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Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not?

09-01-2011 , 12:26 PM
Mohegan Sun $1/$1

Incident 1:

Player A raises to $5
Player B raises to $15
Player A shoves for $39
Player B calls

Player A: KT
Player B: AJ

Board: 3 4 7 K 2

The cards were turned face up before the community cards were dealt. Once the king hit and there was no Ace on the river the pot started to get pushed to Player B. Player A turned his hand face down and it was about 3 inches from the muck, but not touching it. A third player tells Player B that he has a flush. Player B turns his hand back face up and the dealer reships the pot to Player B for his flush. Player A is furious and believes B's hand should be dead.

Incident 2:
Same Player A, different Player B

Pot gets limped around 5 ways

Flop: 3 4 7

Player B leads from SB for 3$
Player A raises to 13$

Player A then leaves the table to give the poker host his player's club card that wasn't allowing him to sign in.

The dealer looks over her shoulder, doesn't see Player A in sight and mucks his cards before Player B responds to the raise (it got folded around).

After Player A expresses his frustration the floorman tells Player B to give Player A his 13$ raise from the flop back and the next hand is dealt (Player A says he had 33).

Were these incidents handled correctly? I personally think they were both botched badly.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 12:36 PM
#1. Best tabled hand wins. Flush wins.

#2. Can live with it. Player A is an idiot for leaving the table in the middle of a hand, but the Dealer should not have mucked the hand (unless Player B raises and A is not there to respond). Since Player B never called the raise, you can argue that he is not entitled to it.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 12:40 PM
[As an aside, you have Players A and B mixed up in your description in #1.]

1 is right. Both hands were tabled properly. Neither can be mucked into losing (and in this case neither was mucked anyway). All players are responsible for making sure the best tabled hand wins. Player B made the best hand, and was pushed the pot.

2 is wrong. Refunding money only happens when the deck is fouled. Player A did not protect his hand, and it got mucked. As a practical matter, since there was no other action and the player had a decent reason for acting as he did, refunding his $ is a minor error and may be in the best interest of the game in the floor's discretion. Dealer may also need a talk - mucking a hand that has a bet in front of it (particularly when it's the largest bet out there) shouldn't really be done without certainty that it is the correct thing to do.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:25 PM
Player A just sounds like a total idiot and generally bad for the game. If his fuss over hand #1 lasts more than five seconds, I'd have him leave for the night. His decision to leave the table during hand #2 was just stupid.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:39 PM
If a guy can't handle:

1. Best tabled hand wins
2. Don't leave the table during the middle of a hand you're in

Then Player A should be asked to pay attention or penalty/leave. I know it sounds extreme, but someone that blatantly stupid is effecting the game for everyone. And it's not like he's some whale you want around at all costs (39bb in $1/$1 lol)
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by dalopper
Mohegan Sun $1/$1

Incident 1:

Player A raises to $5
Player B raises to $15
Player A shoves for $39
Player B calls

Player A: KT
Player B: AJ

Board: 3 4 7 K 2

The cards were turned face up before the community cards were dealt. Once the king hit and there was no Ace on the river the pot started to get pushed to Player B. Player A turned his hand face down and it was about 3 inches from the muck, but not touching it. A third player tells Player B that he has a flush. Player B turns his hand back face up and the dealer reships the pot to Player B for his flush. Player A is furious and believes B's hand should be dead.

Incident 2:
Same Player A, different Player B

Pot gets limped around 5 ways

Flop: 3 4 7

Player B leads from SB for 3$
Player A raises to 13$

Player A then leaves the table to give the poker host his player's club card that wasn't allowing him to sign in.

The dealer looks over her shoulder, doesn't see Player A in sight and mucks his cards before Player B responds to the raise (it got folded around).

After Player A expresses his frustration the floorman tells Player B to give Player A his 13$ raise from the flop back and the next hand is dealt (Player A says he had 33).

Were these incidents handled correctly? I personally think they were both botched badly.

Incident 1. I'm thinking you might be fairly new to the game so asking these type of questions is understandable. I hope you did not get upset with the personnel or player in this decision. This is something that is very common and happens all the time. Anytime players table there hand it does not matter from that point on what they think they have. Even if the dealer agrees and ships to the player and another player catches the mistake, the pot must be returned and shipped to the correct winning hand.

Incident 2. This looks to be the best ruling also. Why do you think this to be botched? Player A made a bet ($13) and nobody called it therefore player A gets the money back. Also player A never protected his cards. Pretty much doesn't matter if he is at the table or not. If you don't protect your hand and its mucked your out of luck. Always protect your hand in poker by putting a player card protector on top of your cards. And try not to leave your seat in the middle of a hand. Only bad things can happen to you when you do this.

What would of made this incident 2 more interesting is what the ruling would of been if the hand was protected.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by FLHE
If a guy can't handle:

1. Best tabled hand wins
2. Don't leave the table during the middle of a hand you're in

Then Player A should be asked to pay attention or penalty/leave. I know it sounds extreme, but someone that blatantly stupid is effecting the game for everyone. And it's not like he's some whale you want around at all costs (39bb in $1/$1 lol)
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
+ the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
Totally wrong.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
Absolutely incorrect
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Buckeyes
What would of made this incident 2 more interesting is what the ruling would of been if the hand was protected.
An abandoned hand with a chip on it is still an abandoned hand. Leaving the table = the opposite of protecting your hand.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 09:37 PM
Would be nice if anyone actually looked at the rules of the room in question.

Hand 1:
Originally Posted by Mohegan Sun's Rule Book, Page 10
3. A hand that has been placed face-up on the table and properly identified, is a live hand even if the dealer collects the hand in error.
In this case, the hand was placed face up. Player with the flush wins the hand. The player that brought up the mistake was correct in doing so.

Originally Posted by Mohegan Sun's Rule Book, Page 2
13. Players should speak up and assist the dealer by calling attention to an error in the amount of a bet or improper reading of a hand.
Hand 2:
Originally Posted by Mohegan Sun's Rule Book, Page 10
A player who fails to take reasonable means to protect their hand shall have no redress if their hand becomes fouled or the dealer accidentally collects the hand.

1. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that their hand has lost to all other hands at the table before discarding the hand.

2. A player who leaves the table without comment and has an unprotected hand is assumed to have no interest in the pot, and his hand will be mucked.
Too bad, so sad. The guy who left should lose the bet and the pot. The floors at MS too often try to split the difference in these situations.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-01-2011 , 11:35 PM
Those rules agree with what most people have said.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-02-2011 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
I have to take time here to point out how incredibly wrong this poster is.

If a player sees a mistake about to be made, they have an obligation to speak up about it.
First, the hand was tabled, CARDS SPEAK, the hand is an obvious winning hand so it cannot be killed. Even if it were buried deep in the muck, if the table saw the Ace of diamonds to match the 4 diamonds on the board, that hand is the winner.

This is poker 101, cards speak and the best hand is SUPPOSE to win the pot.

SirRawrsALot, we talk about playing poker here, not Gotcha!
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-02-2011 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
I am constantly correcting the dealer... to a fault. Sometimes I misread the hand and am wrong. If I think a correction is needed, I speak up. Hopefully since we both are in Colorado, we will be at the same table and my actions will put you on tilt.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-02-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This + the third player from hand 1 (who informed player B that he had a flush) get a KITN. If you aren't in the hand, STFU.
Prior to the showdown you are absolutely right on the STFU. After the showdown you are totally wrong and obviously a total amateur. Don't , for your own sake, say STFU live to people you don't know, concerning a rule you have no correct idea about. CARDS PLAY THEMSELVES is a basic rule of live poker!
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
09-02-2011 , 01:14 PM
Kudos to Venice for finding the rulebook for MSun.
I play there in the summer when back east- and can see where the floor may have summoned a player in the middle of a hand. Sure, they shouldn't, and the player should ignore pretty much anything until he's out of a hand. Let's remember MSun is "fairly" new in returning to poker, and not everybody there is top-notch. (assuming this is CT) ( Pocono MSun is a lot worse, being much newer) Now, I don't want to flame MS here, they have been a great benefit to CT players, giving FXw some competition and therefore adding benfits to the payers. Both ruling were correct, even tho the 2nd one could be awkward.
Two Rulings from Live Cash Game, Correct or Not? Quote
