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Unethical to offer a check down ? Unethical to offer a check down ?

09-16-2010 , 11:10 AM
just another example of people who have never played serious poker for real money not understanding table ethics.

I have seen players who are friendly with each other check it down on countless occasions, mostly because for some reason they didnt want to win money from each other. It stinks because I or other players at the same table wouldnt receive the same courtesy. In essence they are playing one less opponent than everyone else. it shouldnt be allowed, but what I find funny is that they could agree to cheat and then just do it and noone would say a word, yet they are so clueless they actually verbalize "Hey, let's cheat in this hand" and noone is smart enough to do anything about it.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-16-2010 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by ghostofbretmaverik
lol....numbnutz....if someone folds, thats correct, nothing further applies to them.

Okay, so if we get heads up, and since "anything goes", how about I just reach out real quick, and if any of the other players happen to blink, they will miss it, when I just cold-**** you up side the head and knock you da *** out?
Then since you are out cold, you won't have any objections when I just reach over and take all your chips.
Folded player 1: Hey, you knocked numbnutz the *** out!
Folded player 2: Yeah, he got knocked the *** out!
Me: Quiet, you guys folded. This is between numbnutz and me.
You: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hey, it's heads up and anything goes, right? LOL
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-16-2010 , 12:10 PM
This probably isn't the best way to look at it, but I have no problem with people checking it down in a cash game, but think it is unethical if it happens in a tourney.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-16-2010 , 01:33 PM
some house rules specifically say to cannot make deals...such as checking it down. I wouls also say besides violating the rules it is unethical
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:57 PM
Had a situation like this @ Belterra and called the floor, two players in seats 8 & 9 doing it more than once (in 10 minutes) after betting out players in early positions. Protested to the dealer: "Huh, wha?" *drops redbird*

Called for the floor, got no support. Definitely unethical, not against the rules there, though.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
This thread will no doubt generate lots of heated debate, but very little of it will discuss JUST PLAYING YOUR DAMN HAND FOR A CHANGE and skipping the whole drama queen slick deal making tv poker wannabe nonsense...
the drama queens are the ones who make a big deal out of things like this. guys who regularly try to check down are horrible players in my experience. i wouldnt want to say anything that could make them intimidated to play against me in the future.

if 2 guys have a running agreement (official or implied) to softplay each other, they're unlikely to verbalize it. "wanna check down?" from one fish to another is so inoffensive and unimportant.

edit: wouldn't have bothered bumping this if I realized I was on page 2. sorry
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
The problem with allowing "check it down" agreements is that they are low level cheating.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 05:32 PM
I call the floor if someone does this more than once in a session.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 05:38 PM
You should have said "I will check it down"

not, "wait wait, I will check it down"

but you shouldn't say that anyway.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 06:36 PM
I am finding this topic very interesting and I was wondering for those of you who are opposed to a heads up "check it down" situation, are you also against chopping blinds?
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-17-2010 , 09:53 PM
I'm not sure what this has to do w/chopping blinds, as there's no action before implied in chopping blinds.

Chopping is usually a no-look "let's just come out even" move. I'd probably encourage it in a raked room.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by 7'd-by-9's
I am finding this topic very interesting and I was wondering for those of you who are opposed to a heads up "check it down" situation, are you also against chopping blinds?
The answer is no. The difference is that the person who didn't bet isn't out any money. If someone limps, then pulls his bet back, the result isn't any different than if he folded.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
10-08-2010 , 04:52 PM
Just from a verbal distinction I do believe that there is a strong difference between verbally declaring:

"I'm going to check it down."

and looking at another player or player(s) and attempting to come to some kind of an agreement about checking it down.

Of course, this opens you up to being angle shot by someone checking with you on the turn, then betting when you check the river, but that's within their right.
Unethical to offer a check down ? Quote
