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"Dirty" Play? "Dirty" Play?

08-30-2010 , 09:33 AM
Depends on how long you took to call, which should not have been long at all. Greater than 3 or 5 seconds and I might see the guy have a point.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:11 AM
OP's move is not only dirty, its cheating. How dare you win money from your opponents in a poker game. The nerve of some people...
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Alllllright
Obv I call, and when I flip over my cards,
Did you wait for him to show first?

If I flop kings full I'm flipping my hand as I say call.

And as Shorty said, did you take a while to call? That wouldn't be very nice either.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Did you wait for him to show first?

If I flop kings full I'm flipping my hand as I say call.

And as Shorty said, did you take a while to call? That wouldn't be very nice either.
Nope, didn't slow roll either. I flipped and called at the same time...before his chips were in the middle.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Alllllright
Nope, didn't slow roll either.
I flipped and called at the same time...before his chips were in the middle.
Well back to my first reply then.

"I was gonna be nice and check it down."
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Well back to my first reply then.

"I was gonna be nice and check it down."
Interestingly enough, the comment came from a player not involved in the hand. The guy I put out only said, "Damn! You caught me..."
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Alllllright
I witnessed a similar situation a while back when someone checked a set to the river, caught a FB, inducing a bluff all-in. When the player with the nuts flipped over her cards,
not nuts

imma NIT
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Alllllright
So, I'm holding KQo in the BB and call a raised pot. The flop comes KKQ. I check to the raiser, who is short and goes all-in. Obv I call, and when I flip over my cards, the sb says, "Man, that's dirty play!" I responded with, "WTH are you talking about?" His response: "You slow-rolled the dude with the nuts!"

I witnessed a similar situation a while back when someone checked a set to the river, caught a FB, inducing a bluff all-in. When the player with the nuts flipped over her cards, the other player who had just busted was PISSED, yelling that the woman had played dirty. Someone else at the table said "If you have a hand, you're supposed to bet it, otherwise you're playing dirty."

WTH? Is trapping = playing dirty??? Am I missing some finer point of poker etiquette, or are these people just straight-up morons as I suspect??
If the game is rigged, you can't lose if you don't play

"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by mercuryPoison
Sandbagging didn't "come from poker"

The terms been around longer than that by far....

It's a common term used in drag racing when a car performs slower than normal in one race to attempt to sucker another car into racing it etc etc
Yes, because drag racing in cars is so much older than poker.

As far as "dirty play", I could see some one saying that in a friendly home game with my old Aunt and Grandmother, or maybe in some nickle-dime home game with buddies ...

but if anyone said that to me in a Casino, I would just have to burst out laughing in their face.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:56 PM
Also keep in mind that sometimes people who say something is "Dirty Play" not meaning it is unethical or wrong but just sneaky ..... in thjis context they are saying you are a tricky player.

Since the guy here called it a slow roll I suspect either he confuses slow roll with slow Play, or he thinks the player took to long to call the last bet.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:57 PM
I agree that this "must check the nuts" rule seems a bit outmoded. I get the sense it harkens back to the day when tournaments were much more rare and much less massively attended. In a 3-table ME, there's certainly more concern that folks from an old road gang might be helping each other.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by mercuryPoison
Sandbagging didn't "come from poker"

The terms been around longer than that by far....

It's a common term used in drag racing when a car performs slower than normal in one race to attempt to sucker another car into racing it etc etc
??? and what was invented first, according to you, the automobile or gambling with card games?
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 03:37 PM
By no means authoritative, a cursory search supports the poker (or general gambling) origins of the term.

From 1590, from sand + bag. The verb sense of "pretend weakness" is 1970s, extended from poker-playing sense of "refrain from raising at the first opportunity in hopes of raising more steeply later" (1940), which perhaps is from sandbagger in the sense of "bully or ruffian who uses a sandbag as a weapon to knock his intended victim unconscious" (1882).

From To downplay or misrepresent one's ability in a game or activity in order to deceive (someone), especially in gambling

From Poker . to deceive (one or more opponents) into remaining in the pot by refraining from betting on a strong hand, then raising the bet in a later round.

Not all the above are the first definitions, but none of those contain references to racing, and all list gambling as the primary use of the term as we know it. I first heard the term from mind games, before I played poker. The wikipedia entry references its uses in many areas, including racing, although I note that the top entry refers to cards:
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 03:42 PM
can't believe there was time check raising was not allowed
"Dirty" Play? Quote
08-30-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by UFO1947
can't believe there was time check raising was not allowed
Its from the old days. Poor players would insist the rule be used. Thye would get tired of having it checked to them where they raise and then get reraised. I never allowed the rule at my dealers choice game. I was aware of other games where you had to bet if you had a high spade in the game high Chicago.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by UFO1947
can't believe there was time check raising was not allowed
There are still forms of poker that don't permit check-raising. I believe single draw lowball is one of them, at least in certain cardrooms.
"Dirty" Play? Quote
