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TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8.

12-19-2016 , 03:16 PM
Thank heaven for o/8 tables. They're like fly paper for the nits.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-20-2016 , 03:19 AM
imagine that it is possible to play poker and have fun at the same time.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-20-2016 , 02:18 PM
They are most likely not there for the social interaction.... I was told by one of them they are old they dont like to talk. it is a relatively quiet game. some bring books, others are watching stuff on their phones. the rules i care about are collusion, soft play, cheating, stuff like that, basically anything that gives someone an unfair advantage. If being a rules nit is asking for a fair game, then yes i am.

Originally Posted by dinesh
if every other player thinks you are being overly nitty, then you probably are not doing yourself any favors, whether or not you are technically in the wrong. especially at the lower limits, other players may be there for the social atmosphere and interaction, not to maximize their winrate, and you being a rules nit may give them agita about it.

but if you are internally wired so that you have to report every little thing, then have at it. just don't be surprised if the other players turn against you, or if they lobby the room to bar you in order to improve the experience for everyone else.

as for your last question, if you have the nut nut, then you have the nut nut. i'm not sure how that would be an etiquette violation, unless you had misdeclared it somehow and it wasn't the nut in one or both ways.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-20-2016 , 03:20 PM
one needs to go and play higher stakes if he doesnt want soft play,, showing cards, checking it down, etc. that is all part of small stakes live play where only those except for a select few are there for just entertainment.

you heard the saying when in rome do as the romans do. it means just go along with the customs of the game. and you will find you actually do win faster. no one is benefiting by this so called cheating.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-20-2016 , 07:48 PM
wish there was a higher stakes game... playing an omaha promo and that is the biggest game in stations system.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-21-2016 , 05:35 PM
If players are showing cards to somebody with a live hand, or talking about cards they folded where somebody with a live hand could possibly hear, that is worth complaining about. But if somebody checks behind to spare his friend from losing a bet, or gives a bet back, how can that impact YOU? Don't worry about those things.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-22-2016 , 02:07 PM
I wish I had that advantage knowing i could chase a draw and if i miss i get my bet back and if i hit i get the pot.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-22-2016 , 04:10 PM
I'm with you about compaining about things like showing cards to live players and giving back the last bet (I haven't seen that in ages.

When other players use the excuse "We are just having fun..." My answer is always .... why is it less fun to wait till after the hand to tell everybody what you folded? The truth is the answer is .... rules are no fun to them and they don;t want to have to obey them.....

But at some point you have to ask yourself as a player .... why am I putting myself through all this aggravation with these players ... It may be best to just not play.....
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-22-2016 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
But if somebody checks behind to spare his friend from losing a bet, or gives a bet back, how can that impact YOU? Don't worry about those things.
If it only happens once .... hey thats not an issue. But it doesn't happen that way. The layers wh do this sort of thing do it amongst themselves all the time. It becomes an informal agreement. Which means they know that if they can get the pot heads up they won;t have t face another bet, or if there buddy wins they are getting back the bet that last call. Just maybe you don't want that player calling ...
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-22-2016 , 11:44 PM
of course if they are using that to make financial gain then you shut them down.

but almost all times its people just playing low stakes for fun and thats fun for them. and they usually lose too fast and this in their mind helps them lose slower. so maybe let them play and lose just a little slower.

i play in a fairly large action game where many check it down, some dont bet the nuts on the end as they have won enough on the pot. when the pot is big enough many will agree to stop the betting, some dont check raise each other. and on and on.
it isnt cheating its their way of playing and having a good time. in a casino there are other games to go to if you dont like it.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-23-2016 , 12:44 PM
What promotion could possibly be worth sitting in a 4/8 Omaha H/L game for 100 hours over 10 weeks where you don't get along with the regulars and you don't agree in the manner in which the rules are enforced?

IMO you should find a different game or modify your behavior. You are the outsider and you seem to be making waves that are unwelcome.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-23-2016 , 02:13 PM
a promotion that is worth at the minumum 4-5$ an hour plus a chance at a 5k score...

1/3 of qualifying players get a minimum of 50 a week (max 500, 50 players given out 8500 a week), dbl prize if in a game at time of drawing... and a freeroll at end where 50% get paid, min payout $100, im guessing top 9 will chop 5k each)
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-23-2016 , 06:00 PM
That does sound like a good promotion. Is it only for Omaha?

What do you think about my statement re: modifying your behavior and going with the flow?
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-24-2016 , 02:52 PM
maybe i go too far nitty sometimes. but if the dealer is not doing their job to prevent collusion I am going to speak up and say something. These players know that if they are headsup with so and so it will get checked down or they will get their bet back, that is a huge advantage. Most of these players have no idea how to play omaha 8 (totally not what i was expecting, i was expecting no one to play a hand without a2 or a3 in it, it is common for 6 or 7 to see a flop and still see an ace on the flop)
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-24-2016 , 08:18 PM
So you are playing in a soft low stakes game, grinding for a promo and winning as well. I can assure you that any EV you think you are losing to their soft play is less than what you are losing with your behavior.

You are giving the players incentive to play better against you because you are rocking the boat and agitating them.

Being friendly and likable is a key trait in most good live players. Works out well in life in general also. You have 10 weeks I would suggest trying this approach before it's too late.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-24-2016 , 09:05 PM
Once heard a salesman describe his job as, "People LOVE to give money to their friends."

Try that. You might like it!
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-24-2016 , 11:22 PM
YUP to the above posts.

Also, this OP's post history isn't irrelevant here. He thinks it is against policy in his room for a dealer to tell a player the amount of the all-in bet he is facing.

So either he is playing in the most insane, sideways room where nothing we say can hope to be relevant anyway (or OP will handwave it away) OR our narrator is has shown himself to be unreliable and we are only seeing a fraction of the picture.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 02:21 PM
once it is bet, a dealer can tell the player how much it is, if asked. A dealer should not volunteer the amount. That is pretty standard.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by TS2
once it is bet, a dealer can tell the player how much it is, if asked. A dealer should not volunteer the amount. That is pretty standard.
Originally Posted by TS2
rules vary... in my Las Vegas room dealer is not allowed to count theamount of the all in bet

lmfao you're amazing.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 05:37 PM
OP is not entirely unreasonable but I think he has little appreciation for how much his insistence on a strict compliance w/ rules can turn a good game into a bad one.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 06:20 PM
I'm absolutely disgusted at the majority of the responses here. OP may be a nit but the rules he is talking about here are fundamental to the play of the game. And the amount of people here who think that it should be let go simply because its a social game amazes me.

Its not a social game. Its a game being conducted in a public cardroom. The players may be there for social purposes but that doesn't convert this to a game at a kitchen table.

If we should overlook rules like showing your cards to another player with an active hand, telling your neighbor what you folded, and making agreements to give back bets or soft play exactly what rules should be enforced?

I get that being overly nitty can hurt a players EV in a game .... but we aren't talking about a player throwing a tantrum because someone asked a question out of turn. We are talking about complaints that go to the very integrity of the game.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 07:19 PM
the players are there to have fun, the op is there to grind them and the promotion. nothing wrong with that as its a public casino.
but his ev is greater if he leaves the status quo alone and just fits in and wins the money enjoyably. isnt that he is there for.
its small stakes not a big game so people react differently. as they feel you are crashing their party.

if you want play by enforcing the rules or more strict playing get into a high stakes game.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
the players are there to have fun, the op is there to grind them and the promotion. nothing wrong with that as its a public casino.
but his ev is greater if he leaves the status quo alone and just fits in and wins the money enjoyably. isnt that he is there for.
its small stakes not a big game so people react differently. as they feel you are crashing their party.

if you want play by enforcing the rules or more strict playing get into a high stakes game.
So as far as you are concerned there should be no rules enforced in low limit poker? Or is there some rule that should be enforced?
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 07:28 PM
You don't get it. It's a small stakes game and nobody is cheating it w/ the intention of making a killing. OP can still grind it profitably. Or, if he were multiplied by 10,000, he'd maybe kill off all of the action or the game itself all by himself. The ppl saying this have been there, done that, read what you have to say and are still telling you this.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
12-25-2016 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
You don't get it. It's a small stakes game and nobody is cheating it w/ the intention of making a killing. OP can still grind it profitably. Or, if he were multiplied by 10,000, he'd maybe kill off all of the action or the game itself all by himself. The ppl saying this have been there, done that, read what you have to say and are still telling you this.
I get what you are saying and I still think it's horrible. When I play I play for fun. I'm not even trying to grind out a small profit. If I wingreat. If I lose hey that's the price of entertainment. But dammit I still expect the game to be on the up and up. Because it's not fun for me to play the game with people who aren't playing by the rules. I can overlook a little bit especially if it's short term ..... but he is describing consistent pervasive breaking of the most basic rules.
TS2 complains about his experience @ 4/8 O8. Quote
