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Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card

12-14-2015 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
I'm not sure from what you wrote: Do you consider showing bluffs to be needling?
Needling is one of two reasons for me to ever show a bluff.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 06:06 AM
I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the Dinesh Rule (aka SOSB) was created as an anti taunting measure. I think it was in the WSOP, maybe around the same time everyone was being obnoxious with the over the top celebrations and trash talk. I cant remember if all those restrictions came in the same year, but I think it was all part of the move to make the game appear a little more civil on TV. I'm not sure, but I think SOSB only lasted one year.

Last edited by browser2920; 12-14-2015 at 06:17 AM.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 07:13 AM
Why give it a new name? SOSB?

Maybe SOSA originally meant cards, not players.

Show one (card) show all (cards). So it's not hold-em specific.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Why give it a new name? SOSB?

Maybe SOSA originally meant cards, not players.

Show one (card) show all (cards). So it's not hold-em specific.
I've actually ran across a couple of dealers who thought this way ... they were quickly 'corrected' by the table.

In this spot here I think the best way for the dealer to handle this (unless locked into a procedure by the room) is to ask the player shown the single card which card it was and then (peel and) turn it over if stated correctly. The best way for that player to handle it is to say "I didn't look, don't know" .. and then it's over with a small warning to the 'offending' player. done. GL
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
ask the player shown the single card which card it was and then (peel and) turn it over if stated correctly.

"I didn't look, don't know"
And we should just trust that he's telling the truth? Bull.

You flash your hand to your neighbor, and someone says SOSA, both cards are getting shown.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
In this spot here I think the best way for the dealer to handle this (unless locked into a procedure by the room) is to ask the player shown the single card which card it was and then (peel and) turn it over if stated correctly.
That just adds another annoying procedure.

If a player can't show one card in a way where it's obvious for the dealer to know which card was shown, he has to deal with the dealer turning over both of them, imo.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 12:47 PM
IMHO showing one card (or both, really) to one person then trying to muck is a dick move. Not just to the person you're showing, but to the whole table dealer included. Don't be a dick and you won't have this problem.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 12:54 PM
Is it really "a dick move" to show someone an ace for top pair when an opponent hems and haws and folds their kings? I feel like this thread has gotten a little ridiculous, and this is coming from a dealer that loathes having to give the tiny extra effort of having to turn over another random card at the end of the hand when I'm gathering the cards =P
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Is it really "a dick move" to show someone an ace for top pair when an opponent hems and haws and folds their kings? I feel like this thread has gotten a little ridiculous, and this is coming from a dealer that loathes having to give the tiny extra effort of having to turn over another random card at the end of the hand when I'm gathering the cards =P
I think his point was not that showing a card is dick move.... but only showing it to one player is a dick move. And in certain games I agree. When you are on that game where you know 3 players are going to scream SOSA, then just flip it up on the table for all to see so that we can just move on.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-14-2015 , 03:01 PM
I re-read his post and you're right. I see what he was saying now. Showing one player a card and then trying to get away with not showing anyone else. Yeah.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-19-2015 , 07:25 PM
ytf having to show both if you show one is crazier than that time you thought sprite had 0 calories
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-21-2015 , 03:32 PM
i just eat the second card

SOBA my ass
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-22-2015 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Reducto
IMHO showing one card (or both, really) to one person then trying to muck is a dick move. Not just to the person you're showing, but to the whole table dealer included. Don't be a dick and you won't have this problem.

if he knows that the dealer is only supposed to show the table just the one card that he showed, he should also know he should have showed it to the rest of the table rather than mucking it and mixing it with his other card. He got what he deserved.

He freaked out because the dealer didn't follow the rule but no one freaked out when he didn't follow the rule right? **** that guy let him scream and cry all night long he sounds like a little baby.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
12-24-2015 , 07:04 PM
Some funny sh** in this thread.

1. Title says TOURNEY DEALER. Stands to reason it was a tournament, which many know may have different rules from cash games in the same room.

2. sosa was NEVER meant as a rule of show 1 card show all cards. It was meant as a show 1 person, show all players. Giving no one person more information than the rest. It was newbie's in the poker boom that thought (including managers) the meaning of the rule was cards.

3. I have never, nor will I ever, sosa as a dealer, unless ASKED by a player. The other players need to ask. I generally turbo muck, so if you want to see a shown card you best say something fast. I have no problem with it, I'm just not going to lolly gag around for someone to ask. And if I know what the card was, I'll speak it out when asked and move on to the next hand.

4. Not to be confused with a flashed card, when mucking a hand in the course of action. If a player, or I, sees a flashed card, and I can verify only said card, I will expose and announce said card exposed. *sometimes a player will say x heart, and be off a little, say a 6 not an 8. It will be exposed.

5. All rooms are different in the end. So, many will just go by what the rule is in the room. Whether it be the correct intent of the rule or not.

**edit: Forgot to mention, many rooms, in tournaments DO have the specific rule of exposing entire hand if any card is shown. Which if repetitive, can lead up to a time out penalty.
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
01-03-2016 , 09:11 AM
why get caught up in it to begin with.
if you do anything other than muck, showing one or both to a player and then get them turned by the dealer upsets you then just SIMPLY MUCK BOTH WITHOUT SHOWING ANYONE.
to waste time and hold up the game so your ego can get STROKED by showing what a SUPERSTAR you are is really worth that much to you
Tourney daler shows both of players cards after player shows opponent one card Quote
