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Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)?

06-10-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Must be nice to play in a place that 100% of the time A) has an all-in button and B) forces someone that is all-in to push their chips out.

This doesn't always happen everywhere, so you're making some assumptions.
Point me out to any rooms that don't have all-in button please.. I'll gladly drive there and pick either seat 1 or 10 and whisper to the dealer that I'm all in by throwing just $5 chip in when I have the nuts and HOPE someone like you isn't paying attention and raises or calls.. GG

Lol, I'm making assumptions. Uh huh.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 01:01 PM
It doesn't sound like you have played in such a room before. GG indeed.

The dealer will announce the all-in, throw the button in front of you, and ask you to move a stack out as an additional visual indicator.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by oneaddone3
Point me out to any rooms that don't have all-in button please.. I'll gladly drive there and pick either seat 1 or 10 and whisper to the dealer that I'm all in by throwing just $5 chip in when I have the nuts and HOPE someone like you isn't paying attention and raises or calls
Parx Poker Room, Philadelphia
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by oneaddone3

From your story, if someone is all in.. their chips will be pretty visible to all seats to see, not to mention the ALL IN BUTTON is out on the table. I don't understand how you could not see that... Doesn't matter if it gets to you and the TD stops the game to make announcements. The chips and everything will be out there....

It seems there were a lot of chaos going on with the TD making announcements and the player telling stories etc...

I'd let you take back the 45K JUST THIS ONCE!!!! If I was the floor, I understand it was my fault for stopping the game but one of the rules in most rooms are "it's the players responsibility to protect their cards and pay attention to the action".
Let me paint the picture more clearly.
BB is in 9 seat. Folds to 2 seat who shoves > 200k. I decide right then that I need probably queens or better to call, if I have Jacks I'll think about it, fold everything else. I saw the shove happen. Then a fold or two, and action is stopped while something is going on with the TD's. The guys in the 7, 8, and 9 seats start talking about Ron White to pass the time (it's been a fairly friendly table) and after another minute or two play resumes. I'm in the 5 seat, and partly because the BB is in the 9 seat to my left, and maybe partly because I've just been talking with the left side of the table, I didn't even look right again. I was fixated on the 20k in the BB. I just forgot about seat 2. I think I had 77 or similar and tried a semi-steal.

The all in player could have a fit and fight this and maybe he would gotten the floor to get you to put in the rest in to call his all in. But even then the floor has the last say..

Each room is different, but this time, consider yourself lucky.

Just my opinion.
Actually, he did grumble a little bit. He never said he tought I should be made to call, but he clearly was not satisfied with my 45k.

This seems to be a situation that should have a written rule.

Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Wubbie075
As stated above:

There is no "gross misunderstanding" rule in either the TDA or WSOP rulebooks.

Well I can't find the rule that says a straight beats Three of a Kind either.

I'm not saying that the WSOP does or does not have such a rule. But it is a traditional rule in poker.

The TDA rules at least are not supposed to be a complete rulebook .... just a set of tournament rules overlaying poker rules (though every time they seem to forget this original purpose and get into things which really don't seem to be tournament issues)
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by oneaddone3
Point me out to any rooms that don't have all-in button please.. I'll gladly drive there and pick either seat 1 or 10 and whisper to the dealer that I'm all in by throwing just $5 chip in when I have the nuts and HOPE someone like you isn't paying attention and raises or calls.. GG

Lol, I'm making assumptions. Uh huh.
Can someone else back me up that what he thinks is widespread is actually the exception?

I've played in many places and never seen it once. I've heard the Borgata has added this to their games since I've played there, but I've not seen it anywhere in Atlantic City, Ohio, or Indiana.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-10-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Can someone else back me up that what he thinks is widespread is actually the exception?

I've played in many places and never seen it once. I've heard the Borgata has added this to their games since I've played there, but I've not seen it anywhere in Atlantic City, Ohio, or Indiana.
Foxwoods, the biggest room on the east coast has one. My feeling in playing different places is neither is an exception at this point, but more a matter of room preference. More like the order of who shows first at show down. I'm not surprised by either choice.

I can see why the TDs wanted to have this compromise of having the money stay in the pot. It speeds up the decision making process where the dealer can just handle it without argument. That said, there isn't any logic to it. Either someone called or they didn't. There's no real in between.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-11-2014 , 07:19 AM

I took back what I said, the 45K stays in. But I wouldn't be surprise if something like this happens and that player gets to take back his bet due to the circumstances.

Rarely do players get stopped like that, so I understand if the floor is lenient in this case.

You were in seat 5 and the all-in was in seat 2... Did the dealer not announce the all-in? As soon as the TD is finished making his announcements, the dealer should let you know the action is on you and that seat 2 is ALL IN.

Originally Posted by dinesh
Parx Poker Room, Philadelphia
Really...? I remember a dealer tossing me a big round something when I said all in like several months ago. It could be the SB/BB button or something... since they don't have the ALL-IN chip..
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-11-2014 , 03:56 PM
As I mentioned above, I saw the all-in and went through a decision process of what I needed in order to call. The dealer did not announce it again after play resumed, that I saw obv. Play had been stopped several times, as in more than 5, in about an hour. You had to be there. It had gotten to the point where nobody was surprised when play got stopped.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-11-2014 , 04:36 PM
Sounds like an unusual situation with chaos in the room and stopping play.

I'm a fan of the call or no call (pull the 45 back if it's a mistake), and in this case, even more so.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-11-2014 , 05:11 PM
I don't like the rule but apparently WSOP rule is chips in musty stay in. However, since they created a confusing and chaotic situation, I would invoke rule 1 and let you reconsider your action.

Lol@ stopping play mid hand wtf? I've never been in a tourney situation where you didn't complete the hand and "hold up."
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
06-12-2014 , 02:00 PM
If you have 10 tables going, that would make the delay even worse. Most of these delays were probably only intended to take a few seconds, but ended up stretchng out to a couple minutes.
Is putting fewer chip than needed for a call obligate me to put any more in (tournament)? Quote
