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Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole)

01-11-2008 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by chadattak
I heard in another thread that Phil Ivey was broke.

that must mean that it's true then......... (insert scarcasim.... right ...... NOW)
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 06:43 PM
Anyone else catch the part where Ivey is complaining that he won't play craps at that casino (South Point?), because they won't let him play high enough. Ha ha, is he going to be the next T.J.?
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 06:44 PM
Gavin has joined the list of people whom I never want to see on PAD or any other for television only poker show ever again. He has been so abrasive and annoying. Early on I was trying to figure out if they liked him and were used to him, but now I realize they all can't stand his obnoxiousness. We all know people who are like this, that just annoy you with almost everything they do and never know when to settle down or turn it down.

As for the deal, you simply ask them to pick a number 1-10, multiple by 9, and if it is two digits add the digits together. Then you have them subtract 5.

Try this out with any number from 1-10 and you will find out the answer is always 4.

So you end up with a country that starts with D. Which leads to Kangaroo from the K in Denmark, which leads to the Orange from the O at the end of Kangaroo.

I am just surprised nobody ever says Koala and apple for the second and third answers.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 07:44 PM
markksman gavin smith is probably playing the best as of now, he continues to make huge laydowns and be right every time even though hes visibly drunk
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 08:21 PM
i've toyed with the limp into every pot style of poker, and it works quite well if you have the ability to lay hands down when you get a small piece of the board, which Gavin has done better than I expected. Gavin is doing what Erick didn't decide to do when he busted and that's think it out and realize who he's going up against and make the right decision, it seemed as if Erick had somewhere to go or something and just said wtf and threw the chips in. It hasn't seemed like Gavin had too many big hands so far though, i know he had AQo back to back hands and raised both of those preflop
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 08:22 PM
and i love how doyle keeps mentioning that they wont see it because it's on at 2am, does anyone actually watch this show at 2am? i figured everyone just tivos it and watches the next day
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 08:30 PM
I dont have TiVo or a DVR so I got to stay up every night.

But that's fine because I watch ESPN Classic too and watch all the old Poker Shows.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 09:31 PM
do they have any good commercials these days? been forever since i've watched em
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Gavin has joined the list of people whom I never want to see on PAD or any other for television only poker show ever again. He has been so abrasive and annoying. Early on I was trying to figure out if they liked him and were used to him, but now I realize they all can't stand his obnoxiousness. We all know people who are like this, that just annoy you with almost everything they do and never know when to settle down or turn it down.

As for the deal, you simply ask them to pick a number 1-10, multiple by 9, and if it is two digits add the digits together. Then you have them subtract 5.

Try this out with any number from 1-10 and you will find out the answer is always 4.

So you end up with a country that starts with D. Which leads to Kangaroo from the K in Denmark, which leads to the Orange from the O at the end of Kangaroo.

I am just surprised nobody ever says Koala and apple for the second and third answers.

Gavin may take the most annoying PAD crown from Alan Dvorkis. His demeanor and "jokes" are making me cringe and want to turn the show off.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 10:48 PM
Gavin Smith is way annoying on this show. Too bad. I used to like him.

How about Negreanu's great read of Smith when Smith tried to bluff in late position with 42 and Negreanu only had K hi? Negreanu picked off Smith's bluff big time. Negreanu seems like he has a tell on Smith.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-11-2008 , 10:57 PM
Gavin is a lovable dude, we all behave a little differently with 40 gallons of booze in us. The line of the week has to be by Gavin:
"I hate you all....except you Phil, and you Daniel and you Doyle"

This rant included everyone at the table! Funny Stuff.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Ted_Thompson
Gavin Smith is way annoying on this show. Too bad. I used to like him.

How about Negreanu's great read of Smith when Smith tried to bluff in late position with 42 and Negreanu only had K hi? Negreanu picked off Smith's bluff big time. Negreanu seems like he has a tell on Smith.
Was it another hand too where Daniel folded I think, or maybe he was against Doyle, and Gavin kept lying about what he had, and Daniel said no, no, let me know when you are going to tell me what hand you really had.

I don't really take any issue with Gavin's play so far, just his table presence is horrible and I would be shocked to see him on another PAD.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by westhoff
I'm really impressed with all of Gavin's laydowns and that KQ play by Daniel. I don't think I've ever seen Daniel bluff like that and we all know how many times he's been on tv.
exactly the first thought i had when i saw daniel make that play. we've seen daniel make good calls (and bad calls, and calls just to call) but i don't think i've ever seen daniel make a big bluff on TV before
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
exactly the first thought i had when i saw daniel make that play. we've seen daniel make good calls (and bad calls, and calls just to call) but i don't think i've ever seen daniel make a big bluff on TV before
I dont think Daniel was bluffing. I think he knew Smith was weak and had nothing. I think he has a good read on Smith.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Was it another hand too where Daniel folded I think, or maybe he was against Doyle, and Gavin kept lying about what he had, and Daniel said no, no, let me know when you are going to tell me what hand you really had.

I don't really take any issue with Gavin's play so far, just his table presence is horrible and I would be shocked to see him on another PAD.
Tune in a few weeks from now as Gavin will be at a table with Jean-Robert Bellande, Mike Matusow and Phil Hellmuth.

For what it's worth, I don't think there's anything wrong with what Gavin is doing. If you've listened to Pokerwire Radio as much as I have, you've heard him tell many stories about going over to Daniel's house, staying up until 5 in the morning drinking with Todd Brunson, etc. I don't think the others at the table dislike Gavin, I just think that he's getting under their skin at the table.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 12:57 AM
Gavin usually isn't quite this annoying. He is making good plays though.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:14 AM
Damn that was funny to watch. GO GAVIN!
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by stevieb
Gavin may take the most annoying PAD crown from Alan Dvorkis. His demeanor and "jokes" are making me cringe and want to turn the show off.
Alan Boston ==Alan Dvorkis right?

Gavin is not even close I'm afraid.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Will The Thrill
i've toyed with the limp into every pot style of poker, and it works quite well if you have the ability to lay hands down when you get a small piece of the board, which Gavin has done better than I expected.
You may not have noticed the short-handed, high-blind structure?

In that situation, I LOVES me some limptards at the table.

If you can get away from hands you shouldn't have been in to start with, congratulations. You still lose moniez.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:34 AM
Ouch, I felt like Gavin was going to get counterfeited too...

he still has some chips to play with TID!

By the time it doesn't look like this will be over anytime soon.
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:34 AM
lol at that last hand, phil looks like he feels so awkward when gavin is praising him
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:48 AM
i don't like playing with drunken players. all that liquid courage makes them run their mouth to the point of tilting you. rather play with a quiet polite guy
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:50 AM
Why would Ivey bet there?

Obv if a spade or heart comes he flushed most likely...
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:51 AM
im surprised at that river bet from phil. what could gavin have been thinking about on the turn if not whether or not to call with the flush draw?
Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by iTz gUidO yO
Why would Ivey bet there?

Obv if a spade or heart comes he flushed most likely...

Poker After Dark thread (week of 1/7 - 19th Hole) Quote
