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staking/backing a player staking/backing a player

03-30-2008 , 07:54 PM
I used the search function, but wasn't able to come up with anything about cash game backing even though I know I've commented on it in the past. I found some info. on tourneys, however. Either way I don't think this specific situation has been discussed.

I'm looking to back a player. He will have some money invested, but I will have about 80% invested in him. FWIW the player is a proven and consistent winner over the past 3-4 years at the limits he's playing (no limit) and has successfully moved up in limits from $2-5 to $5-10 to $10-20nl. In fact he had been winning at limit games for at least 5 years prior. Some things happened unrelated to poker (or drinking, gambling, drugs or anything like that) and now they're cash poor.

What kind of arrangement would you propose? I'd always assumed that investor would get 50% of the win and players would get 50% of the win. Is that fair or should it be weighted differently? In my opinion it's not a high risk investment, so should I accept a lower percentage? I'm willing to give a little to help him out and I want things to be fair for both of us.

I don't want this to turn into a discussion about why doesn't he start at $1-2 or $2-5 and work his way up although he has indeed done that.

Thanks in advance
03-30-2008 , 08:01 PM
Check this thread. They've got some general info on backing contracts in there.
03-30-2008 , 10:59 PM
I'd propose and advise that this player not be a good friend of yours, just isn't worth the inevitable friction.
03-30-2008 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by otter
I used the search function, but wasn't able to come up with anything about cash game backing even though I know I've commented on it in the past.
Backing has nothing to do with live play, backing concepts are the same for both live and online therefore we don't allow this topic in the B&M forum. I sugest you either repost it in a forum where it makes sense such as the marketplace (which has a staking section) or the coaching forum which also deals with backing, or seach in those two forums instead.
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