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Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table?

10-30-2011 , 01:33 PM
I tell them that winning the 25k HU championship on pokerstars has enabled me to take it easy for a few years.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
10-30-2011 , 01:44 PM
when i played for a living i used to say grad student, but the inevitable follow-up was always 'how are you playing this high?' so i switched to accountant, which was what i studied in college. nobody ever asks an accounting follow-up.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
10-30-2011 , 01:53 PM
I'm definitely going to tell anyone who asks me what I do for a living (though oddly enough no one has asked me before as far as I remember) that I'm a professional gamer. Sad thing is it wouldn't be difficult for me to tell that lie if they ask me more questions because I know more than enough to BS my way through that.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
10-30-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
when i played for a living i used to say grad student, but the inevitable follow-up was always 'how are you playing this high?' so i switched to accountant, which was what i studied in college. nobody ever asks an accounting follow-up.
You could say MBA student. They can play high.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
10-30-2011 , 04:01 PM
Tell them you are a professional craps player.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
10-30-2011 , 04:47 PM
Pro martingaler imo
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-01-2011 , 10:08 AM
Can't you just tell them you do whatever it is you did before you became a pro poker player?

Making things up is hard because if I don't know anything about the industry I made up, then the followup questions are difficult and you come off as a BSer. While that in itself isn't bad, the fish sometimes get offended because you lied to them during small talk, and I don't like making the fish uncomfortable.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-01-2011 , 10:36 AM
I am admittedly one of the scoffers, though only in certain situations. Whenever I see a young kid who just graduated college or graduated college a few years ago who is doing this thing for a living, I admit that I make a weird face. To me it is a waste of a degree, and I feel it is very difficult to overcome the resume gap that will likely ensue. Also, these guys almost never have the "discipline" that you really need to be successful long term. I see these guys straddling, tilting, going to the pits, etc... I do those things, but my income isn't tied to this game, so it is not hypocritical I believe for me to see those things as a HUGE negative. You would never find me "tilting" in my day to day job. Also, I don't think it's a good long term plan. Who knows where poker will be in 10 years, let alone 30 years. If you have a college degree, I truly believe that you can do better. Flame away.

If an older guy says it then I'm not as annoyed for some reason.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-01-2011 , 10:43 PM
Chippendale dancer... Thats why I always have singles....
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 06:25 AM
I won't ever be a "pro" in the sense that I'll depend solely on cards for 100% of my income.

I do foresee in the near future, however, that it will be something I do for a significant portion of my income...perhaps to the extent that it'll be my only current "job".

I'll simply be able to say "eh, I'm retired". Admittedly, will sound weird coming from a guy in his 40's...but it'll be true.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 09:47 AM
Pick any random career that you know enough about to answer some basic follow up questions or pick something really generic and boring.

"I'm an accountant" or "I'm in sales" usually kills the conversation quickly.

If you say, "I'm an astronaut" or "I'm a lion trainer" be ready for some follow up questions.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by mrducks
"I'm an accountant" or "I'm in sales" usually kills the conversation quickly.
Oh, one better. I'm a Jehovah's Witness that sells Amway. That ought to shut the entire table up immediately .
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by boltyou
Can't you just tell them you do whatever it is you did before you became a pro poker player?
What percentage of pro poker players did something for a living before they became a pro?

I'd guess maybe 25%?
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:19 PM
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 09:00 PM
I just say currently out of work, if they pry I say I play poker for money
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 10:23 PM
I'm a shepherd.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-02-2011 , 11:22 PM
Since I play a lot of hours, if someone asks me if I'm a pro, I just say "I would be, if I ever actually start winning". That's enough to change the subject. Of course, it's also true!
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
What percentage of pro poker players did something for a living before they became a pro?

I'd guess maybe 25%?
You really think 75% of poker pros have never had another job? I can't imagine it is more than 5%, and even that may be a stretch...
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 03:21 AM
Say that you're a prostitute
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 07:04 PM
When I played for a living I said either stand up comic or actor - depending on which coast I was on.

I did stand up, though it didn't really pay the bills (openers really don't make much).

I said actor because I thought it would help me get laid.

Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 10:29 PM
Easy answer, "I work for the IRS".
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 10:50 PM
I am a pro, and found in -EV to have people know you're a pro, especially heads up or when the table is short. I would just say that I couldn't talk about my job, and they would just assume it was government work.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-03-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by MrBrightside
If I really played poker for a living and a dealer said such a thing, I would never tip him again. that's completely out of line.
Yes, I have had a dealer say to others at the table about me, "he is the local pro" and I wanted to seriously punch him in the face for saying that.

I find it hard to believe that most of you are pro's when you play $1/2 NL. Even $2/5. And if you can't come up with something, then I know you wont last long. If you feel you need to brag or admit this is your job while playing, you also wont last long.

That being said, I have been at the table in my local B&M where every single person thinks they are a long term winner, when I know most are not.

I am not a pro, I play to make money and do fairly well. I consider poker as one of 3 jobs I have. I would never let anyone know that whom I play against.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-04-2011 , 05:18 PM
I just act like I didn't hear the question. If they persist, then it's "yeah, you know ...." or just flip the question back and engage.

"I don't know what I want to be yet when I grow up."
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
11-04-2011 , 07:34 PM
Definitely Negative EV to admit to being a pro at the table. I was a broker and that works for me. Even though, I dont even look at the Dow anymore, I go with that. I find it better to use that question to find out what they are interested and get to know them.
Away from the felt, if you are ashamed of being a poker player, you need to work on that one with your family. My kids are fed and sheltered by this game, so anyone that doesnt like that can go to hell.
Poker Pros: What do you say when people ask you "What do you do for a living?" at the table? Quote
