserves a smack in the head for thinking someone's going to have a black chip in their stack.
Where I play it's not uncommon to see black chips in the 1/2 game. There's usually several floating around the table.

Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by klezmaniac
Where I play it's not uncommon to see black chips in the 1/2 game. There's usually several floating around the table.

That is really bizarre! I wonder why that is. Do people go up to the cage and say "I'll take $100 red... and gimme a black because it looks cool"? Or does your casino have some sort of high hand jackpot and people just add that to their stacks if they win it?
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
That is really bizarre! I wonder why that is. Do people go up to the cage and say "I'll take $100 red... and gimme a black because it looks cool"? Or does your casino have some sort of high hand jackpot and people just add that to their stacks if they win it?
My guess is that when people leave they just chip up to blacks rather than cash if they're coming back soon so they don't have to wait in line at the cashier when they return (the line can suck). When they sit with the blacks chips, someone is usually happy to trade a stack of red or some green for them.

A lot of green chips play in this game, as well.

Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
That is really bizarre! I wonder why that is. Do people go up to the cage and say "I'll take $100 red... and gimme a black because it looks cool"? Or does your casino have some sort of high hand jackpot and people just add that to their stacks if they win it?
I suppose some players think it looks cool, but they do bounce back and forth between 1/2 and 2/5 (and other games), may also color up when they go for a meal, or they come to poker from playing table games. But I have regularly seen $100 chips at 1/2, and $500 and (rarely) $1000 chips at 2/5.
It pays to check or ask.
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
That is really bizarre! I wonder why that is. Do people go up to the cage and say "I'll take $100 red... and gimme a black because it looks cool"? Or does your casino have some sort of high hand jackpot and people just add that to their stacks if they win it?
Sometimes players ask for blacks when they hit 10 or 15 stacks of red.

Sometimes players get $200 or $300 in red to buy in and ask for a couple blacks to put in their pocket for rebuys.

Sometimes players are coming from pit games and bring their craps colorup with 'em to the poker table to play, so they sit with $20 in red, $50 in green, and two blacks. And we definitely don't want to inconvenience these sorts of players by asking 'em to color down their blacks--nono, please, DO sit down at the open seat, and sorry, the cap is $300 so you'll have to wait to put those yellow $1000 chips into play (but keep 'em handy).
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-25-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by DCJ001
Dealers should never counts players' stacks. If there's an all in, the dealer can count it because an all in is a bet or raise.

How about if they are dealing in my room which has a rulebook which says otherwise?
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-26-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
That is really bizarre! I wonder why that is. Do people go up to the cage and say "I'll take $100 red... and gimme a black because it looks cool"? Or does your casino have some sort of high hand jackpot and people just add that to their stacks if they win it?
I don't even understand why you would think that's bizarre. I buy in for three stacks of red at my $1/2 game and keep the rest in greens and blacks. If I got my whole $800 or whatever from the cage in reds, I'd have to wear cargo pants to hold them, and it'd be pretty uncomfortable.

It's actually bizarre not to have blacks (or greens) if you have much more than the max buyin in chips. Why not carry all whites if you're into punishing yourself like that?

Blacks are fairly common at $1/2 games in the Connecticut casinos.

Originally Posted by psandman
How about if they are dealing in my room which has a rulebook which says otherwise?
I'm curious: how common are those rooms in your experience? Which way does the rule usually swing?
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
10-26-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa

I'm curious: how common are those rooms in your experience? Which way does the rule usually swing?
I don't know what most rooms rules are. Of all the rooms I have worked in this is the only room I have seen that has a rule in the rulebook that addresses the issue. In another room I had a floorman tell me he would not have the dealer count the chips but would require the owner of the stack to count it (and throw him out of the room if he refused) - but there was nothing specifically mentioned in the rule book.

I believe in No Limit a player should be entitled to a count, and that an exact count is rarely ever needed so that a player should not insist on an exact count unless he needs an exact count...

In reality my experience is that it is not a real issue. What happens is a player asks "how much?" and the owner of the chips either moves his hands so they can be, seen, gives an estimate, or counts the chips, and if he doesn't three other players at the table pipe up with an estimate and the player who asked is made happy and there is no issue .......

If a decision is needed .... it will probably vary by floor person....

(The room I deal in indicates a player is entitled to a count ..... but the dealers are instructed only to count the stack if the owner refuses to do it, and then if we count it we are supposed to get the owner of the stack to verify the count.)
Weird Complaint - Chip as Card Protector Quote
