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"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" "Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?"

01-13-2013 , 06:16 PM
I believe the ruling was correct for the reasons already stated.

On a side note, I personally don't do anything when someone says, "call" until they have put their $ in the pot. It is too easy to table your hand, and then get into a "discussion" with the player who said call, but never actually put any money in pot. Just saying "call" without putting any money in the pot, can be an angle in its own right.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
I was involved in a small controversy the other day in a $1-$2 NLHE game a a casino in Iowa. This was my first time playing there (Diamond Jo's in Worth, if anyone's familiar).

Heads up on the river, I'm first to act. It's a small pot, but the way it's played out, I'm in a spot where my weak top pair hand is good every single time. So I check the river in the hopes that Villain will bluff at it. And sure enough, he does, betting $15. I say "Call" and flip my hand face up (but don't put the money into the pot, since I'm soooo sure it's coming right back to me anyway.)

Villain tables his bluff, and I go back to my cell phone.

...30 seconds later, the next hand has started. Kind of: The Big and Small Blinds have been posted, and every player has cards, but no one has acted yet.

It is at this point I realize that I didn't rake in the pot. I ask the Dealer what happened. He states "I never heard you say 'call', and here, if you're facing a bat, and all you do is table your hand face-up, we treat it like a fold."

I ask her to call the Floor for help. The Floor asks what happened, and gets the story (in fact, they get an even better story, as both of the guys next to me state that they heard me state "I call" very clearly.)

...However, despite all this, the Floor says there's nothing they can do, since "the next hand has already been dealt." So, no money for Davo.

Is their ruling correct?
Before reading the thread, my immediate reaction: Super standard and correct ruling. From now on, protect your interest in the pot.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by starrazz
Yes. You should never surrender your cards until you have raked in the pot. Staying off the phone while playing is in your best interest. Live and learn.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:08 PM
Once another hand has started - and it has - you lose any ability to contest the outcome of the prior hand.

It could be worse - you could have put chips in and had the dealer ship to the wrong spot and lost your call too.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by GaminDeBuci
I believe the ruling was correct for the reasons already stated.

On a side note, I personally don't do anything when someone says, "call" until they have put their $ in the pot. It is too easy to table your hand, and then get into a "discussion" with the player who said call, but never actually put any money in pot. Just saying "call" without putting any money in the pot, can be an angle in its own right.
Please disregard what this poster just said. Saying "call" is sufficient and under no rational analysis could be construed an angleshot. Plus when you're probably ahead it saves time from having to count out chips that are going to be yours anyway.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by anomalistic
Am I the only one amused by the fact that OP has responded to his post via his cellphone?
Where did you see this information? There was another guy that had a phone signature in his post but it wasn't the OP.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Angrist
Once the next hand starts the result of the last hand stands. Just like football instant replay.
Great analogy that I'd never thought of, but I'm pretty sure you mean "booth review" or "official review".

Originally Posted by TheRightSide
Good I am glad you lost.

You wanted to be so cool that you were just too cool to throw in $15 for the call.

The phone was so much more important than to keep the game flowing. How much did you slow down that game with that damn phone?

I only wish it would have been a bigger pot.

Next time stop trying to be the "cool and hip" one and just pay attention to whats going on. If you want to call put the damn money in.

I hate players like you.
Jesus, Dude. Talk about "anger management issues"...

Maybe you should try some yoga or meditation. Get laid more. Smoke a bowl.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Great analogy that I'd never thought of, but I'm pretty sure you mean "booth review" or "official review".

Jesus, Dude. Talk about "anger management issues"...

Maybe you should try some yoga or meditation. Get laid more. Smoke a bowl.

LOL its not anger and I get laid plenty thanks.

These people that play like this always slow the games way way down. Live is slow enough we don't need it to be any slower.

I am glad he lost. What could be more important than dragging a pot and stacking the chips. This guy just wanted to be the cool one at the table like he's to good to put in the chips. You want to call just put in the money to call and be done with it
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Live poker is not an iPhone app
LMAO really I did.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by GaminDeBuci
I believe the ruling was correct for the reasons already stated.

On a side note, I personally don't do anything when someone says, "call" until they have put their $ in the pot. It is too easy to table your hand, and then get into a "discussion" with the player who said call, but never actually put any money in pot. Just saying "call" without putting any money in the pot, can be an angle in its own right.
Originally Posted by starrazz
Please disregard what this poster just said. Saying "call" is sufficient and under no rational analysis could be construed an angleshot. Plus when you're probably ahead it saves time from having to count out chips that are going to be yours anyway.
I have to ask this starrazz, did you read the OP?

He said he said call but the dealer didn't here him so saying "call" was NOT sufficient in the OP's case. OP was ahead but by failing to count out $15 in chips he lost the rest of the pot.

And yes, saying "call" can be an angle shot if the player never puts the money in. I've seen it happen, most of the dealers and players here have seen it as well.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Villain tables his bluff, and I go back to my cell phone.

...30 seconds later, the next hand has started. Kind of: The Big and Small Blinds have been posted, and every player has cards, but no one has acted yet.

It is at this point I realize that I didn't rake in the pot. I ask the Dealer what happened. He states "I never heard you say 'call', and here, if you're facing a bat, and all you do is table your hand face-up, we treat it like a fold."
You went right back to your cell phone, you must have been pretty disinterested in the pot you just won, and the game in general. It's surprising you even noticed whether you raked the pot or not considering how disinterested you seemed.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
You went right back to your cell phone, you must have been pretty disinterested in the pot you just won, and the game in general. It's surprising you even noticed whether you raked the pot or not considering how disinterested you seemed.
$30 pot on a night where I'm already up $2,000. "Disinterested" is a fair description, yes.

Like I said: Only curious what the definition of "a new hand has started" is.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 02:11 AM
Only up $2000 at 1/2? I usually stay interested 'till I'm up $5000...Then I cash out baby!
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Like I said: Only curious what the definition of "a new hand has started" is.
In the old days, it was defined as the first "riffle" (first step in shuffle) of the dealer. Nowadays, it is when the deck from the hand is placed into the shuffle machine, or some variation of that (maybe pressing the button) based on the individual room rules.

The process to start the next hand can happen very fast, so I'm happy to give a player the benefit of the doubt if they speak up as the dealer cuts the deck, or as the first few cards are being pitched. For example, I don't mind correcting a mistake at that time if a tabled hand was misread, and the pot was awarded to the wrong player.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Where did you see this information? There was another guy that had a phone signature in his post but it wasn't the OP.
Yeah, I realized that my eyes played a trick on me, and it was the response below OP's. Oops.
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
01-14-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
$30 pot on a night where I'm already up $2,000. "Disinterested" is a fair description, yes.

Like I said: Only curious what the definition of "a new hand has started" is.
Wow $2000 at 1-2 casino table? That's 10 BIs ahead where I play You must be really good to crush like that Maybe you should move up to a game that has your attention Good luck, good post actully
"Hey, Dealer, I called with the best hand. Why didn't I get the pot?" Quote
