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Thoughts / Predictions on the Durrr vs. Ivey hand on next week's HSP (Episode 5 Spoiler) Thoughts / Predictions on the Durrr vs. Ivey hand on next week's HSP (Episode 5 Spoiler)

03-10-2010 , 05:21 PM
i wasnt talking about you ceiro
03-10-2010 , 06:36 PM
To create a spoiler tag, put "spoil" in [], then your spoiler and close with "/spoil" in brackets.

Also this thread already mentions it's a spoiler for next week's episode, so hopefully both sides will have no further need to wish harm on each other.
03-10-2010 , 08:18 PM
Thanks Kev. I'm also from NY and a Syracuse fan, hopefully they ship March Madness!
03-10-2010 , 11:47 PM
Didnt they say no less than 4 players get felted in the next show?
03-11-2010 , 12:53 AM
Ivey had Dwan covered.
03-11-2010 , 07:23 AM
Dwan limps in EP for 800, folded around to Phil Ivey who raises the button to 8k with A9 and gives the death stare. Dwan giggles like a school girl and asks "is that a position raise phil or u just trying to punish me for the veg diet?", and after he gets the death stare from Ivey he smooth calls with 2 red Aces. Flop is A98 giving Ivey top two and back door nut flush possibilities. Durrr checks and Ivey bets 40k, Durrr calls. The turn is the 9 and it goes check-check. The river is the 3 and Durrrr leads out for 300k!! Ivey gives him death stare, mumbles to himself how this would be the sickest call ever and then asks hows much he bet and how much he has left. Ivey mucks and shows the fold and gives Dwan the death stare and lets him know without saying a word that he soulpwned him.
03-11-2010 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by CESARIAN
Dwan limps in EP for 800,
prob not, tbqh
03-11-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by CESARIAN
Dwan limps in EP for 800, folded around to Phil Ivey who raises the button to 8k with A9 and gives the death stare. Dwan giggles like a school girl and asks "is that a position raise phil or u just trying to punish me for the veg diet?", and after he gets the death stare from Ivey he smooth calls with 2 red Aces. Flop is A98 giving Ivey top two and back door nut flush possibilities. Durrr checks and Ivey bets 40k, Durrr calls. The turn is the 9 and it goes check-check. The river is the 3 and Durrrr leads out for 300k!! Ivey gives him death stare, mumbles to himself how this would be the sickest call ever and then asks hows much he bet and how much he has left. Ivey mucks and shows the fold and gives Dwan the death stare and lets him know without saying a word that he soulpwned him.
[x] pretty funny

BTW: I guess Ivey folded if Antonio thinks that it was a bluff by Dwan?
03-11-2010 , 09:12 AM
“There’s one hand — durrrr vs. Ivey — that was one of the sickest hands I’ve ever seen, ever,” Esfandiari said. “I think durrrr bluffed Ivey and it was just out of control, but you will just have to wait until it’s on TV.”

Ivey doesnt call
03-11-2010 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by anonymstruts
Ivey doesnt call
You should put that into spoiler tags man.

Also who do you think gets felted besides
Negreanu and Mercier?

Everyone else seems to have quite a solid stack.

My guess:

Esfandiari and Elezra.
03-11-2010 , 11:13 AM
Probably another million dollar pot or calling & winning a big pot with Ace high...
03-11-2010 , 11:42 AM
high stakes poker reminds me of harpers island (anyone watch that show?). you know how many people are gonna die but you dont know who, or who the killer is.
03-11-2010 , 12:11 PM
It indeed was an interesting teaser! Might be the hand of this season, since the word 'epic' was involved in it. Haha. Might even be the biggest hand of HSP ever, since they're both farily deep in cash!

Just testing Kevmath's spoileradvice!
03-12-2010 , 01:37 PM
durrr ends up making quads
i am pretty sure
so yeah ivey made the right fold im glad

Last edited by Kevmath; 03-12-2010 at 04:31 PM.
03-12-2010 , 11:13 PM
I hope Mercier doesn't play on HSP again, he's way out of his league. I asked him on pokerstars if he was used to playing such high stakes games and he said "Ya, I usually play $400/$800 anyways" but then when he appears on the show and he seems shocked that it's a $200 ante. I asked him about that before the show appeared on TV, but after knowing he was casted.

I learned how to use the spoiler tag

Last edited by SchererBoy; 03-12-2010 at 11:16 PM. Reason: I know how to post graphs & use spoiler tags..Thank KevMath
03-13-2010 , 12:17 AM
^that has what to do with durr vs. ivey hand?

i dunno why everyone is giving mercier a hard time based on 2 episodes i don't think he's played that bad. ya durr pwn'd him, but durr pwns everyone so no biggie and it wasn't a monster pot or anything. at least mercier isn't playing as tight as esfandiari or as bad as hellmuth
03-13-2010 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by anonymstruts
“There’s one hand — durrrr vs. Ivey — that was one of the sickest hands I’ve ever seen, ever,” Esfandiari said. “I think durrrr bluffed Ivey and it was just out of control, but you will just have to wait until it’s on TV.”

Ivey doesnt call
should've put it in spoilers
03-14-2010 , 12:34 AM
Ivey misses his PB&J Sandwhich draw and considers calling with Wheat Bread high IMO.
03-14-2010 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by SchererBoy
Esfandiari has been far from a "Rock" he's much more of a NIT, and shouldn't have been selected to appear on the show. I would of much rather seen Allan Meltzer, Jamie Gold, Sam Farha or even some of the amateurs who played loose i.e. Bob Safai, Silent Mike and Nick Casavetes.
this + a googleplex. he's not a real player and he's not a rich spew donk whale. he didnt grind it up from the bottom like durrrr, ivey, antonius etc.

he's just a guy who leap frogged the poker ranks and was in the right place at the right time. nothing wrong with that but i dont see the attraction or appeal to bring him constantly on the show. thank god durrrr owned him like a biatch in that last episode.

heres my take on the ivey hand. ivey says its going to be the sickest call which means he's folding. ultimately, ivey is the kind of player who makes people react to him. as long as i can remember, ive never seen ivey make any sick hero calls to end the action in huge pots. he'll make crazy floats, bluff huge etc. but this is probably a big pot and he knows the call ultimately is -ev and he'll fold. the guy just doesnt make very many mistakes.

remember, he did fold kk to brad booth.

i think he has a strong hand in position and rivered two pair on a missed flush board but dwan went bet bet shove with a better hand. ivey isnt going to show that sort of pain with some sort of one pair hand. also, theres probably some decent action on the flop and the pot gets really built up.

durrrr wasnt losing so i dont think he's bluffing here at all. if thats the case, then ivey folds for sure.
03-14-2010 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
what? this is one of the toughest lineups ever
lol, c'mon man. you got dario who is shoving with ace rag, you got spew monster hansen, you got daniel who should stick to tournaments and you got eli elezra who is a passive atm machine, a predictable dead seat with antonio and another dead seat/scared money guy with mercier.

for a guy like durrrr, this table is a gold mine. he can run over antonio and you already seen, valuetown elezra and just wait for dario and hansen to blow up.

the table is soft.
03-14-2010 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by 2slick
lol, c'mon man. you got dario who is shoving with ace rag, you got spew monster hansen, you got daniel who should stick to tournaments and you got eli elezra who is a passive atm machine, a predictable dead seat with antonio and another dead seat/scared money guy with mercier.

for a guy like durrrr, this table is a gold mine. he can run over antonio and you already seen, valuetown elezra and just wait for dario and hansen to blow up.

the table is soft.
Elezra taking passive approach cause he knows his opponents will bluff too much and be overly agressive. I dont know Dario but from what ive seen this season he made couple of good reads and doesnt plays scared at all.
Daniel and Gus not on they best right now (ive heard gus been losing lately and we all saw daniel at last sesons og HSP) but both _great_ players. I know people hate Antonio style for some reason so ill just say imho hes very good player too. And durr is good and all but some people talk about him like hes god of poker and i repeat hes good and very entertain to watch but this lineup is really tough even for him.
03-14-2010 , 04:10 PM
what channel is this on tonight?
03-14-2010 , 04:12 PM
lol @ thinking this line up is tough for durrr.
03-14-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by APFDFK
Ivey out of position calls a 4 bet with Ax
durr with 10-8 suited

Flop comes KJx
bet-raise-re-raise call
Turn K (completes durr's flush)
big bet raise call
River 10
big bet shove ...?
03-14-2010 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by shnur0k
Elezra taking passive approach cause he knows his opponents will bluff too much and be overly agressive. I dont know Dario but from what ive seen this season he made couple of good reads and doesnt plays scared at all.
Daniel and Gus not on they best right now (ive heard gus been losing lately and we all saw daniel at last sesons og HSP) but both _great_ players. I know people hate Antonio style for some reason so ill just say imho hes very good player too. And durr is good and all but some people talk about him like hes god of poker and i repeat hes good and very entertain to watch but this lineup is really tough even for him.
if he's making some good reads, then why didnt he shove on antonio? the kid is just guessing and its just a matter of time before it blows up and he shoves into the better hand.

daniel makes a quick motion 3bet with a rag and then wonders why he got played back on that hand but not when he had aces. i was really surprised he couldnt figure that one out.

i can go on and on. eli is CONVINCED that durrrr never has a good hand. its just a matter of time for him to get milked by durrrr.

like i said, this line up is soft. also, dead seats who are playing tight shouldnt be considered "playing good". that just doesnt cut it today's modern games if youre going to be considered good.

just because antonio played back at dario, doesnt mean he isnt a super nit. he was probably hours overdue with the 4bet vig. so far, the only guy ive ever seen antonio consistently mess with mostly is his buddy laak. its probably some bs moves to give himself a false tv image so other players can watch and think he's a tricky player.
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