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poker in Berlin ? poker in Berlin ?

07-28-2008 , 10:27 AM
can anyone help some infomation with casino that run poker tables in Berlin ?

poker in Berlin ? Quote
07-28-2008 , 05:23 PM
The casino at the "Potsdamer Platz" have a good Poker Floor
poker in Berlin ? Quote
07-28-2008 , 09:26 PM
Not too much info, but its a start, there is a Berlin page on The Poker Atlas.

The main Germany page might also be useful.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
07-29-2008 , 08:55 AM
The information on the Poker Atlas page is totally out of date, except for the adresses.

I'm a regular at the Spielbank Berlin cashgames and used to be a regular at the Casino Berlin.

The Spielbank just opened a completely new room with 8 tables. They have daily tournaments at 7.30pm though you should be there no later than 6:30 to get in line for sign-up, which starts at 7pm. They usually get ~60 players. During the week they alternate between 50EUR freezeouts and 20EUR rebuys with some bigger buy-ins on weekends.

The 5/10 NL (uncapped I believe) usually starts around 7.30 if there are enough players. 1/2NL (200€ max) and 2/4 NL (400€ max) start as soon as the tournament table start to break up. (around 8pm or 8.30 usually).
Occasionally they spread 10/20 PLO (usually on mondays, I think)

The staff is friendly and trying really hard to improve, but most of them (especially dealers) are still young and somewhat inexperienced.
There is no dress code.

The Casino Berlin has been spreading poker for a longer time now, but as far as I heard, the opening of the pokerfloor at the Spielbank pretty much killed their action and they now only get games going on their Tourney days (mon and sun) I haven't been there for a while though, so that's hear say only.
There is a dress code (dinner jacket or collared shirt and tie)

Hope that helps.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
01-10-2009 , 02:14 PM
Is this still more or less up to date? I'm going to be living in berlin for the next few months, and I'd love to have somewhere to play live. Does anyone know how well I'd be able to get by in english at the spielbank berlin? My german is pretty embryonic at the moment.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
01-11-2009 , 10:11 AM
Yeah it's basically still the same. The Spielbank has some trouble keeping the 5/10 game going on a regular basis and they have often been playing 5/5 uncapped lately. They have also banned the 1 Euro chips from the pokerfloor and the smallest game is now 2/2 with 200 capped buyin.

The Casino Berlin usually has one game of 2,5/5 going every night (uncapped I believe). This is supposed to be pretty juicy and the rake is lower at the Casino compared to the Spielbank.

English should not be a problem at either place.

If you want to meet up shoot me a PM when you're here.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
04-29-2009 , 02:21 AM
What tournements are offered at Spielbank right now? I'll be there from a tuesday through Saturday/Sunday, the last week of May. Any end of month specials?
poker in Berlin ? Quote
04-29-2009 , 04:06 AM
Thanks for the info Buck.

I'll be in Berlin in August for the World Athletics championships and will definitely be looking to play.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
04-29-2009 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by BuckBundy
The information on the Poker Atlas page is totally out of date, except for the adresses.

I'm a regular at the Spielbank Berlin cashgames and used to be a regular at the Casino Berlin.

The Spielbank just opened a completely new room with 8 tables. They have daily tournaments at 7.30pm though you should be there no later than 6:30 to get in line for sign-up, which starts at 7pm. They usually get ~60 players. During the week they alternate between 50EUR freezeouts and 20EUR rebuys with some bigger buy-ins on weekends.

The 5/10 NL (uncapped I believe) usually starts around 7.30 if there are enough players. 1/2NL (200€ max) and 2/4 NL (400€ max) start as soon as the tournament table start to break up. (around 8pm or 8.30 usually).
Occasionally they spread 10/20 PLO (usually on mondays, I think)

The staff is friendly and trying really hard to improve, but most of them (especially dealers) are still young and somewhat inexperienced.
There is no dress code.

The Casino Berlin has been spreading poker for a longer time now, but as far as I heard, the opening of the pokerfloor at the Spielbank pretty much killed their action and they now only get games going on their Tourney days (mon and sun) I haven't been there for a while though, so that's hear say only.
There is a dress code (dinner jacket or collared shirt and tie)

Hope that helps.
this pretty much sums it up ...

info seems to be pretty much up to date as well

just one thing to add: you can preregister for the tourneys at potsdamer platz by going there earlier (a day earlier) and paying the entry (at least thats what they told me on the phone in march)
poker in Berlin ? Quote
04-30-2009 , 05:07 AM
Actually you can register up to a week before the tourney. For most of them it's really advisable to do so at least the day before, since they usually sell out. At least the ones with buy-ins < 100 EUR.

They are also about to change their tournament structure on 5/4/2009 to the following:

Mon 50 Euro freezeout, blind level 20min, chips 3000

Tue 100 Euro freezeout, blind level 1-3 30 min ,dann 20 min, chips 3000

Wed 60 Euro bounty (20 Euro ) blind 20 min , chips3000

Thu 20 Euro rebuy,level 1-3 unlimited 1000 chips ,1 addon 2000, blind 20min

Fri 200 Euro doublechance , blind level 1-3 30 min , chips 3000 + 3000

Sat 50 Euro rebuy,unlimited level 1-3, 2000 chips ,1addon 4000,blind 20min

Sun 100 Euro bounty (25) blind level 20 min, chips 3000

There are special events very rarely, but nothing like big end of the month events. Also nothing I know of right now.

They also added a couple of tables (total of 10 now, I believe) and the cashgames now start as early as 7pm.

That's all I've got. ^^
poker in Berlin ? Quote
06-10-2009 , 06:51 PM
Just wondering at Spielbank are the cash games LAG or pretty nitty? Also, are there safety deposit boxes at the casino?
poker in Berlin ? Quote
06-11-2009 , 05:32 PM
The 2/2, 2/4 and 5/5 are hit and miss. The 5/10 NLH and the 10/20 PLO seem to be extremely LAG most of the time they run.
poker in Berlin ? Quote
