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Share your story of an insanely profitable and fun live sessions Share your story of an insanely profitable and fun live sessions

01-04-2008 , 12:35 AM
First off I love reading the trip reports in this forum, and having just returned from playing 3 days of B&M poker (something I love but don't get to do often as I live in Chicago) it got me thinking of some of the fun and very profitable sessions I've had playing live in casinos.

So... share some good stories of great live sessions in which you just killed the game, or maybe you had a hilarious fun table full of drunks and people were making insane drunken plays - whatever. If it involves you dragging a ton of pots or witnessing some drunken craziness, let's hear it.

I'll start it off - 3 years ago I was in Vegas for a bachelor party (complete bloodbath for 3-days) and being the only serious poker player I had to sneak in my sessions after extensive drinking, usually at a BJ table with my ******ed friends. After pounding at least 10 drinks in a couple of hours and actually being up a couple hundred, we walked over to the poker room at the Aladdin (Planet Hollywood) b/c we were staying there and found a 2/5 game, $300 max buy in.

Being annihilated and seated with a buddy, we proceeded to have nearly the whole table singing rap songs with us, dealer's giving high-fives, and were passing the hot cocktail waitress napkins (do you like me? check one, yes no maybe). However the best part was that I was at the time a 3/6 - 5/10 online regular, yet they all thought I was just another ******ed drunk.

Raising UTG with 45s and stacking two guys on a 445 flop, getting paid off with obvious flushes and straights, and getting people to call my AIPF shoves with 99 when I have AA were proof my table image was drunk lagtard. I finished the session up 3 racks of $5 chips and then proceeded to meet everyone at the bars and bought more than a few rounds. Even when I returned 2 days later to the same table I still got action (although I was sober and hungover this time) and made another $1000 at the table while killing 3 hours before my flight.

Your turn!
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01-04-2008 , 02:11 AM
This was maybe five years ago or so, up in WA state at the tulalip poker. NL was just showing up there (well, 100-200 BI, 500 max bet, bets). I had been playing 4-8 there for years, finally become reasonably consistent winner..biggest hit was probably 400 when running great, thought it was crazy.

finally scraped up the nerve and 200 and stepped up to the plate. was so scared, was tighter than a drum, premium starters 1-2 hands an hour, most everyone stayed out of my way. One guy there they called 'bling bling', was wearing like a platinum and zirconium mercedes emblem, mr T style. 5-6 buyins, loud, had money, you needed to know it, totally nuts, just liked the big pots. I open raise 6xbb with AA, he reraises, we get all in, i double through with quads to about 500, high hand of 350 in sight in 20 minutes. 10 mins later, bling bling gets royal flush, 600 pot, 350 high hand, 280 or so for royal bonus. 4 hands later, i raise with AQ, he raises, i call. flop comes JJQ, i bet 100, he raises to 250...i'm like F it, he so full of crap, aight, i'm all in...he rolls 89 for the gutshot...blank blank...nit/rock on the end mutters 'great, he's so tight we'll never see those chips again.'

reply:"you're right, i play bad, i better go'..rack up 2 red and change, biggest hit ever for bout 1200.

hoping to top that soon, but thats all i got for now.

one guy there, i still use his line...he always shouted 'cocktails, main game' from the 3-6 table...funniest drunk ever, he was great.

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01-04-2008 , 04:57 AM
5 buy ins at 2-5 at the taj ac. $2500 is a lot of money to me even if 5 buy ins isnt that serious. the way i got it is awsome

getting all in on kt2 flop with ttt vs k9 lol

getting all in for like 150bb with a9 on a 99k board vs kj

jt spades on a 89t 2 spade board. 7s on turn jc on river qq not good sir. he went into check call mode for like 125 bb after turn hit.

few other gems ... live donks are awsome
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01-04-2008 , 10:38 AM
About 3 years ago I played the nightly MTT at Fort McDowell. I ended up winning it after a long HU battle. The down side I was not able to eat dinner as the MTT did not allow for table side service back then, and I had missed lunch too so I was very hungry and frankly wanted the room to pay for the meal.

So talk to the waitress and she tells me that I have to be playing to use the points on my players card to get a free dinner. So I get a seat in a 3/6 game and a rack of $1.

When I get sat down there is a semi regular in the game. Total ass, he is filthy rich, HS BJ player that the floor will never discipline for his crap because of his BJ play (he plays 5 hands of max bet at a time). This guy is notorious for coming to the poker room and being a total ass after running bad in BJ.

As soon as I sit he makes some crack about me that really pisses me off, I dont remember what it was now, but I decided to **** with him for as long as it took to get my dinner and eat.

So the first hand I am dealt he is in the BB and I blind raise and make it perfectly clear I am going raise every time he is in a hand. He calls and leads the flop, I raise, he calls and leads the turn and I raise again, he calls and leads the river I raise again he calls and I flip my cards up for a runner, runner flush beating his KK. After his wind bag of rants deflates I make sure that the table knows I played blind.

I proceed to play every hand he is in the same way. Its not long before the whole table is pissed off at me and we are seeing some wild big pots, 5-6 way capped kill pots and the like. I end up winning most of the hands.

My favorite floor has been watching the game for a while, after all this has created some noise with the term DONKEY! uttered many times. Wayne the floor man decides that I need a nick name after this and decides that I should be called Donk Quixote. It has stuck every since...

I finished my dinner and racked up 8+ racks of $1 in about a 45 minute session.
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01-04-2008 , 10:49 AM
Oh wow.. Good thread.

I'm going to say playing at a event (ran some firehalls in PA for the past couple years, good games)

Anyway, I typically would play the tourney, and then hang out at the 1/2NL side game that typically lasted well into the night. Buy in for 200, and go nuts.

I end up running it up to about 2 dimes with people basically giving me their money. Key hand:

I make a standard raise to 8 bucks with A-8 Hearts from middle position. I get 2 callers. Flop comes A-8-6 with two diamonds. I have top two, I love my life. I fire out 28 dollars on the turn, I get a call, and then a raise to a hundo. I call it, sammich-guy folds.

Turn comes 3 of diamonds. Now, for some reason, I figure he doesn't have a flush, and I fire out 150 dollars. He insta-shoves for his remaining 400 bucks or so. I tank for a bit, and figure out that the guy has a big ace (probably the Ace of Diamonds) and make the call. He rolls over the AJ with the J of diamonds, I fade the river, 1k pot.

At that point, it was the biggest single pot I had ever won. It gave me a lot of confidence (I'm typically a very TAG player) and showed me that against 80% of poker players, simple ABC poker is still winning (although boring) poker.
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01-04-2008 , 11:47 AM
My best hand ever was at MGM in Vegas. Played some ABC poker to run up to about $1500 in 1/2nl. There is one highly aggressive guy there who I only have covered by about $100. In the small blind i see J2. Aggro calls and big blind checks for 3 to the flop. it comes 22J and i think I wil scoop this $4 pot. I check, check, $20. Thinking he is bluffing and may push back, I min raise. He pushes harder and I call. Turn is an Ace. I bet half the pot and he min raises.

At this point my move is all in as I am certain he raises all pocket pairs and any ace. Cards are flipped and he shows K2 for trips with the AK kicker. I scoop on a non AK river for a pot of close to $3,000 in 1/2nl.

This is why I always go back to MGM.
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01-04-2008 , 11:57 AM
Every time I play it's fun and profitable for the other players.
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01-04-2008 , 12:22 PM
About 3 years ago, Al Capone Jr and I got drunk while playing the 2-6 spread limit game at Excalibur. We were seated next to each other and would raise it to 14 or more just about every other hand. Whole table of local tight old man nits were uber pissed off.

Excalibur has the bad beat wheel if your aces get cracked you can spin. I don't know what the max is, but I wanna say its 1K. Anywho...

I get AA but Al raises it to 8 (he's sitting on my right), I re-raise to 14, he caps it at 20. I think some old man nit at the other end of the table was with us too. Flop comes Q rag rag. Nit checks, Al bets 6, I raise, nit folds, Al re-raises, I cap and say, "Fooker, you have a QQ don't you!".

I call the rest of the way and Al turns over QQ. I whoop it up real loud since I finally get to spin the wheel! Come on baby! Daddy needs a new pair of.....ugh.....$30. Good times.

Anyway, Al and I raped the table that afternoon for several racks each.
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01-04-2008 , 12:25 PM
Last session of 2007. I roll in on Friday night after a very volitle week with some real maniacs in the 40/80 and up 10K, despite one very brutal day. Play a little 20/40 and win a rack in about 15 min. They start a new 40 with a couple action players so I play only about 30 minutes until one is must moved and the other busts quick and splits. Up almost a rack and the game is now a rock garden so back to the same 20 which is now a VERY good game and the real fun begins. The line up is mostly unknows but there is a lot of action. There is one decent player who is terrified of me and one player who can play very well if he wants to but is drunk and isn't.

The end of my little tale is probably happily obvious. I go on a monster tear. Post and my first hand is kings. I don't look back. Pots are huge. Action players are spilling chips into my pots. Old guy is mega pissed when two hours in I three bet is open with JJ flop a jack and crack his kings and earn a comment about having a horseshoe up my ass. The table is both scared of me and trying to pick me off. I flop a boat and catch a guy with an ace and the card paired on the board AND another dork makes his flush on the turn. Make quads against top boat. Some guy makes a royal and everyone can't believe it wasn't me. You get the idea. Three hours and I rack a 6 rack win.

Great way to end the week and the year. The kids had a nice Christmas.
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01-04-2008 , 12:57 PM
I love capping it with, let's say, 66 multiway, and then someone accidentally flipping over a six, not two seconds later, as they are mucking. And then flopping a six. Or pocket 7s and someone exposing a seven. Again, two seconds after I cap.

Or running so well (80%) with 35s and o that you just go ahead and raise/re-raise it from any position.

Or getting quads five times with action to the river.

Or flopping a set 60% with any pocket pair that is reraised. But only if it's reraised.

Or taking down twice your share of the 6-7 way capped pots. Including a $400+ with the king-high that I had capped it with.

Of course, karma dictates that your aces don't hold up too well.

All this in the last two weekends. 15 BB an hour at the 10/20 for ~40 hours.

Oh yeah, while waiting for a seat at 10/20, sit at 2/5 NL and 3 players...I raise, button re-raises, BB re-raises. I re-raise "to see where" I'm at. Button makes it's $1000. BB Calls. I call the rest of my $500 buy-in with 2nd best because "it's more fun to call than fold" and since "I have outs." It's AA, KK, QQ. I hit on the turn. Nothing remarkable just in that, except that it was the same weekends.
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01-04-2008 , 01:30 PM
i told this story in the hsnl [censored] thread last month, but it's pretty sweet so i'm gonna re-tell it, and this time in more detail. it was during the bellagio 5-diamond tourneys 3 or 4 weeks ago, i got stuck huge one night, like 30k. i'm tilted out of my f'in head, it's 7 am and the only games running are 25-50 and...100/200/500-otb. hmm, which game gives me a better chance to get unstuck??? i wonder...

there is at least one massive donator in it, it's definitely a good game, but 1/2/5-otb is just a monster game, and i am nowhere near properly rolled for it. **** it, as mike mcd put it, "if you're too careful, your whole life can become a ****ing grind."

i do make one phonecall, to a friend made at the tables who has practically infinite monies, and ask him if he wants a piece of my action. i tell him which producer is in the game, that the min buy-in is 40k, and that i plan to sit down with 50k (which is a significant chunk of my roll), and he answers without a beat, "sure bro, i'll take 25%."

with that cushion in place, i get in the game and proceed to run hotter than the sun. second hand i'm dealt, i repop a button open from sb with AK, flop A-high. take down a nice pot, good start.

later, a bunch of limpers, i pot it from the blinds with KK and get 3 callers. flop A77, i lead out, only the donator calls. blank turn, i'm a little concerned, but this guy could literally have a pair of deuces, so i bet again, he calls. river K, i'm not concerned anymore! i bet like half-pot and he quickly folds. he probly did have deuces...

i open with KhTh, get hu with donator. flop Ah7h5x, i bet he calls. turn Kx, i bet he calls. river 6h, nuts! i bet he calls. ship ship.

i'm running in god-mode so i even put the straddle on. kenny tran makes it 2k to go, i have AK in my straddle and just call, 4way pot. flop K85 two hearts, we check it around. turn Kx, i lead 4k, kenny raises me 10k on top, i call. river is the blankest of blanks, a black deuce. basically only 2 hands beat me, 88 and 55, and if kenny checked a set on the flop with 2 hearts out there in a multiway pot, well...he deserves my money. i'm pretty sure he has air, so he can't call a real bet; i consider putting out a weak block-bet to induce a bluff-shove, but i'm too much of a pussy and just check, planning to call any bet. kenny thinks a long time, cutting out big stacks of chips to the side, but finally checks. mhig, obv.

last pot i play, i pick up JJ and raise to 1500 after a couple limpers. donator repops me from the button, to 4k straight. folds to me, i ask him how much he has left; he's dwindled down to just 18k behind. i don't feel like playing postflop poker with jacks, so i just shove. he thinks for a while, then calls. against most ppl i wouldn't be too happy about getting 22k aipf with JJ, but this guy's a different story. board comes can i beat? ah yes, he shows TT. thank you sir.

after i bust the guy, he leaves the game, which means there's no point for me to keep playing in it any longer either. i rack up, count my chips...i sat down with 50k, pick up less than 2 hrs later with 120k.

the other players all say to me things like, "good job mike," "nice going mike," etc., but i know that inside what they're REALLY thinking is, "thanks for busting the fish, a-hole." as i leave the table, my read is confirmed when i catch kenny tran muttering under his breath, "**** you mike..." AHAHAHAHAHAHA

so yeah, that was a rather "profitable" and "fun" session.
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01-04-2008 , 02:29 PM
C'mon! Name the donator! Why do I think it's Jamie Gold?
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01-04-2008 , 03:08 PM
Jamie dumped about 4k in a 9/18 LIMIT game at the Venetian back in July. There was a 100/200 game going on there, and he was jammed up over 100k at that point, and took a break to steam off at the limit game... And he dumped it all in about an hour. I'm happy to say that in a few big pots, I managed to get about 1500 from him.

Same type of play as he tries to employ in NL - Just overly LAG, and I'd just let him bet into me, check raise the river, ship it, sir.

SUPER nice guy though. Seriously. I was prepared to hate him from his TV image and all, but he was so friggin nice.
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01-04-2008 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Spiffysean
Jamie dumped about 4k in a 9/18 LIMIT game at the Venetian back in July. There was a 100/200 game going on there, and he was jammed up over 100k at that point, and took a break to steam off at the limit game... And he dumped it all in about an hour. I'm happy to say that in a few big pots, I managed to get about 1500 from him.

Same type of play as he tries to employ in NL - Just overly LAG, and I'd just let him bet into me, check raise the river, ship it, sir.

SUPER nice guy though. Seriously. I was prepared to hate him from his TV image and all, but he was so friggin nice.

Losing 4k in a 9/18 game in an hour is physically impossible I think. That is 222 BB, which means if you got a ridiculous amount of hands out in that loose of a game (30 an hour) that means he lost 7.5 BB per pot he played, meaning he would have to call a raise preflop, on the flop, on the turn, and on the river, AND lose every hand he played, for an hour straight...If he won just one pot that big, it would jump up to about 9 BB/hand lost for every hand he played other than the one hand he won.
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01-04-2008 , 08:21 PM
The absolute best drunken/insanely fun/**** profits poker game was the Magoofest that Al Capone, Jr. put on in Vegas two years ago. The game defied description. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, get a load of this shot of a $2/$4 table at the MGM with $10,000 on it:

with a trip report posted here - Magoofest Trip Report

and my pictures and others posted here - Magoofest pictures are online!

Speaking of this - Al? How about a Magoofest 2008?
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01-04-2008 , 10:52 PM
The most ridonkulously good game I ever played in was the very first time I played a big bet cash game. It was 8 years ago at ATLARGE ( group getogether in atlantic city). 1-2 POT Limit. I had no idea what I was doing, at that point I had only played up to 10-20 limit. I ended up buying in for $500 and (no joke) ran it up to over $5000. The hands I was getting were nuts, and this being the year 2000, few of the players had any idea what they were doing. My first big hand, I raised preflop with JJ and got about 7 callers. Flop comes JJ5. I had ~$450 in front of me. Suffice to say, I had to call all in by the time the action got to me! I ended up winning about 1800 on that hand alone. The next hand, I played an approximately $3000 pot with AA vs a guy who I was almost positive had either KK and QQ (he had made a pot sized raise preflop and I had reraised, he called, flop, turn and river all bricks and he called all the way). Another multi-$k put I won with AJ on a JJ2 flop.

Finally, Nolan Dalla and some other experience players sat down and relieved me of some of my winnings. I still ended up winning over $1200, which isn't bad at all considering it was my first time ever playing pot/no limit.
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01-04-2008 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by banzi
C'mon! Name the donator! Why do I think it's Jamie Gold?
no, it wasn't jamie gold. the donator was not someone famous, just a wealthy amateur player that the general public wouldn't recognize, but of course i wouldn't say who it was anyway even if he was well-known.
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01-06-2008 , 01:38 PM
Okay I'll get this thread back on track and hopefully we won't waste any more of it talking about Jamie Gold, lol :-)

Back in Tulsa visiting family for Christmas, I played a few long sessions of 1/2, $200 max buy in. It's hit and miss, but I can honestly say the first table I played with that first night had the worst players I had ever seen in my life, even worse than Vegas 1/2.

I'm very active the whole session, opening with all sorts of crap from any position knowing I'll get paid many times over if I hit. The far end of the table is full of 3 old passive guys and a woman - all of which limp EVERYTHING, the one exception being when the woman clearly had AA, and in true donk fashion, showed it after everyone folded to her pf raise.

So anyways, I've built up a stack of $500 or so in no time, cracking TPTK with bottom 2 and all sorts of other trash. The lady at the end of the table is seriously angry at me and she's not even in any of my pots.

"How can you play that crap? 46!!?? It's not even soooted!?"

To which came my standard reply, "Hey lady I have no idea what I'm doing, but I saw Daniel Negreanu do it on tv."

One decent player showed up late at our table and it was clear we were going to play some big pots as he was playing as crazy as I was, but he had sunglasses on at a 1/2 game so his douchebag factor was off the charts. I stack him twice, once when he claimed to have flopped the nut straight and I caught runner runner (he was betting like 1/3 pot) to make broadway, and the next time when I 3-bet him on the button with AK, flop came A66. He checked the flop, I potted it and he smooth called. Turn is a blank 9, he checks and I say, "Well let's go ahead and get it all in" and put my $500 or so behind in. He keep staring at me and I keep making goofy faces and expressions to him and the others. He calls with his $300 or so behind. River is a blank, and he mucks. I'm guessing a flush draw prayer or AQ, who knows.

He was on monkey tilt after this, and would tell anyone within 50 feet of our table what a luckbox I was, to which I again replied, "Hey I never said I know what the hell I'm doing, I just saw Chris Moneymaker play poker on tv and thought it looked fun."

Night goes on and I'm up over $1200. Big scary gangster guy to my left is godawful calling station, and has dropped an easy 5 buy-ins. Early in the session he's seriously pissed at me saying 'you better quit playing them sh** cards and doing this to me.' to which I just ignore and remember that casino security is my friend. Earlier that night in the same room they 86'd a guy who after a bad beat told the dealer 'I don't care if you die.' So I know I was ok :-)

Anyways, the evening peaked when in late position and 3 limpers, I pop it to $12 with 89. 4 clowns come along to the flop:

67J ($50)

I bet $35 and gangsta is only caller.

Turn 10 ($120)

Bingo. I bet $65 and he starts his gangsta mumbling under his breath and makes the call.

River 2.

I ask him how much he's got left, and it's like $15, so I toss just a $5 chip in and he calls, saying "man I know you got some bullsh** right?" To which I reply, "of course" and table my straight. Which of course gets the woman at the end of the table beyond pissed.

"He did it again!? What the hell, this is ridiculous! You can't raise with that sh**, you're so f'n lucky! Unbelievable!"

Needless to say the whole table wanted to shoot me, so I racked up shortly after that, most of the donators had had enough and left anyways.
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01-06-2008 , 02:19 PM
a year and a half ago i was playing the 10/20 NL at fallsview, which i've played somewhat semi regularly over the past couple of years. the game is cake for the most part, and i really should play it more. there's two sessions i remember in particular. the first was my longest ever, it was a 39 hour marathon session. towards the end of the session, i was so light headed and dizzy that i thought i would pass out. the game ran because of these three fish tourists that lost ~$50k between the three of them playing three days straight. i had originally bought in for $2k, which was the max buyin in, and i cashed out 15k 39 hours later. was a nice session for sure, biggest pot was a 12k pot where i had AA, flop came A J 3 rainbow, and i managed to get it all in vs A10o!!!.such a nice feeling when you're taking down a 6 buyin pot with 100% equity. next most memorable 10/20 session was also at fallsview, and it lasted about 16 hours. i was playing well, and ran hotter than the sun. i ran 2k into 23k, before finally cashing out for 20k. was my single most profitable session to date. biggest pot was a 10k pot when i flopped quad QQ vs. an OE royal draw. it was kind of gross for second because the turn was an A and i thought it was the A, was about to go ballistic until i clued in. also, i played a short 25/50 sesh at the bellagio with joe hachem after he won the ME...real nice guy, never really tangled with him, and no memorable hands to speak of.

Last edited by tuckercat; 01-06-2008 at 02:32 PM.
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01-06-2008 , 10:37 PM
i played 2/5 at the trop and the table was rowdy i was very drunk and stuck in the pit, we all decided to flip, the whole table and i won, 5k ship it that was fun and profitable
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01-06-2008 , 10:39 PM
and tucker you could have lost that pot a running qk which would have sucked the big one
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01-08-2008 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
The absolute best drunken/insanely fun/**** profits poker game was the Magoofest that Al Capone, Jr. put on in Vegas two years ago. The game defied description. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, get a load of this shot of a $2/$4 table at the MGM with $10,000 on it:

with a trip report posted here - Magoofest Trip Report

and my pictures and others posted here - Magoofest pictures are online!

Speaking of this - Al? How about a Magoofest 2008?
winner. just freaking awesome.
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01-08-2008 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Peoples Elbow
Okay I'll get this thread back on track and hopefully we won't waste any more of it talking about Jamie Gold, lol :-)

Back in Tulsa visiting family for Christmas, I played a few long sessions of 1/2, $200 max buy in. It's hit and miss, but I can honestly say the first table I played with that first night had the worst players I had ever seen in my life, even worse than Vegas 1/2.

I'm very active the whole session, opening with all sorts of crap from any position knowing I'll get paid many times over if I hit. The far end of the table is full of 3 old passive guys and a woman - all of which limp EVERYTHING, the one exception being when the woman clearly had AA, and in true donk fashion, showed it after everyone folded to her pf raise.

So anyways, I've built up a stack of $500 or so in no time, cracking TPTK with bottom 2 and all sorts of other trash. The lady at the end of the table is seriously angry at me and she's not even in any of my pots.

"How can you play that crap? 46!!?? It's not even soooted!?"

To which came my standard reply, "Hey lady I have no idea what I'm doing, but I saw Daniel Negreanu do it on tv."

One decent player showed up late at our table and it was clear we were going to play some big pots as he was playing as crazy as I was, but he had sunglasses on at a 1/2 game so his douchebag factor was off the charts. I stack him twice, once when he claimed to have flopped the nut straight and I caught runner runner (he was betting like 1/3 pot) to make broadway, and the next time when I 3-bet him on the button with AK, flop came A66. He checked the flop, I potted it and he smooth called. Turn is a blank 9, he checks and I say, "Well let's go ahead and get it all in" and put my $500 or so behind in. He keep staring at me and I keep making goofy faces and expressions to him and the others. He calls with his $300 or so behind. River is a blank, and he mucks. I'm guessing a flush draw prayer or AQ, who knows.

He was on monkey tilt after this, and would tell anyone within 50 feet of our table what a luckbox I was, to which I again replied, "Hey I never said I know what the hell I'm doing, I just saw Chris Moneymaker play poker on tv and thought it looked fun."

Night goes on and I'm up over $1200. Big scary gangster guy to my left is godawful calling station, and has dropped an easy 5 buy-ins. Early in the session he's seriously pissed at me saying 'you better quit playing them sh** cards and doing this to me.' to which I just ignore and remember that casino security is my friend. Earlier that night in the same room they 86'd a guy who after a bad beat told the dealer 'I don't care if you die.' So I know I was ok :-)

Anyways, the evening peaked when in late position and 3 limpers, I pop it to $12 with 89. 4 clowns come along to the flop:

67J ($50)

I bet $35 and gangsta is only caller.

Turn 10 ($120)

Bingo. I bet $65 and he starts his gangsta mumbling under his breath and makes the call.

River 2.

I ask him how much he's got left, and it's like $15, so I toss just a $5 chip in and he calls, saying "man I know you got some bullsh** right?" To which I reply, "of course" and table my straight. Which of course gets the woman at the end of the table beyond pissed.

"He did it again!? What the hell, this is ridiculous! You can't raise with that sh**, you're so f'n lucky! Unbelievable!"

Needless to say the whole table wanted to shoot me, so I racked up shortly after that, most of the donators had had enough and left anyways.
love this one, too. don't you know you're only supposed to play aces ?!?!
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01-08-2008 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
The absolute best drunken/insanely fun/**** profits poker game was the Magoofest that Al Capone, Jr. put on in Vegas two years ago. The game defied description. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, get a load of this shot of a $2/$4 table at the MGM with $10,000 on it:

with a trip report posted here - Magoofest Trip Report

and my pictures and others posted here - Magoofest pictures are online!

Speaking of this - Al? How about a Magoofest 2008?
QFMFT. Man, that was a hell of a night.
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01-08-2008 , 11:43 AM
I am leaving for Tunica today so this one is kinda timely.

Now the cash list is only 5 deep as its 2am so I sign up. No movement for 20 minutes so I bolt back over to the Shoe.

I get in a $2/$5 game right away and this table is crazy. Open raises to $60 with 5-6 callers. I didn't play a single hand past the flop in 15 minutes and the table breaks and move into another game. This is where it gets interesting.

I sit down in the 3 seat with around $450 and one of the LAG's from the prior table moves as well. I quickly decipher that I want to be in a big pot with the 8 seat. I get my wish when I pick-up A,Q in early position and call a $15 raise. Three way with seat 8 and the raiser the flop comes q,x,x with two clubs. Seat 8 leads for $50 and I call. Turn is a blank, he bets $50. I think about raising here but I decide to wait till the river as I think he is drawing. If the river comes bad I won't lose as much. Well the river is a third clib. He bets $50 again and I make a crying call and he tables k,q clubs. Down to $300.

The next big pot I play I get a suited A,5 from the BB in a 6 way limped pot and I check. Flop comes a miracle 2,3,4. I check and its checked all the way around. Turn is a 7. I check as I know seat 8 will bet which he makes it $50 to go. I call along with one other. The river is another 7. I bet $75 and get seat 8 to call and my hand is good.

Now the best pot of the night I was in...

I get a suited 5,6 UTG and limp. UTG +1 makes it 25, 3 callers, Seat 8 calls, BB calls and I obviously call. Flop comes 2,3,4 with 2 spades. BB check, I check, originar raiser makes it $40, seat 8 calls and I call. Turn is an off-suit J. I check, original raiser bets $50, Seat 8 asks how much he has to raise to (sweet) and makes it $100. Time to bet now as I know he will call almost anything. I make it $250, original raiser calls and seat 8 calls. River is an off-suit 10. I shove for my last $180 and he folds. I guess straight or flush draw.

The LAG from the other table had tightened up a bit but then there are about 4 limpers including me in a pot with 6,6 and he shoves for $150. All fold to him. I will pick up a hand vs him eventually, and i do....I get A,J suited in early position and I raise to $25 get one caller and the LAG shove for $190. I'm thinking and I can see that the player next to me is going to fold. I decide to call. Flop comes A,Q,x. Turn is the 10d giving me a gutshot and flush draws. River blanks but my hand is good vs 6,6 and I win the pot. I ended the session with around $1200 in front of me for a $700 win after about 2 hours of play. The table broke about 5 minutes after seat 8 left.

One other interesting hand with seat 8 and seat 2 happened. Seat 3 was a solid TAG player.I don't remember the pre-flop action but the flop comes a,a,8. Seat 6 bets $100 and seat 8 and 2 call. turn is another 8, seat 6 bets $100, 8 calls and seat 2 oicks up his cards so I can see. I didn't see and ace and knew they were under 10 but thats it. He raises to $200. Seat 6 folds and 8 calls. River is a blank. Seat 8 bets $100. Seat 2 askes "You have the other ace huh?" who nods and 2 raises to $400. Seat 8 calls. Seat 2 has 8,8 for quads.Me and seat 2 and 4 talk quite a bit about the hand and we came to the conclusion that 8 probably calls an all-in bet on the river. They both had about $1200 behind them on the river.
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