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Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander

10-31-2013 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by <"))))><
He's just a clueless fish. We know that as much by how he talks as by how he plays. Why would you even bother trying to analyse his play here?
The point is that if someone made a thread every time someone made a 4 BB mistake in poker the forums would be unreadable.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 07:37 AM

pffft. shhh
this is definitely thread worthy.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 01:26 PM
ITT: people who can't do math.

Or, more accurately, fish berating fish.

Last edited by zizek; 10-31-2013 at 01:32 PM.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
The guy's pushing his 60th hour of poker in the last week and makes a call which, cEV-wise, is probably less spewy than some of the FPS dumb **** many of the "pros" did (which is often praised as great when it just happens to work). He's not a professional, he's certainly not conditioned to playing poker on this kind of a schedule, and it's not even that bad. Who cares.
Hey Alex, it is THAT bad. It really is
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Hey Alex, it is THAT bad. It really is
His name is James. Feel free to scroll up to the part where I do the equity calculation (with a much tighter range than actually could be profitably shipped here) and show that it's really not.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
His name is James. Feel free to scroll up to the part where I do the equity calculation (with a much tighter range than actually could be profitably shipped here) and show that it's really not.
Yeah? James Alexander. I've been reading the thread, I know his name.


You said what he did "wasn't even that bad", and it clearly is. Clearly. Oh so clear.
so in regards to your equity calculations it's probably best I don't take your poker advice.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by JoeDiego
He called an UTG 12bb shove (Coleman ) with J9o in UTG+1. He raise/called 20bb shoves twice with Ace 2. He open shoved 40bbs UTG multiple times. He lost his mind.
Refute that mr equity man
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Yeah? James Alexander. I've been reading the thread, I know his name.


You said what he did "wasn't even that bad", and it clearly is. Clearly. Oh so clear.
so in regards to your equity calculations it's probably best I don't take your poker advice.
"Profitably shipped" obviously refers to the person who actually shipped all in, not James, who was calling the all in. I don't need to worry about you taking my advice because I don't think you have the necessary reading comprehension to even understand what I'm saying. I never said it wasn't a mistake, I said it was a completely irrelevant hand played in a tournament awash with mistakes.

Refute that mr equity man
Refute what? That he played badly throughout the tournament? I certainly don't doubt it. This thread isn't about that. If the thread was "let's bash fish who squandered their run good" then the title would go to that AJ Jejelow guy, with Morgenstern not far behind. This may surprise you but the WSOP is open to anyone who wants to buy in. Unsurprisingly that means that not everyone plays has spent the last 4 years 20 tabling 70 hours a week.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 03:01 PM
Why are you talking to me like I'm clueless about poker. I meant that James Alexander isn't sitting there questioning whether ANY plays are profitable, the thought "is this profitable" is something he wouldn't even be questioning. You can see the "eh, **** it, I call" written all over his face everytime he does anything. He's just pure gambling, eg "I have an ace. I hope I hit an ace". What's worse is that his donk brother even knew he made a terrible move.

When his brother said to stop raising he responded "yeah I almost shoved pre but it would've been the same thing". So yes... He was thinking of just shipping the A2o. How are you even here defending his play? Haha
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 03:03 PM
Also lol at you calling morgenstern a fish.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Why are you talking to me like I'm clueless about poker. I meant that James Alexander isn't sitting there questioning whether ANY plays are profitable, the thought "is this profitable" is something he wouldn't even be questioning. You can see the "eh, **** it, I call" written all over his face everytime he does anything. He's just pure gambling, eg "I have an ace. I hope I hit an ace". What's worse is that his donk brother even knew he made a terrible move.

When his brother said to stop raising he responded "yeah I almost shoved pre but it would've been the same thing". So yes... He was thinking of just shipping the A2o. How are you even here defending his play? Haha
For being so transfixed on my use of the word 'profitably', you still don't seem to understand how I used it even after I clarified it. I'll make it reeeally easy for you:

Feel free to scroll up to the part where I do the equity calculation (with a much tighter range than actually could be profitably shipped here)
James doesn't have a range in this context. His hand is A2. So when you assign a range in an equity calculation, you do it for the OTHER PLAYER, and the range I used (8%) is much tighter than the entire range of hands that COULD BE profitably shoved in this spot. The weakest hand I used (88) was one notch below what the guy actually had. In other words, James probably has more equity in this spot, but I was being generous for the sake of argument.

Also lol at you calling morgenstern a fish.
And why is that? Because he's young? There can't be 22 year old fish? 5-betting 87o and stacking off the AJ when his hand was basically face up were mistakes that were magnitudes worse than this hand.

Last edited by zizek; 10-31-2013 at 03:32 PM.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
For being so transfixed on my use of the word 'profitably', you still don't seem to understand how I used it even after I clarified it. I'll make it reeeally easy for you:

James doesn't have a range in this context. His hand is A2. So when you assign a range in an equity calculation, you do it for the OTHER PLAYER, and the range I used (8%) is much tighter than the entire range of hands that COULD BE profitably shoved in this spot. The weakest hand I used (88) was one notch below what the guy actually had. In other words, James probably has more equity in this spot, but I was being generous for the sake of argument.

And why is that? Because he's young? There can't be 22 year old fish? 5-betting 87o and stacking off the AJ when his hand was basically face up were mistakes that were magnitudes worse than this hand.

What are you on about?
I'm simply saying that James doesn't think in terms of "is this profitable or not" when he is playing ANY hand. That's it.

Why are you so stuck on this "profitability" comment?
I wouldn't be commenting if I didn't understand what you were trying to say.
I know how to assign a range in an equity calculation. You obviously do too, but you don't see me swinging my dick around making sure everyone in the thread knows about it.

It's A2. let it go man. press the fold button.

And as for Morgenstern, I'll just say it again because I can't even be bothered talking about it anymore
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
What are you on about?
I'm simply saying that James doesn't think in terms of "is this profitable or not" when he is playing ANY hand. That's it.

Why are you so stuck on this "profitability" comment?
Your exact quote:

Now you're trying to save face because after the second attempt to point out your lack of reading comprehension, you realized you were wrong.

I wouldn't be commenting if I didn't understand what you were trying to say.
You are though.

I know how to assign a range in an equity calculation. You obviously do too, but you don't see me swinging my dick around making sure everyone in the thread knows about it.
Who said anything about dick waving? It's fifth grade math and six keystrokes into Pokerstove.

And as for Morgenstern, I'll just say it again because I can't even be bothered talking about it anymore
And again, I'll say the only reason you think that is because he's a young white guy. He tilted harder than anyone- most people who tilt only tilt when they're losing, but Morgenstern is a bipolar tilter. 5-betting 87o against an early position raise is not a defensible play, the only reason he made it is because he was winning and thought it couldn't stop. And then when he realized that wasn't the case, he started tilting the other way to recoup his stack.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 04:50 PM
Ok guys he uses poker stove. Y'all get that? In b4 he mentions flopzilla in next post

And, no I didnt realize I was wrong.
If you took time to read the part of what I said that you quoted you'd realize that I said "HIS MOVES". Not his "move". Or "his A2".
It was a statement about his play in general and a LOL at the fact that were talking about equity and profitability and ranges in a hand involving JAMES ALEXANDER AND A2o. Read better.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 04:53 PM
Saying that he was 5b the 87o because he was getting lucky and thought it wouldn't stop implies that you think he's playing the 87o for it's hand value and for getting lucky on a flop. He was clearly making a move against another Agro big stack and I'm sure if the move worked and Loosli folded QQ or something everyone would be frothing at the mouth saying what a beast he is. Which he is. He's a great player.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Saying that he was 5b the 87o because he was getting lucky and thought it wouldn't stop implies that you think he's playing the 87o for it's hand value and for getting lucky on a flop. He was clearly making a move against another Agro big stack and I'm sure if the move worked and Loosli folded QQ or something everyone would be frothing at the mouth saying what a beast he is. Which he is. He's a great player.
No, actually. I think trying to get anyone to fold QQ preflop is ******ed.

The guy's pushing his 60th hour of poker in the last week and makes a call which, cEV-wise, is probably less spewy than some of the FPS dumb **** many of the "pros" did (which is often praised as great when it just happens to work)
I don't know how I implied anything about getting lucky after the flop. The lucky outcome in this context is that Loosli is somehow 4-bet bluffing which is itself the random outcome because the play doesn't come anywhere even close to logical if he's trying to fold out Loosli's early position open + value 4-betting range. The only way it makes a modicum of sense is if he thinks Loosli is 4-bet bluffing.

I have no idea why you think he's a "great player". You need new poker role models or something. You seem to think LAG is synonymous with great, that the barrier between you and the high stakes MTT circuit is senseless aggression. That's the difference between Morgenstern and say, Greg Merson, that Morgenstern would never be able to come back from losing 90%~ of his stack on day 5. His post-flop skills are also quite awful, I mentioned how badly he played the AJ hand, but I remember another hand where he raised a limper with AK and then jammed QJx in position which is basically the absolute worst texture given that all lower pairs probably just get it in pre-flop at that stack size. Since I don't remember the exact stack sizes I won't say for sure, but Morgenstern was absolutely awful.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 05:16 PM
Just shut up man, your ruining the thread. Go check out some more A2o stuff with stove
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Just shut up man, your ruining the thread. Go check out some more A2o stuff with stove
Ruining what? Let's bash people for mistakes I understand and praise the ones I don't?
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
10-31-2013 , 05:39 PM
The fact that you actually sound like you have a clue about poker makes this all the more puzzling. When you watched the hand and read the thread, I just have no idea why you thought you needed to do an equity calculation and say "it wasn't even that bad". I just don't get it, at all.

This hand is 100% thread worthy. End of story.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-01-2013 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
If the thread was "let's bash fish who squandered their run good" then the title would go to that AJ Jejelow guy.
Wait what?
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-01-2013 , 02:23 PM
A2 is a bad bad hand in any other position apart from a blind steal. The implied -ve equity is massive. You never,ever call a raise with that hand in the late stage of a 6000+ player tournament. / the end my friend
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-01-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by JoeDiego
Bad players can get unlucky? He still had a comfortably above average stack.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-02-2013 , 05:23 PM
Well show me or tell me a hand that shows him making a mistake that "squandered his run good".

Or were you just spouting randomness hoping to get it through?
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-02-2013 , 05:23 PM
He is making us Texans look bad. He's terrible.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
11-02-2013 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by JoeDiego
Well show me or tell me a hand that shows him making a mistake that "squandered his run good".

Or were you just spouting randomness hoping to get it through?
I was spouting randomness hoping to get it through. Whatever that means.
Very questionable call with A2o from Alexander Quote
