Originally Posted by psandman
So how about if I toss it in and it hits the white chips?
TO me, the difference is that in order to spread them, I had to use my hand and address the whole stack as if it were a single stack. Tossing a single chip out onto an existing stack does not indicate the same intent.
Definitely a raise-Player reaches out with $25 chio in hand, picks up stack of whites in hand with $25, pulls back a few inches, then tosses the whole stack forward.
Definitely a call-Player tosses a single $25 onto a stack of $5 whites and does not make any additional motions or indications.
With those as your ends of the spectrum, reaching out and placing a chip on a stack, then spreading the whole stack out seems very equivalent to the first case to me.
If I was the player and they ruled that a call, I would probably not argue too much, but I do think 'raise' is the correct ruling.