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robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino

10-16-2009 , 12:18 AM

Deputies investigating possible robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino
October 15, 2009 | 8:28 pm
Sheriff's deputies are at the Commerce Casino tonight investigating reports of a possible robbery and kidnapping, authorities said.

The incident occurred about 8 p.m. Deputies are currently at the casino at 6131 Telegraph Road gathering information, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.

One resident who lives near the casino told The Times that investigators have set up a command post at the scene and that a helicopter was flying overhead shining its lights as it apparently looked for suspects.

No further details were available.

--Robert J. Lopez
More in: Crime & Courts, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, Southeast

Last edited by LAtoLV; 10-16-2009 at 12:29 AM.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:30 AM
Damn more crime at the Commerce just when I'm about to fly down there for some cash action....
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by postflopaggression
Damn more crime at the Commerce just when I'm about to fly down there for some cash action....

Relax. The Commerce itself is the safest club in town. You will be fine. The danger is leaving the Casino and being followed home. So stay alert and remember that getting marked and followed home starts inside the club. Watch your back often every 100 feet or so from the time you walk your chips to the cage, to the walk through the casino floor and out the door.

Stay at the Commerce Hotel. Rooms are decent and rates are fair at 120 a night (with players discount).

Muggings and follow home robberies happen in every casino on this planet. You will not feel safer in any other casino in L.A. more so than the Commerce.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 03:32 AM
Alleged Robbery Turns into Armed Carjacking near Commerce Casino
According to reports, at around 8:00 p.m. Thursday, an off duty Los Angeles Police Department motor officer witnessed a robbery at the McDonalds restaurant near Commerce Casino at 6131 East Telegraph Road, and pulled out a gun in attempt to stop the suspect.

The suspect saw the officer and then carjacked a person in a Jeep Cherokee at gunpoint before speeding away from the scene with the victim in the passengers seat, according to witnesses.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by TheMonk
Muggings and follow home robberies happen in every casino on this planet.
O RLY? What planet do you live on sir?
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 10:36 AM
How is this a Robbery/Kidnapping at Commerce?

Sounds like it is an incident at a McDonalds that happens to be near the Casino. Is the Casino somehow responsible for ensuring the safety of McDonalds patrons now?
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by postflopaggression
O RLY? What planet do you live on sir?
A fraction of all casino related crime is ever reported because it's a scary thing to be robbed at gun point by someone that knows where you live. But still, please enlighting us and provide us the names of public casinos that have yet to experience any crime related to or orginating from victoms being marked on it's premisis.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:09 PM
ALWAYS watch your back leaving a casino when you're a big winner... i drive straight home into my gated community watching behind me every turn i make... paranoid? perhaps... but criminals DO follow people, looking to turn a quick buck... be careful out there!
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
How is this a Robbery/Kidnapping at Commerce?

Sounds like it is an incident at a McDonalds that happens to be near the Casino. Is the Casino somehow responsible for ensuring the safety of McDonalds patrons now?
No one is saying the Commerce was responsible but reports imply that the crime was a follow home type of robbery. If a victim is marked for a robbery within Casino property, the crime originated there even if it doesn't finish there. If this is a fact, it is undeniably a Casino related crime - ask any cop if I'm right here.

Commerce or any other casino can only do so much to protect it's patrons. Part of that effort is helping solve crimes that originate on their property. It is something that the Commerce does very well with is it's cooperation with the Police and it's diligence with its security team identifying barred or wanted patrons. Many a bad guy has been caught thanks to the diligence of Commerce's security team and the Sheriff's Department has high respect for and trust in that diligence they provide.

Stay alert always, and watch your back constantly. From the moment you cash out to the moment you drive up to your home (or gas or McDonalds).
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by smithcommajohn
ALWAYS watch your back leaving a casino when you're a big winner... i drive straight home into my gated community watching behind me every turn i make... paranoid? perhaps... but criminals DO follow people, looking to turn a quick buck... be careful out there!

i generally leave the casino in a zig-zag pattern...but more importantly i drop all my money off at the players bank before i leave and every scumbag i play with knows/sees this.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheMonk
...reports imply that the crime was a follow home type of robbery...
I haven't seen anything that implies that. Do you have any additional reports to support that assumption? According to the story linked above by sba9630, the introductory paragraph which wasn't included in this thread says:

COMMERCE -- A possible purse snatching near the Commerce Casino resulted in a carjacking and kidnapping, authorities say.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:44 PM
The LA Times note really has no facts. The KTLA link has NO facts indicating that the crime victims were casino patrons. In fact, there is a huge mall in between that McDonalds and the casino. The robbery appears to be a purse snatching witnessed by an off duty cop who just happened to be a McD's. Then, the robber hijacks a vehicle at gunpoint to get away from the cop.

But, so far, there is ZERO evidence that this incident was a follow home or in any way involved a Commerce casino patron.

Doesn't mean drop your vigilence, but the only area casino that scares me is the dead zone between the HP casino and its parking lot. I can't run fast enough back up that hill to the casino to get away from trouble!
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-16-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
I haven't seen anything that implies that. Do you have any additional reports to support that assumption? According to the story linked above by sba9630, the introductory paragraph which wasn't included in this thread says:
???? Re-read the OP's first post of the thread.

But who cares. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't a mark from the Commerce getting her purse snatched. It doesn't change the fact that this **** happens...everywhere, and in any big City, often. Stay alert...don't be complacent.

Like Limon says...keep a bank with the cage and wave that deposit receipt conspicuously with the big fat "DEPOSIT" letters showing as you walk away.

Last edited by Rapini; 10-19-2009 at 09:29 AM. Reason: profanity filter dodging
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-18-2009 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by fishyak
The LA Times note really has no facts. The KTLA link has NO facts indicating that the crime victims were casino patrons. In fact, there is a huge mall in between that McDonalds and the casino. The robbery appears to be a purse snatching witnessed by an off duty cop who just happened to be a McD's. Then, the robber hijacks a vehicle at gunpoint to get away from the cop.
It's the other direction, at Telegraph and Washington, and closer to the casino. This is only a salient fact if you're craving a Quarter Pounder though.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-20-2009 , 04:19 PM
If you have tons of cash you can always ask the casino to give you a cashiers check... or a box to keep it in.

You can also always ask for an escort to your car (tip the guy $10).
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:12 AM
if ur scared park in valet or have security walk with u to the car.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by alexander7179
if ur scared park in valet or have security walk with u to the car.
If you use the valet, lock everything valuable along with your car registration and anything else that identifies you in your glove box. Most modern cars have a valet key...use it. Don't risk an insider working for the valet selling your home address to his homey connections.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by postflopaggression
O RLY? What planet do you live on sir?
Planet SoCal, apparently.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:05 AM
its always on my mind when im leaving live casinos, being in LA obviously doesnt help. always very alert. since I heard of (JPOSU i think it was) in australia getting robbed for 30k when leaving the casino.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:21 AM
I have gone to Commerce many times and I am always a little fearful ( I play 4/8 stud, and in my expierience the stud games ARE ALWAYS filled with the scummiest asian degens), because the sickos at your table will someones stare at your stack or people railing or at other tables will just watch you and follow you with their eyes to the cashier. I always park valet, worth the $5 tip imo, and usually leave during the day. I have yet to play there at night, but if I do I plan to arrive at night and stay until its daylight.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by smithcommajohn
ALWAYS watch your back leaving a casino when you're a big winner.
It's not even necessary that you be a winner; be careful whenever you are cashing out (there are times when I've cashed out close to $2,000 and not been a winner).
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by leech
It's not even necessary that you be a winner; be careful whenever you are cashing out (there are times when I've cashed out close to $2,000 and not been a winner).
too true... i guess i'm biased, since if i'm a loser for the night, i normally leave with $0
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by leech
It's not even necessary that you be a winner; be careful whenever you are cashing out (there are times when I've cashed out close to $2,000 and not been a winner).
Wait a minute are you trying to say criminals will steal $2k from you regardless if it's your profits or not?? That's too far fetched I don't believe you.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:03 PM
everytime i walk i there in see an abundance of asian gangbangers, skanky women probably prostitutes, just regular gambler folk, and suspicious looking people. i dont think its a safe place, just vile and disgusting.

ive been stopped two times in the parking lot by somebody who needed gas money. one time the guy was so persistant i took off running away from him.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by limon

i generally leave the casino in a zig-zag pattern.
Try drinking less.
robbery, kidnapping at the Commerce Casino Quote
