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Thinking out loud Thinking out loud

09-09-2011 , 01:30 PM
Action folds to villain in the CO who limps. BTN folds, hero in SB raises, BB folds, villain tanks for a few minutes and starts talking out loud.

At this point, it's clear he's hollywooding. I'm 100% sure he's got QQ+ and wanted to trap me. So he's mumbling "I know you raise alot of hands here"......"spread the pot please"...."how much do you have left..." blah blah blah blah

After a 20 or 30 seconds of this, some wiseass at the table, yells "hey, Bobby, It's $x to call"

Bobby continues to look at his chips and mumble "Oh, I'm definitely calling...."

Now he said it in a way that seemed like he was gonig to follow up with "but I'm not sure if I'm going to raise". He just stopped talking after "Oh, I'm definitely calling.....".

After five or ten seconds I looked at the dealer and said "Wasn't that a call?" A few other players at the table are nodding in agreement. The dealer says no, and the floor comes over. Floor rules that the player was just thinking out loud. He said that it was commentary, and not verbal action.
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09-09-2011 , 01:51 PM
"mumbling to yourself" is not a call.
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09-09-2011 , 02:03 PM
Nope, just table talk.

If you expected him to then announce a raise, then even you did not consider it a call since once he calls, he cannot raise.
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09-09-2011 , 02:10 PM
So "i'm definitely calling" can mean two different things based on the volume and inflection of your voice. WTF?
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09-09-2011 , 02:18 PM
You knew what he was doing.

Let me guess, you wanted him to just call and not shove?

Who is the angle shooter here?
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09-09-2011 , 02:25 PM
How's it different from saying "I call and raise you $x more" even though the intention is to raise, the string bet is not allowed because of it's ability to be exploited as an angle shoot.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
You knew what he was doing.

Let me guess, you wanted him to just call and not shove?

Who is the angle shooter here?
Incorrect. I had AA, and as I suspected, he had QQ. I wish I could describe the slowroll I put on when calling his shove. It was brilliant.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
Incorrect. I had AA, and as I suspected, he had QQ. I wish I could describe the slowroll I put on when calling his shove. It was brilliant.
So in this post you admit that you are an angle shooter and a slow roller.

You suck. Slow rolls aren't brilliant either
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
So in this post you admit that you are an angle shooter and a slow roller.

You suck. Slow rolls aren't brilliant either
Asking that the rules get enforced is not an angle shoot. If I had AT, or a small pair, I could see how it might look like I'm whining. But that's not the case.

And after the villain this hand made a whole show, effectively slow-rolling me, about how to answer my raise and after the whole business where he clearly called but then threw a tantrum about how even though he said it, he didn't really say it, I felt a little justified in making him squirm just a little bit. It was the last hand before the break and I wasn't taking up anyone's time except mine and his.

I admit I'm the biggest ass hole I know. And I will say or do anything within the rules and reasonably socially acceptable, if I think it will tilt you and give me an advantage. This is one such case. The player rebought, and felt compelled to get involved in alot of pots with me while he was out of position. Easy game.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
So "i'm definitely calling" can mean two different things based on the volume and inflection of your voice. WTF?
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09-09-2011 , 03:21 PM
This should be ruled a call.
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09-09-2011 , 03:42 PM
When he speaks in future tense I think the elipses is a given. If he said: "I definitely call. . ." then you have grounds to stand on. You are nitpicking and most people on this forum think you are an angle shooter for trying to get his call to stand when it seems his intention was to take a bit more time before deciding.

As an aside, I don't understand why people hate slowrolls so much. They are not that insulting unless taken to the tank 1 minute degree. Big deal you wasted 10 seconds of everyone at the table's time.
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09-09-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Asylum Warden
When he speaks in future tense I think the elipses is a given. If he said: "I definitely call. . ." then you have grounds to stand on. You are nitpicking and most people on this forum think you are an angle shooter for trying to get his call to stand when it seems his intention was to take a bit more time before deciding.

As an aside, I don't understand why people hate slowrolls so much. They are not that insulting unless taken to the tank 1 minute degree. Big deal you wasted 10 seconds of everyone at the table's time.
"I'm definitely calling" is present tense.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:00 PM
With that said, and in your defense, the dealer probably should have said something to Villain to clarify his action, even if the dealer himself thought it would be nitpicking.

Instead, if you genuinely believed it was a call, then you were put in the position of having to ask the question yourself and potentially revealing something about which action you were hoping for. "I'm definitely calling" really seems like something that should at least be clarified by the dealer to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Imagine if it were an all-in bet and Villain said "I'm definitely calling" only to have Hero flip over the nuts. Now Villain wants to fold, and the floor has a crappy situation to deal with.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:01 PM
Let me just get this straight.

I'm on the button with AA
UTG raises
It folds to me
I say "I'm definitely calling....."
I watch the UTG player pick up more chips like he's excited to play the hand
".....but I might raise, and in fact I do"

That's totally ok? Is that the consensus here? Really?
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09-09-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa

Imagine if it were an all-in bet and Villain said "I'm definitely calling" only to have Hero flip over the nuts. Now Villain wants to fold, and the floor has a crappy situation to deal with.
Then "Hero" is an idiot that should find some way to go back to the sterile world of online poker where you have "click" and "no click".

Want to make live games nice and robotic? You will be left with the "grinders" because all the players who come for social reasons will move to table games or just stay home.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:08 PM
How can he ask the dealer to spread the pot when the pot consists of only the big blind?
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09-09-2011 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Then "Hero" is an idiot that should find some way to go back to the sterile world of online poker where you have "click" and "no click".

Want to make live games nice and robotic? You will be left with the "grinders" because all the players who come for social reasons will move to table games or just stay home.
That's a little over-dramatic, don't you think? In order to keep people playing for fun we have to let the words "call", "raise", and "fold" have ambiguous meanings? That's bogus.

The game can still be fun even if you're not allowed to make verbal actions that aren't binding.

Originally Posted by NickMPK
How can he ask the dealer to spread the pot when the pot consists of only the big blind?
Blinds 200/400. Folds to villain who limps for 400. Hero in SB raises to 1800. BB folds. Dealer pulls in BB, villain's limp, and 400 from hero. You've never seen this happen?
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09-09-2011 , 04:24 PM
some ppl just don't use the brain God gave them, he's talking to the other guy, it's obv not a call.
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09-09-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Then "Hero" is an idiot that should find some way to go back to the sterile world of online poker where you have "click" and "no click".

Want to make live games nice and robotic? You will be left with the "grinders" because all the players who come for social reasons will move to table games or just stay home.
I agree with your first sentence entirely, but it's the social player who I am looking out for when I say that the dealer should clarify ambiguous action. I don't want to dissuade them from playing and be left with the grinders.

It's not the online players who I am worried about.
Thinking out loud Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
Incorrect. I had AA, and as I suspected, he had QQ. I wish I could describe the slowroll I put on when calling his shove. It was brilliant.
and a skilled slow roller! whatta guy lol

Last edited by caseycjc; 09-09-2011 at 04:31 PM. Reason: want to hear the part where the villain rivered a Q
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09-09-2011 , 04:45 PM
He re bought in the tourney and played against you in many pots?
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09-09-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri

Blinds 200/400. Folds to villain who limps for 400. Hero in SB raises to 1800. BB folds. Dealer pulls in BB, villain's limp, and 400 from hero. You've never seen this happen?
First, the dealer shouldn't be pulling in the limps from live hands unless asked to do so by one of the players.
But even in this case, it should be obvious how much is in the pot without asking the dealer to spread it!

I don't think this is a binding call. But the villain is still being a Hollywooding jerk here. Normally, I am very forgiving about giving people time to act on their hands, and I have never called a clock on someone unless they weren't paying attention to the game. But the villain is confronted with a single raise in a heads-up pot preflop. He should be able to respond to this completely routine situation in a reasonable amount of time no matter what he has. He really was just slowrolling here.
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09-09-2011 , 05:07 PM
He was wrong, and you're an admitted dickhead. Similar to when the two biggest jerks wind up fighting each other in a bar, it is impossible to have a rooting interest either way (outside of perhaps a double KO). Wasting everyone's time (including your own) to always try to put people on tilt (granted it was on a break in this instance) is extremely -EV in the long run.

Eventually you'll realize that you're not 1/10 as smart or cute as you think that you are, and will perhaps grow up a bit and become a remotely pleasant/productive individual...
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09-09-2011 , 05:11 PM
This entire thread was the OP sneaking a brag into B&M. Slowrolling is a sign of immaturity and low self esteem.
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