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Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players?

09-06-2010 , 09:46 PM
Call Security.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:55 PM
Best advice, of course -- be nice, friendly and of course -- try out a couple of bluffs to see whether you get respect or action. If you get action, don't worry about it -- Most of all -- win all their chips.

If you want -- and I'm serious here -- try straddling a time or two. Of course, it's a joke at 1-2, but I find it often turns a table image around. Use judgment though -- at some tables it won't go over well, (if you really care about that).
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 01:36 AM
I tend to talk a s--load. This is to make up for the amount of folding I do (even loose poker is folding 65% of hands... thats alot of time you're not immediately making a decision.). Only impatient degens that I crush at poker are the ones who are like: "man, why don't you gamble? Let's flip for my stack."

But really, if you're raking in their chips, who gives a s--- what they're saying?
Let's face it, they're bitching 90% of the time b/c they are bad at poker and impatient. You are patient, and better then they are at poker. Smile. Take the money.

Actions to Take:
If worse comes to worse, start showing the guy next to you how card dead you are by showing him your abundance of J4/Q3/K5o hands. I love 'sharing' cards. I'll let my neighbor sweat a hand with me once in awhile (showing hole cards when the other guy is not playing), esp. if it will inspire him to do the same. Why do I do this donkalicious activity? 1) it slows down boredom 2) I get to learn how other players play 3) I get to learn how various different players think about poker (i'm always looking to learn more, maybe even a new move or two)

Play like a stud, but act like a donkey. Over time you'll eventually learn how to be profitable at the incredibly volatile loose styles in these kinds of games. Then you can really really donk it up, b/c you'll play 'like' the donkeys except that you're +EV and they're the citizens of the donation nation.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:28 AM
skimmed thru this thread so semi-grunching

talk to ur neighbors. show most of ur bluffs and almost none of your value hands. play crappy suited something-gappers in late position and show them when you win. give sarcastic strategies ("suited connectors? gotta play them!! 40% of a straight flush!!" or "flush draws are 50/50; you either hit them or you dont") but never any real strategies. winning observant players will know you're pretending to be loose but most of your winnings aren't coming from them anyways. the fishes will buy the act, hook line and sinker.

the last time i went to a cardroom i was ridiculously card dead. a fellow reg said to me "this is the most ive ever seen you fold." a dealer who know me by name commented away from the table "what happened to your loose aggressive style?" the funny thing is I play tight almost all the time. I just do small little things that make me look loose.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by FlatTireSuited
So much this. If you talk a lot, people will think you're a loose/"action" player.

Also, first impressions last a LONG time. If you sit down and quickly start doing things like opening with any two from EP for 3x the BB, 3-betting in position, some sort of decent sized bets, whatever you're comfortable with, that reputation will carry you for the entire session even if you're playing uber-nitty (as long as others who were there when you sat down stay there). Best example (I wish it was always this easy) - start of session, my first time on the button I 3-bet with 75s from the button, initial raiser called, I flopped trips and won a big pot from him and his AK (flop was K55). He remarked "wow, you must love to gamble if you raise with that crap pre"...and when I then switched to my standard fairly TAG, when I actually got into a hand with him I was crushing him, and he'd spew chips to me all the way down and at showdown say something like "oh wow, I'm so unlucky, this one time you actually had [pocket aces] [a set] [flopped the nuts], huh?", forgetting that the only time I was being an agressive gamble maniac was through the first rotation. Bad players form an initial impression of you and never change it.

Cliff notes - you play reckless for a few hands early (don't do anything really stupid, but something like a 3bet from the button one time) and that first impression will carry you for the entire night even if you're uber-nit. First impressions last a LONG time.
This too...

I used to be really nitty so I developed this strategy, it costs you a little money up front but a) stopped any comments (I used to get them alot) and b) got me paid off for the rest of the session...

I come in first hand even if I'm one off the blind (in fact better if I'm in that position).

I blind raise UTG the first orbit..

And somewhere in the first orbit I raise blind and make a BIG deal of it.. "Ok guys, to get some action going, I'm going blind... Whenever you see a white chip on my cards I've raised blind"

Then I could nit it up forever and occasionally put my white chip on my cards when I was going to play a hand and act like I was playing blind.

Problem gone.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 09:10 AM
When you've folded just make a comment at the end in good humor along the lines of "I'm itching to play but come on, that's like my 5th 93 off suit! Suit it up and I'm in."

Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 09:18 AM
i never care how anyone plays but what drives me crazy are people who are reg and just huge nits who ever 6 hours will have a hand like q6 off in the bb and bet a 457 flop show everyone and say something like "would a tight player bet that flop"
then proceed to get run over for hours
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:02 PM
The thing that amazes me when someone comments on how tight I am is how often people at the table will still pay me off.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 03:45 PM
I carry around a little whiteboard. Whenever someone criticizes my play, I whip it out, and do some mathematical calculations to show how their play style will ultimately lose to mine in the long run. I explain the concepts of equity and variance, and how although they might have deluded themselves into winning, they're more likely a small group of self-selected winners who will forever be complaining about running bad because they beat the odds and won initially and think that's their true win rate. Then, I point them towards all the best poker books so that they can go home, read, get better, and then come back and play better.

Or, sometimes, I just say that I'd love to play more but I'm card dead and ignore any other prodding.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 05:28 PM
Dont talk to them...

Dont respond...

Just stack chips every now and then...
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by WWJfergusonD
The thing that amazes me when someone comments on how tight I am is how often people at the table will still pay me off. is usually the same person who makes the comment and they will still give you action everytime you open ....
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:23 PM
Tbf if someone I was playing raised for the first time in an hour and a half and they had a decent stack, I would call with a massive range cause your implied odds of hitting are massive with their hand face up!
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-07-2010 , 10:02 PM
Try drinking. I have a high tollerance and get action all night and no lip from anyone because I can outdrink a horse and no one wants to be bluffed by a drunk.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-08-2010 , 11:59 AM
I'll ask the dealer for better cards and make a joke or two about carpal tunnel from mucking.

My bigger problem is getting bored and impatient after mucking for an hour and playing a marginal hand when I shouldn't.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
09-08-2010 , 01:53 PM
(sent from my iPhone)

Here's one way....Hero has tight image.

Live $1/$3 NL

Sb posts -$1
Bb post - $3
2 folds
MP calls $3
Hero raises to $25
Everyone folds

Hero wins $7
Hero show 2c5s

10 minutes later Hero is dealt AA in the CO.... Hero raises to $25...
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
01-06-2016 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Be nice and sociable in general. A tight player with an iPod, sunglasses, and hoodie gets a strikingly different reaction than a tight player who is boisterous while in pots, and makes jokes about raising his blinds, etc.
+10 bb/hour

No better way to scream "I'm a low stakes pro patiently waiting for top cards to play against you guys"

I see these guys all the time, usually profitable because people will always give a little action anyway but it truly shocks me these people are pros. I don't think they are really enjoying their job very much.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
01-06-2016 , 01:54 PM
you dont owe anyone an explanation. if you want to play facing your cards the wrong way and showing people your hand then that is your right to do so. So for others to sit and comment is just a waste of energy (as is taking anything they say positively or negatively to heart.) The amount you have to "deal" with comments is only to the extent that it gets through your armor. I've had people comment on my own tightish play at times and just like other banter I choose to pay them no mind. and, as others have referenced on the thread, you can always employ the Phil Laak "play tight and talk loose" strategy. good luck OP
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
01-06-2016 , 02:01 PM
As a card carrying loose player I proudly state "No chips for you" to a couple of our tight players when they open and I muck. They take it in stride because they are fine with their style and image.

'They' have a lower variance game plan and it's surprising how many players know it and still give action. I do like to chase them myself in the right situation, but it's more that I want the other Goofball's chips than theirs since I know if the Flop misses then the tight player will be folding out to my broader range.

The other day Mr. Tight limped from UTG and I looked at KK in MP. I said 'nope, not falling for it' to myself and limped ... 8 to the Flop JJ4 ... 6 ... 2 ... Flop and Turn checked around and Mr. Tight led the River for $9, which I only called (He could've had QQ) just because I wanted him to be forced to show his AA. He showed the AA and I said "great hand" as I tabled my KK.

We play amongst regs and the table went crazy (even the dealer gave me a fist pump) and a couple of guys said "no chips for you". (As he pulled in a $18 profit)

This is a pretty bad extreme case. I actually respect this player and wouldn't do any of this stuff if I didn't know he could handle it, but I'm not going to blindly hand over chips that wont see the light of day again. He is a rare 1/2-2/5 Pro in our area.

How does he handle it, actually way better than I probably would. I used to have the target on my head in grade/high school and I patiently stayed the course and waited for those folks to fall flat on their faces in later life.

Nothing wrong with playing the part of the Tortoise, he does win the race!! GL
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
01-07-2016 , 05:12 AM
meh didn't agree with my post after rethinking.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I carry around a little whiteboard. Whenever someone criticizes my play, I whip it out, and do some mathematical calculations to show how their play style will ultimately lose to mine in the long run. I explain the concepts of equity and variance, and how although they might have deluded themselves into winning, they're more likely a small group of self-selected winners who will forever be complaining about running bad because they beat the odds and won initially and think that's their true win rate. Then, I point them towards all the best poker books so that they can go home, read, get better, and then come back and play better.

Or, sometimes, I just say that I'd love to play more but I'm card dead and ignore any other prodding.
Now this ^^^^^ is funny...

Most of the time I simply bring in the card dead line. But if it is coming from a mouthy player I will engage him. Most of the time I ask him if he is playing his money or mine. I will actually egg him on - good spiritedly of course. Over time he will pay me off. Most of the time more than once.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
02-13-2016 , 02:58 AM
I usually say "you are damn right. I only play AA & KK. So fold if I raise."
They usually don't know how to respond and leave you alone.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
02-15-2016 , 02:28 PM
realize the loose players make the game. don't get defensive. if you're fun, funny and interesting to be around you shouldn't be hearing these comments anyway for the most part. if you're super quiet, anti social, head phones etc and to top it off you're a huge nit people will notice and comment and nothing you said is going to make a difference.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
02-15-2016 , 03:55 PM
As long as you are having a good time and being sociable, people will only make comments like this in a joking manner anyway. Its once you go "full low stakes pro" with hoodie etc and play tight as well that you get annoyed or needling comments.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
02-15-2016 , 04:23 PM
i find that negative comments will arise in cash games more so than tournaments. Cash hits them in the pocket where tournament play is based on longevity and the chips are for the most part play chips. I realize you are still investing money in tournament buy in but cash and tourn are two different animals. If you play just KK AA etc good luck you will never win tournaments might get lucky in a few cash games though
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
02-15-2016 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by pokerman1
....So how do you players who consider yourself tight deal with the negative "vibes" around you?
1) If you think they're actually paying attention to how you play or to what is said, bluff more.
2) If (as is more likely at 1/2), you think they're mostly not paying attention, or are unbluffable calling stations, just smile, play your game and ignore them.
Tight Players: How do you deal with the negative comments you get from Loose Players? Quote
