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Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack?

01-30-2018 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jtm1208
Not to the guy who just got knocked tf out.
And to your question about what is to stop people from doing this to gain an advantage.....umm the criminal law as well as civil liability.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Suit
Nope. You pay rake for a service. Protection is not part of that service. We certainly will do our best to stop it, but we are not here to protect you.

What do you mean by "otherwise"? This is entirely possible every time you eliminate another player.

Generally it is the same thing that stop this from happening in any other public place. The fear of getting arrested for assault or potentially getting your ass kicked/shot is what comes to mind for why I don't do it.
I seem to remember Security Guards being onsite every time I have ever stepped foot into the casino. You're saying players in the poker room don't contribute towards that cost?

The casino should refund money to player and remove chips if the player is physically unable to continue playing due to an unnatural event that occurred in the poker room. Example: someone getting knocked out by a fellow inhabitant of the poker room, waitress spilling hot coffee on to the face of of a player, etc. "Otherwise" refers to my statement that if the player is not refunded and removed from the tournament, then the casino/poker room runs the risk of setting the precedent that players can influence the financial outcomes of a tournament through non-poker related means.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
And to your question about what is to stop people from doing this to gain an advantage.....umm the criminal law as well as civil liability.
This is obviously an obscure event that 99.999% of players will never experience in a room/tournament. And yes criminal laws will prevent most incidents like this from ever coming to fruition.

Are you just playing devils advocate, or do you actually believe that there is an event that can occur in a poker room where a player, due to no fault of his own, can be physically harmed and unable to continue AND does not deserve a refund?
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by jtm1208
This is obviously an obscure event that 99.999% of players will never experience in a room/tournament. And yes criminal laws will prevent most incidents like this from ever coming to fruition.

Are you just playing devils advocate, or do you actually believe that there is an event that can occur in a poker room where a player, due to no fault of his own, can be physically harmed and unable to continue AND does not deserve a refund?
I absolutely believe that absent negligence or intentional conduct on the part of the casino the player does not DESERVE a refund from the casino. I understand why a casino might choose to give one but it is not because the player deserves a refund from the casino ..... (A refund paid by the offender is a different story). I do believe their are circumstances where the casino would be responsible but not in this case as described
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by jtm1208
I seem to remember Security Guards being onsite every time I have ever stepped foot into the casino. You're saying players in the poker room don't contribute towards that cost?
I didn't say that at all, no. The security guards in a casino are there to protect the casino, not you. While they will do their best to help you in an event such as this, the truth is that their best may be to try to stop an ongoing altercation just the same as any other bystander while calling the police to come and handle it.

As for a refund, I could see a good reason to give one in this particular case, but that reason would not be because the have to or are obligated to. It would simply be because they want to avoid a negative PR situation and it would be just good customer service.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
I absolutely believe that absent negligence or intentional conduct on the part of the casino the player does not DESERVE a refund from the casino. I understand why a casino might choose to give one but it is not because the player deserves a refund from the casino ..... (A refund paid by the offender is a different story). I do believe their are circumstances where the casino would be responsible but not in this case as described
Seems we agree that the party unable to continue should be refunded his tournament entry fee, but we disagree on the source of where it should come from. Which is fine, I understand what you are saying a little more clearly now.

I just think it's unreasonable for the casino to force the party to sue his own attacker for $$ when they could just as easily remedy the situation themselves (from a financial aspect, not from the criminal aspect). I mean who's really going to argue with a decision to refund the guy? I couldn't imagine hearing player XYZ got knocked tf out and the Tournament director made the call to blind him out and not refund the player. It just sounds absolutely insane to me that a TD would rule in that manner, regardless of what any of the rules say.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 08:05 PM
The attacker was apparently owed money. He got felted at the other table and apparently gave a big speech about how he hated everyone in the building. He then stormed over to my table, asked MP (who was an 18 year-old kid) for his money (just $20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), MP said no and got cracked. Where I was sitting, I couldn't hear the exchange - one of the shaken old men on that side of the table told me what was said.

Attacker was banned for life. The kid who got hit was knocked so silly that someone had to take him home. They didn't give him a cash refund, but they did let him play in the tournament the next night.
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
A few weeks ago, out with a friend, and for a moment it looked like he might end up in a bar fight. I'm WAY too old for that. I wondered if **** kicked off, what was I gonna do?

It occurred to me that a rear-naked choke might be a nice non-violent way of pulling off an attacker...but I didn't know how to properly apply one.

Fortunately, the fight never happened. But I went home and watched some YouTube videos on how to do it, and it was fun to practice on a 2-liter Coke bottle.

I'm delighted to see the floorman in OP's story pull it off!
The floorman was a big dude, but very docile ordinarily. I was blown away by his power.

He had the guy's neck cranked back so hard that the attacker's spine was bent backward into a C formation. The attacker went to sleep pretty quick. His tongue was hanging out before the floorman dropped him on the floor face first like a sack of potatoes. The floorman yelled "GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!", and 2 or 3 other players grabbed the sucker puncher by his collar and belt and literally threw him out the door like you see in the movies.

Last edited by Dick Tracy; 01-30-2018 at 08:13 PM.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by jtm1208
Seems we agree that the party unable to continue should be refunded his tournament entry fee, but we disagree on the source of where it should come from. Which is fine, I understand what you are saying a little more clearly now.

I just think it's unreasonable for the casino to force the party to sue his own attacker for $$ when they could just as easily remedy the situation themselves (from a financial aspect, not from the criminal aspect). I mean who's really going to argue with a decision to refund the guy? I couldn't imagine hearing player XYZ got knocked tf out and the Tournament director made the call to blind him out and not refund the player. It just sounds absolutely insane to me that a TD would rule in that manner, regardless of what any of the rules say.
Do you think the refund should come out of the prize pool or out of the casinos funds?
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 08:47 PM
I pissed off a lot of players with my mouth at a Detroit Casino.One who lost money he definitely could not afford to lose. I was afraid of getting sucker punched the entire time I stayed at the table.I was also afraid at the parking lot. I LOL'd at this thread.

Also No,players stack should be removed and hand declared dead.Chaos theory one hand totally recalculates the entire tourney.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-30-2018 , 09:34 PM
Either MP was removed from the tournament because he was physically unable to play, or his role in the altercation earned him a DQ. In both instances, I'd say removed the chips from play. In the first instance, give him a refund or some sort of comp equal to his buyin.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Reducto
It doesn't matter for the attacker who should be 86d and arrested. It does make a difference for the attacked player. If he were randomly attacked and not injured enough to be taken to a hospital he should be allowed to continue playing if he wanted, or given his entry fee back. If he had spent an hour berating the other guy at his previous table, he should be DQd at minimum.
If he should be DQd at a min, then that should have been done then. Not wait for the retaliation. He did nothing wrong now so we should treat him as innocent.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
The floorman chokes the puncher out from behind, knocking him out.
FWIW, Employee friends of mine(non security) were suspended for pulling an assailant off of someone and breaking up a fight.

The employees actions prevented serious injury.

They were still suspended.

Casino logic.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 12:40 AM
Likely they're not allowed to for liability issues. If they're non-security and cause an injury in the process, the casino can be sued.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Likely they're not allowed to for liability issues. If they're non-security and cause an injury in the process, the casino can be sued.
I'm sure that is the reason.

God Bless America.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 05:34 AM
The floorman yelled "GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!", and 2 or 3 other players grabbed the sucker puncher by his collar and belt and literally threw him out the door like you see in the movies.
This is awesome!

Reminds me of another Deadwood scene, something like, "Free drinks all night for those who help dispose of the body!"
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
A few weeks ago, out with a friend, and for a moment it looked like he might end up in a bar fight. I'm WAY too old for that. I wondered if **** kicked off, what was I gonna do?

It occurred to me that a rear-naked choke might be a nice non-violent way of pulling off an attacker...but I didn't know how to properly apply one.

Fortunately, the fight never happened. But I went home and watched some YouTube videos on how to do it, and it was fun to practice on a 2-liter Coke bottle.

I'm delighted to see the floorman in OP's story pull it off!
Was this a full or empty bottle? Did it tap out?
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
They didn't give him a cash refund, but they did let him play in the tournament the next night.
In this very regulated charity room in Michigan I missed this as an option. Cash and tournament BIs must be logged as they occur and you are not allowed any 'white-out' or corrections to the report. If the Charity reports that their cash at the end of the night is off they can be subject to audit and potentially lose the opportunity to 'hold' future events.

The Gaming Commission has no way of knowing if there was an 'extra' person playing in the tournament or not. (Well, maybe they do now .. .. )

Room rules apply to the 'abandoned' chips. Some casino's have a rule that if you pre-pay for a tournament then your chips are in play until the end of the registration period. If you haven't shown up by then they take the rest of the chips out of play whether there's a wait list or not.

I just spoke to a tournament reg who was having issues with another player and actually left the property during a late break since he didn't want to potentially have an issue. His stack bubbled!! (Of course!) GL
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
He had the guy's neck cranked back so hard that the attacker's spine was bent backward into a C formation. The attacker went to sleep pretty quick. His tongue was hanging out before the floorman dropped him on the floor face first like a sack of potatoes. The floorman yelled "GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!", and 2 or 3 other players grabbed the sucker puncher by his collar and belt and literally threw him out the door like you see in the movies.
Curious if you have been back since and found out if this floorman was in any trouble for this?
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 11:42 AM
or the 2 or 3 other ** players ** who got involved and physically threw him out.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
The floorman was a big dude, but very docile ordinarily. I was blown away by his power.

He had the guy's neck cranked back so hard that the attacker's spine was bent backward into a C formation. The attacker went to sleep pretty quick. His tongue was hanging out before the floorman dropped him on the floor face first like a sack of potatoes. The floorman yelled "GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!", and 2 or 3 other players grabbed the sucker puncher by his collar and belt and literally threw him out the door like you see in the movies.
If that happened in a major casino, the floorman would probably be out of work and the initial attacker looking at a very nice settlement.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 01:11 PM
Free Buy-In for another tournament sounds acceptable to me
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Suit
Curious if you have been back since and found out if this floorman was in any trouble for this?

Originally Posted by dinesh
or the 2 or 3 other ** players ** who got involved and physically threw him out.
I'm actually not that curious about the players, under the assumption they were punished for moving an unconscious person (guilty or innocent) around. Or at least, I don't have a huge amount of sympathy for them.

But the floorman's case is more nebulous. Employer-mandated intervention or non-intervention aside, it sure seems like he has a moral obligation to restrain the attacker. Was what he did too much?

I'd have a much harder time as a juror in the second case.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by jtm1208
I seem to remember Security Guards being onsite every time I have ever stepped foot into the casino. You're saying players in the poker room don't contribute towards that cost?

The casino should refund money to player and remove chips if the player is physically unable to continue playing due to an unnatural event that occurred in the poker room. Example: someone getting knocked out by a fellow inhabitant of the poker room, waitress spilling hot coffee on to the face of of a player, etc. "Otherwise" refers to my statement that if the player is not refunded and removed from the tournament, then the casino/poker room runs the risk of setting the precedent that players can influence the financial outcomes of a tournament through non-poker related means.
The security guards at all the casinos I know make quite a bit less than the dealers and although they have some ability to physically restrain guests nobody is going to be a hero. The way it (seems to me at least) goes is that lots of big burly uniformed bodies show up and maybe light restrain (ie: if a chokehold happened they'd be fired).
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
01-31-2018 , 08:30 PM
Yea that choke hold seems out of a movie. Though I'v seen it done at a club in Chicago. Guess you guys got a good show out of it all. I'd sue the casino if I was the assailant for getting choked out. I'd fake whatever I needed to as instructed by a personal injury lawyer.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
02-01-2018 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Suit
Curious if you have been back since and found out if this floorman was in any trouble for this?
Yes, I have. It was in a charity room, so the only people the floor really have to answer to is the State, or perhaps the charity on hand that night? The cops weren't called, so nothing ever came of it other than the attacker getting banned.
Player literally *knocked out* of tournament while in a hand - What to do w/ their stack? Quote
