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Please clarify the betting rule and share opinions on this specific situation Please clarify the betting rule and share opinions on this specific situation

12-04-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

What are you referring to by "cut and paste" betting?
It's really just a term (from word processing) that I use for bringing out a full stack of chips and cutting them down until your bet is complete.

If I bring out 15 red chips in my hand ... I am cutting 75 and pasting (betting) 45 by leaving 9 behind and returning 6 to my other stacks.

I have 'code' phrases for a lot things in life .. just to be different and create conversation. I also find that the more ways you describe things that eventually you will hit on one that best helps a person understand what you are trying to explain.
Please clarify the betting rule and share opinions on this specific situation Quote
12-04-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by GaminDeBuci
Tip - Announce the size of your bet before moving any chips.
Personally, I prefer to count out my bet then push it out. It's possibly a little slower than grabbing a stack and dropping chips off of it, but I think it makes mistakes a little less likely.

Note that when I say count out, I mean eyballing stacks of five or less, not going 5 ... 10 ... 15 ... 20 ....
Please clarify the betting rule and share opinions on this specific situation Quote
