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Is there anything you can do about rude players? Is there anything you can do about rude players?

03-24-2008 , 05:34 AM
Last time I was in Vegas this hand occurred at the Venetian 2/5:

Preflop I was dealt Qd Qh I raised utg +1 to 25, got a caller on the button.

Flop was q/k/j rainbow, I bet out 50, he called.

Turn was a blank 4, I bet out 150 he called.

River was a blank 7, I shoved for the remainder of my stack. The guy tanks for about 5 minutes, then when a few friends come over to see what is going on. He says "I guess I call" and then flops over a/10. Stars high fiving his friends and laughing. Pretty clear that this guy is a regular, and just an all around prick. Is there anything I can have the floor or the dealer do here?
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 05:50 AM
table change
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:13 AM
wow what a classless lowlife
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:26 AM
stab him in the parking lot
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:53 AM
There's not too much you can do in this situation. Slowrolling is a classless move but the casino won't do much, if anything, to stop it. If the guy's behavior is continuously disrupting the flow of the game, that might be a different story. Chalk it up as a case of terrible etiquette. Like others have said, you can try a table change. However, if the table was an otherwise profitable situation, it may not be the best idea to leave. Unfortunately, you'll come across idiots like this all the time.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:55 AM
Yeah I was sitting with a friend already so I didn't want to move tables.

I've been slow rolled before, it happens, but this was just so excessive and disrupting to the game that it was ridiculous.

The guy tanked for a solid 5 minutes, and everyone was gracious to not call clock on him thinking he actually had a decision. I was hoping there was some type of rule to get him for stalling for so long.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
stab him in the parking lot
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 07:37 AM
Had no knife, so maybe I'll bludgeon him in the parking lot next time?
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 08:15 AM
serious question because I don't play live very often. Can you call someone a douchebag at a table?
I've been curious. There was a post around earlier where some woman starts berating a player and clearly needed to be called a c**t as she was beyond b**ch. I'm wondering where the line is crossed in live play.
And as a followup, how often?
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 08:28 AM
There's nothing concrete you can do about it, and complaining about your opponent's poor behavior will usually only serve to egg him on. When this type of situation happens to me I don't say anything about it and quietly rebuy. When the slow-roller makes the inevitable comments about the hand to either me or the table in general I'll usually make a comment like "and you did it with class," but that's about the extent of it.

I find that the best way to combat obnoxious behavior at the poker table is to try to conduct myself with dignity and set a better example.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 08:32 AM
I'm disappointed that we haven't thought of any good revenge tactics . Geez, the best I can think of now is to order redbull and burp directly at him.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by hyde;
Can you call someone a douchebag at a table?
No, but you can flag down a waitress and order him a vinegar and water.

There was a post around earlier where some woman starts berating a player and clearly needed to be called a c**t as she was beyond b**ch. I'm wondering where the line is crossed in live play.
That word crosses the line in live anything.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:05 AM
spit in his face
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
stab him in the parking lot
Fair enough.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by SNOWBALL
wow what a classless lowlife
And there's nothing wrong with calling him a classless lowlife to his face which is what I would've done along w/ something like:

'Hey, guys! Do you know what a classless lowlife your buddy is? He just sat there 'thinking' for 5 minutes w/ the nuts before he said "I guess I call" and wasted everybody's time. Made us all just sit here. Gee, he sure got me! I thought I had the winner but he really got me good. What a jerk!'

I've done this and I recommend it. That guy does stuff like that because he can get away w/ it thinking there's nothing you can do about it. Well, there is. Tell him off. Just don't get hot. And in a place like LV, where there is another poker room around the corner, I might go further because I don't give a damn if I get bounced. If you escalate and the floor gets involved just tell him what the guy did and you're not going to stop dumping on him.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:41 AM
Congratulate him on flopping the nuts...Order him a drink to celebrate....and poison it...
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 10:48 AM
Don't stoop to there level, remember this, "Luck never gives it only lends."
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 11:32 AM
Has anyone ever witnessed a back-and-forth slowroll war where one guy does it and the other guy finds an opportunity to do it in return and they catch enough good hands for the cycle to repeat multiple times?
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 11:32 AM
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 11:40 AM
I probably get booted on this. I just hate idiots and pricks and this guy is both. I probably would ask him "So, is it that you are too ****ing stupid to know if you should call allin with the nuts, or are you just such an ******* that you decided it was a good idea to waste everyone's time for absolutely no reason?" and would badger him until I got a response, then I would badger that response.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 11:43 AM
Just say in a calm serious way,

"Nice call, I see you had a tough decision."

Irony works better than anger. It shows that you can rise above his juvenile antics.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 12:05 PM
In situations like this, I always look at the dealer. If they know at all what's going on they usually have the greatest sympathy for you. I'm not a very confrontational person, even though slowrolling is a huge pet peeve of mine, so I'm a bit more passive aggressive than that.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Geez, the best I can think of now is to order redbull and vomit directly at him.
My $.02
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 12:29 PM
I think I would rather order him a cosmopolitan or some other incredibly girly drink.

Instead I just said "Wow thats really cool"
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
03-24-2008 , 12:34 PM
in this specific situation ask the dealer quietly to call the floor. Many floors will pull the player out of the game or warn him that in the future he will be pulled out - his actions were a type of abusive behavior, it goes beyond slowrolling.

Generally ignore it and take advantage of the situation in the future - benefit from his ignorance, if you cannot then get a table change.

PS: guys like this usually are not regulars, they are usually tourists. regulars usually know better.
Is there anything you can do about rude players? Quote
