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Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt

12-03-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I still don't get how his alleged angle works. He mucks his hand Kh into the muck, and hopes the floor pulls out the wrong card which happens to be an AQJ8?

This is called drawing to a 10-outer at showdown. Comes in about 0.01% of the time.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I still don't get how his alleged angle works. He mucks his hand Kh into the muck, and hopes the floor pulls out the wrong card which happens to be an AQJ8?

I vote that he misread his hand. Just ask him what he meant to show and the floor need not be called.
With his hand as is, he knows there's 0% chance to win. By shooting the angle, he could win some portion of the pot via:

1) Dealer says "oh, this is his card", gets it wrong, and it ends up making his hand
2) Floor chopping the pot
3) Floor believing that he had a winner and giving him the pot
4) Floor asking what he had, him making up a hand, and it being in the muck
5) Opponent agreeing the chop to avoid a floor decision
6) some other awful floor decision
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by OneCrazyDuck
With his hand as is, he knows there's 0% chance to win. By shooting the angle, he could win some portion of the pot via:

1) Dealer says "oh, this is his card", gets it wrong, and it ends up making his hand
2) Floor chopping the pot
3) Floor believing that he had a winner and giving him the pot
4) Floor asking what he had, him making up a hand, and it being in the muck
5) Opponent agreeing the chop to avoid a floor decision
6) some other awful floor decision

7) Old people gonna be old

I have never seen 1-5 come even close to happening when a person pitched cards he thought/claimed was a winner.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes

I have never seen 1-5 come even close to happening when a person pitched cards he thought/claimed was a winner.
For what it's worth, about a week ago I saw a similar situation. (Didn't exactly see the hand, walked over to the empty seat at the table and the floor was there). One of the guys cards hit the muck as he was trying to table the winning hand.

The other player was offering to chop the pot (both were OMC and appeared to have had a prior relationship). Floor didn't allow it of course. Looked at the cameras to confirm cards hit the muck, and they gave the pot to the other player.

Situation took about 5 minutes or so. I can understand the people in here who are saying they should try to avoid the floor looking at cameras if possible, because it did take a little while
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 10:06 PM
In a similar hand recently at Aria:

P1 bets river.
P2 says "Call" verbally, and flips his hand, but doesn't put chips in the pot.
P1 mucks his hand, but is then shocked when pot is pushed to P1--"What!? I thought he folded!"

P1's cards were identifiable. P1 said what he had (two pair), which was a winning hand. P1 flipped the identifiable cards himself (reached over dealer), and they were two pair.

Floor was called, but before Floor's ruling, players agreed to chop the pot. Since they had agreed, floor did not make a ruling.

(P1 was European, if that makes a difference--tourists are less likely to angle, imo.)
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by recipro
(P1 was European, if that makes a difference--tourists are less likely to angle, imo.)
I would love for you to expand on this.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
I would love for you to expand on this.
Me too.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-03-2014 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Perhaps he felt he could avoid a floor call if OP just said ... turn em over.

This doesn't sound like an angle to me ... it sounds like he misread either your hand or his hand. (in fact you even say you don't know if he ever looked at your hand)

presumably you think its an angle because he was trying to get a chop or the whole pot without actually having the winner. But there was zero chance of that happening. Your hand was already tabled. There was no way any floor would rule that he gets the pot or half the pot without showing a winner or a tie hand. ZERO chance.

If this was an attempt to angle shoot it was the worst ever.

You don't have to do anything special to protect yourself from angles that can't work, but obviously just holding on to your cards until you get the pot is key (though since you tabled your hand its not even all that important in this case)

If you think its an angle just because he asked for cards that touched the muck to be turned over or given back to him .... sorry thats not an angle.

this was not an angle. how are you going to angle someone when you muck your hand?

just be glad a Q,J, or K didn't hit the river.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 02:16 AM
I'd say at the Tampa hard rock that tourists are less likely to angle shoot than regs. I say that because most angles there are based on having knowledge of our particular house rules, like having a live betting line, or a specific definition for what constitutes a muck. So it's easier to trick a tourist who may not be familiar with our rules.

Sure anyone can use the universal type angles, but add in the home court advantage angles, and I'd say regs angle more than tourists.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by albedoa
I would love for you to expand on this.
Just my intuition.

For this particular person, he spoke English poorly, was quiet, and was ready to leave (just a bit upset) even before he got any of the pot. It was clear to all at the table from his earnestness that it wasn't an angle from the beginning, even before he flipped up his cards (which would have won the pot).
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:28 PM
I find it hard to believe this is an angle-shoot. If it is, it's a pathetic attempt.

I think the most likely scenario is that he misread your hand, probably thinking you only have top pair, in which case he is good.

I'm not sure what kind of jackass actually thinks he can steal half or all of the pot with a hand that was not only unintentionally mucked, but also inferior in strength to a hand that was clearly tabled.

Originally Posted by DryAngel
After stacking my chips, I wanted him to continue donating so just told him "do not throw the cards man, table it".
This is bush league. There is no reason to needle, even if you think it was an angle. Stacking someone else's chips is the ultimate revenge. Don't be a tool.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by psandman

This doesn't sound like an angle to me ... it sounds like he misread either your hand or his hand. (in fact you even say you don't know if he ever looked at your hand)

presumably you think its an angle because he was trying to get a chop or the whole pot without actually having the winner. But there was zero chance of that happening. Your hand was already tabled. There was no way any floor would rule that he gets the pot or half the pot without showing a winner or a tie hand. ZERO chance.

If this was an attempt to angle shoot it was the worst ever.

You don't have to do anything special to protect yourself from angles that can't work, but obviously just holding on to your cards until you get the pot is key (though since you tabled your hand its not even all that important in this case)
Yes, yes, and yes.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
This does not compute, since "OMC" refers to an old man who is a rock.
That's what I thought too, but I have a hard time remembering all of the acronyms and their connotations.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Most players don't table their hands in an allin situation until the river. OP immediately tabling is definitely not the norm in cash games.
...which generally leads to an annoying delay on the river when nobody will turn their F-ing cards over.
Serial donator OMC tries to Angle-Shoot me in 2/5 NL game - Ideas for next attempt Quote
