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TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback)

04-24-2011 , 11:51 AM
(very long but interesting, would like feedback)
I gotta give the OP credit for not using the usual and customary "tl/dr" disclaimer (tho in his case, it might have been worth considering). It was also a gutsy move asking for feedback so I'm gonna oblige his request.


Your TR comes across as a whine or a rant, published under the guise of a TR. I don't think the inclusion of two hands- only one of which was played in the 10k freeroll- gives you a pass in this regard. My final answer: thread title is misleading.

Most of your readers will understand what constitutes poor behavior on the part of your companions. (And yes, I'm intentionally not referring to them as your "friends.") The running talley of each incident strikes me as overweening and unnecessary.

The usual admonishments of correct diction, punctuation, grammar and syntax apply to any TR. They are especially important when writing long TRs.

And finally, which is the real "B": the Bellagio or the Borgota?
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 12:25 PM
As we are waiting for checks I look over and see that driver is almost knodding off.
Mind you I have been in this situation before and it wasnt cool where the guy driving wouldnt let others drive his car so we can get home safely.
'm concerned for every ones safety
You're 40 years old and put yourself in a potentially fatal situation with a hotel room and a train ride in your pocket. If my 15 year old kid did that I'd ask, "WTF were you thinking?" and then ground him for a month.

Then you get in a car with a bag of pot and open bottle of wine and an impaired've got to be the single most f***ed up 40 year old I've ever heard of.

Do yourself a favor and grow the F**k up!!

Not to mention the fact that you're 40 years old and you use the word "Anyhoo". Man if I were forced to spend the day with you I'd beg the driver to ram a telephone pool.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 12:39 PM
did you make them hold your hand while you walked together? Seriously, you are grown men, why do you have to be around each other 24/7... kinda ghey
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 01:37 PM
Worst TR ever. OP is a goofball.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 03:53 PM
The other two probably couldn't handle any more time with you and wanted to get home asap.

If you aren't driving you are pretty much at the mercy of the driver. I'll only go to the casino if I drive or I know the person I'm going with well enough.

I understand that small things can add up but most of the things these guys did are far from douchy. This isn't kindergarten; you don't need to hold hands walking down the hall.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
I gotta give the OP credit for not using the usual and customary "tl/dr" disclaimer (tho in his case, it might have been worth considering). It was also a gutsy move asking for feedback so I'm gonna oblige his request.


Your TR comes across as a whine or a rant, published under the guise of a TR. I don't think the inclusion of two hands- only one of which was played in the 10k freeroll- gives you a pass in this regard. My final answer: thread title is misleading.

Most of your readers will understand what constitutes poor behavior on the part of your companions. (And yes, I'm intentionally not referring to them as your "friends.") The running talley of each incident strikes me as overweening and unnecessary.

The usual admonishments of correct diction, punctuation, grammar and syntax apply to any TR. They are especially important when writing long TRs.

And finally, which is the real "B": the Bellagio or the Borgota?
Sorry, Jonathan, but leo doc wrote the reply that was very similar to what I was going to add here (along with something similar to the "why tf did you get in the car when you could have trained/roomed it?" comments).

Effort in typing: B+

Value of "trip report": D-

Helping your rep: D-

I'll give you an extra credit point for the LOL location you're sporting....

Oh, and leo doc: it's an East Coast (Borgata) vs. Western US (Bellagio) kinda thing..
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 05:58 PM
god this was so annoying to read, it's more of a rant than a TR.

sorry but I stopped 1/4 of the way through of the complaining
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 06:35 PM
Haha I wanna cut OP some slack, I actually found his TR kinda funny. A bit confusing, but very amusing.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 06:56 PM
Frustration and anger occur when reality and expectation clash. Yeah, some of this seems sort of annoying. But you're taking a passive role in your life. If you want things to be a certain way, then step up and make it happen. Along with that comes the flexibility to consider the desires of others, and the ability to go off-script.

Can't change the past, but we can learn for the future. I'll try to help show how some of the annoyances could have been avoided. I'm not perfect; these are all hard-earned lessons. I've been fairly high-strung myself, that's how I know this stuff. If you don't feel you have room to grow, then you are forever stunted.

  1. "Wheres the other guy? We lost one" ... Mobile communication devices are essential for the hitchhiking traveler. Besides, the tournament wasn't going anywhere. You'd see him eventually anyway.

  2. Line Jumping & Not Helping You Line Jump ... Yeah it's dumb to cut, but whatever. You should be happy he didn't drag you into it, not angry that he left you out. Why frustrate yourself over not being asked to do something you didn't want to do?

  3. "I went out to the car" ... Mobile communications device. Get one and use it. Who cares if he went out to the car? Traveling with more than one person is an exercise in herding cats. Enjoy the adventure. You're on vacation, after all.

  4. "nah..I don't want to have to pay $5 for parking again.." … Why does this upset you? Why do you get to dictate where everybody eats? He's not your chauffeur. If you really want to eat at that spot, walk or take a bus.

  5. "We can go to the car, I have roast beef, yada yada you can have" … He's offering you a free meal on the spot, and a chance to relax and chatter with each other before the tourney. Sounds like fun! Are you worried that all the degenerate gamblers are going to judge you for packing a lunch?

  6. "Yo bro chill a bit, why you walking ahead of us?" "The tourney is about to start" … You're bothered that he's excited to play? I don't understand why. You have assigned seats; you don't need to walk in together.

  7. "We can get some fishing in" … Why do they have to gamble? It sounds like he had a good idea for an inexpensive way for the others to spend the day, freeing you up to gamble all you wanted. Win-win! I've made plenty of trips to Vegas with others, without compatible bankrolls. You can have fun wherever you are if you have the right attitude.

  8. Parking Lot Piss … Yeah, this is sort of silly, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were fed up with all your anxiety up until this point. Your response certainly didn't help things. How about (said with a chuckle), "Hey dudes, are you serious? Bathroom right over there at Showboat. I'll wait for you inside, ya degens."

  9. No Tip … I agree, this was incredibly douchey of YOU not to offer to pick up the tip. Someone buys the meal, you get the tip. That's how it works. And you're upset that he made the rather reasonable stipulation that you were on your own for booze? It seems like you've never dined with others in your 40 years. This is all incredibly standard and expected. YOU were the douche in this one.

  10. No Tip … Uh, wasn't this the same as #9? I think it boils down to this: "What do these people think about me now?" You're so concerned with how you appear that you don't realize how you appear.

  11. Ride Home … I agree, this wasn't so great, but considering your inability to recognize the situation and manage others effectively, while also maintaining flexibility and a positive attitude, I'm not surprised they wanted to get home as quickly as possible. This is when you thank them for the ride down, book your train ticket, and enjoy a nice night's sleep. You're pretty far wired by this point; you could use it.

I think maybe your expectations for the trip were a bit disconnected from the reality of the situation. A great deal of your frustration could have been avoided entirely if you had simply let others be the people they want to be, instead of becoming upset that they're not who you want them to be.

Rather than lay things out and expect people to do everything you tell them on your schedule, why not try communicating with your travel companions while remaining open and flexible? It sounds like you could have had a great weekend, but you let yourself get in your own way. And then you went and badmouthed others to mutual friends behind their back in a public setting. Not cool, dude.

Again, I've not been the best at any of this stuff during my life, but I'm never finished learning and growing. Stay flexible, and try to see the benefit in any situation. It's a lot more fun. I hope my perspective on this can prove helpful. Remember, you asked for feedback.

Next time, take the train.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 07:01 PM
OP writes about as well as a 6 year old. and seems equally as cool to hang out with
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 07:36 PM
I read about half and couldn't read anymore. FFS you're 40 and my 11 year old cousin can write better than that. Title of thread is misleading and should be changed imo.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
04-24-2011 , 09:20 PM
I read it and lol'd all the way.
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:23 PM
wow. just wow. ill admit i laughed the whole time i was reading it, OP you have some serious issues but the things that anger you made me laugh so much.

i was directed here while reading this other thread below
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:54 PM
once you realized they were morons you should have just parted ways, slept in your room and took a train back. would have been 100x better

i dunno why i just read this whole thread lol. was hoping someone would get robbed by a bum or something
TR for my 10k freeroll on Sunday at the B..(very long but interesting, would like feedback) Quote
