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player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand!

09-10-2016 , 02:59 AM
i have just been involved in this crazy poker hand:
i bet on the turn and get raised by small blind on j33 two diamonds board. I go all in and he calls.

After runner runner diamond i table kj no diamonds. He tables qj with queen of diamonds. the dealer is counting his chips so i pay him after the suck out but he just leaves the table thinking he s outkicked and subsequently the casino before anybody can catch him!

the initial ruling was that i d get the pot if he doesnt come back in 5 minutes but then a higher ranking floorman decided i cant be given the money because the other player tabled the wining hand. He also says the guy is a regular and that they ll keep the money aside for him. its basically his money and i wont even be given the funds even if he doesnt come back in a month or more!

Isnt there some rule that says you forfeit your hand if you leave the table? Thats what the first flooan mentioned. Any rules about this for cash games?
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:13 AM
Nope. But maybe post this in the Live Casino Poker section on 2+2 for the definitive answer. Many dealers and floors are regulars in that forum.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:23 AM
Can this post be moved there somehow?
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:33 AM
A mod needs to do that. I have notified the moderators. One will look over thread and make the decision.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:43 AM
He was there when he tabled his hand. That's the end. He gets the money and the casino should hold it for him using whatever "abandoned money" procedure they have in place.

This has nothing to do with him being a regular (well, it shouldn't anyway). This should be how it is handled in every instance. I'm sorry the initial floor ruling was bad and the guy was straight up wrong. That has led you to have a glimmer of hope that any of this pot belongs to you. It doesn't, nor should it.

Sorry you got your hopes up.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 04:20 AM
I agree the hand was tabled and the pot is his but lets say he doesnt come back in a month. They r saying even then i wont br awarded the pot! The guy still sort of forfeited/ surrendered the pot by walking away from the table. He should know if ge has the winning hand after we both table and be there to get pushed the pot. at leadt thats what some of the players at the table were saying.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 05:21 AM
He won the hand, it's his money, get over it. Why should you get it any more than any other random passerby? He won, the casino looks after it for him, that's how it works. It's not your money any more than it is my money.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 05:31 AM
It's not your money. You lost the hand so the stack is his. It's no different to if he was there to receive the pot and after pulling it in got up and walked out of the casino. In that case you don't get his money and you don't here either. He tabled winning hand, the money is no longer yours. The end. First floor ruling was terrible.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 07:17 AM
According to OPs logic everyone that was dealt in the hand is eligible to receive the money.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 08:04 AM
If you really want to pursue this, you can contact the local gaming commission to find out what happens if there is an unclaimed pot and who gets it. It is unlikely you would be awarded the pot (my guess is that the room would eventually take it to be part of the player promotion budget), but anything is possible.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 09:20 AM
Likely there is some kind of house rule on holding player money ( unclaimed) that would be in force in this particular case. It certainly is not awarded to a 2nd best hand in any normal case. In some places "relationships" between dealers, floors and regs could exist and maybe a different outcome could occur. Not that common.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by tonyk81
Can this post be moved there somehow?
Yup, by using the Report Post feature (red triangle to the left of every post) and making the request, as KS did for you.

What won't get it moved, and doesn't make a lot of sense, is starting the exact same thread again, in the same forum.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:13 PM
This is no different than when a guy leaves the table for an extended smoke break or whatever, and say the table breaks during that time, floor will collect the absent players chips and hold them until player returns to collect them.

The player tabled the winning hand, the pot is pushed to his seat. How do you know this player wasn't just leaving to eat, smoke, or whatever and then come back to his pile of chips? It doesn't matter if he thinks he lost, he tabled winner and gets the pot, even if that means floor holds his chips until they see him again.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:21 PM
Imagine if this was a tournament, how unfair it would be for OP to get the pot. Also imagine OP if you were the one who left, would you not want your rightful monies? If he never comes back, or not in a decent amount of time, the room gets it and should put it into a jackpot or something other than their own pockets
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
1) Tabled hand wins pot ... period
2) If cash game, casino policy will kick in. May be forfeited in 24 hours ..

3) If tournament then the chip stack gets blinded down and if he makes the money then any policies in place will kick in.

WSOP had a few spots like this where players get sick, in car accident and one player even died between Day 1 and Day 2. Dead player actually made the money so that went to his estate!! GL
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by tonyk81
I agree the hand was tabled and the pot is his but lets say he doesnt come back in a month. They r saying even then i wont br awarded the pot! The guy still sort of forfeited/ surrendered the pot by walking away from the table. He should know if ge has the winning hand after we both table and be there to get pushed the pot. at leadt thats what some of the players at the table were saying.
Of course you won't be awarded the pot. You lost the hand. The money does not belong to you. It belongs to the winner of the hand; and he can do with it whatever he wants, including abandoning it in the casino.

player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by tonyk81
I agree the hand was tabled and the pot is his but lets say he doesnt come back in a month. They r saying even then i wont br awarded the pot! The guy still sort of forfeited/ surrendered the pot by walking away from the table. He should know if ge has the winning hand after we both table and be there to get pushed the pot. at leadt thats what some of the players at the table were saying.
So why is it you think you have a claim to the pot. he won the pot. Your argument is that he forfeits the pot .... by does that forfeit go to you. Why not to me?

(In actuality each jurisdiction has rules and regulations about what happens with abandoned property, and its very likely that if he never collects the property it will end up being paid over to the state.)
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 05:33 PM
Like, if a player gets up and leaves at any point for whatever reason and doesn't rack up, do you think the last hand he won goes to the last guy he best in a hand? Lol come on man.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 09:56 PM
Ok i never said i thought the pot belonged to me for sure. I m just trying to understand if there are any rules about forgeiting/ surrendering a hand by walking away the way he did. the initial ruling was as such and some players at the table suggested the same. Apparently there arent. Thanks for all the input.
King spew the second post in the beginners forum was an accident as i was browsing the site on my iphone. Thanks for moving here.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-10-2016 , 11:16 PM
In a cash game, if you walk away from the table before the end of betting and without turning your hand over, in many/most rooms the dealer will kill your hand and proceed accordingly with any remaining hands.

However, if the hand is shown down, the best hand wins. You cannot show down your hand, then subsequently and voluntarily forfeit or surrender it.

(In a tournament, once you are all in, your hand must be turned over at showdown. Even if you leave your seat (and the casino), your seat gets the pot and it just gets blinded off. You can never go all in and then not show down your hand and possibly win.)
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-11-2016 , 09:03 AM
He left the entire casino before anyone could catch him? Im guessing nobody tried very hard. I bet if it was the cocktail waitress walking away with your beer you wouldve caught her.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-11-2016 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
He left the entire casino before anyone could catch him? Im guessing nobody tried very hard. I bet if it was the cocktail waitress walking away with your beer you wouldve caught her.
So true.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-11-2016 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
He left the entire casino before anyone could catch him? Im guessing nobody tried very hard. I bet if it was the cocktail waitress walking away with your beer you wouldve caught her.
when he walked away from the table some players said the pot would be mine. it was the first time i am involved in something like this and i am sure same applies to the rest of the table; so we called for the floor to get a ruling. i am sure if there s possibility of u getting awarded a 350$ dollar pot u wouldn't go out of ur way to go tell the guy to come back.

Ok foor made a ruling and its his but we had to know how its handled. i am sure they ll give it to him when he s back to donk away a few more racks.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-11-2016 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by tonyk81

i am sure if there s possibility of u getting awarded a 350$ dollar pot u wouldn't go out of ur way to go tell the guy to come back.

Why do you think that everybody has the same moral compass that you have?
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
09-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Why do you think that everybody has the same moral compass that you have?
I am not sure how this has anything to do with morality. Poker is a game with rules like any other. If a player mucks a hand that would have been a winner and then later realizes that (lets say in this same situation where he didn't know he had a flush and a few seconds later somebody says any diamond would have taken it) would u give him the pot out of ur superior moral standards? no; when a hand is mucked its dead and the money goes to the hand that was tabled.

I had to know whether there are any rules about walking away from the table before being pushed a pot. that's all there is to it. if the rule was i d be given the pot and i'd have taken it like anybody else would have and he d have learned to make sure he doesn't have a winner before leaving a table and the establishment. just like beginners learn to not muck their hand too hastily at showdown and maybe let the dealer read the board for them.
player leaves table(and casino) afrer tabling winning hand! Quote
