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Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice!
View Poll Results: Who comes off looking like a bigger d-bag?
Young Kid
6 7.69%
40 something Local
67 85.90%
Both players deserve KITNs
5 6.41%

09-08-2009 , 05:27 PM
I'm surprised that OP seems to think that young kid did something wrong hence the thread.

Sure there are players who are slow, but calling the clock on him would've done the trick without the tilting-megadrama that the "local" put on. By acting so upset he was inviting the kid to slow it down next time same thing occurs.

Slow players annoy me too but I would never directly tell them to play faster. Once in a blue moon I'd call the clock but usually when someone's very slow, I try to observe them in all hands to see if they would sometimes act faster in certain situations and what holdings they tend to have... and trust me you get tells that way so it's actually +EV to observe instead of getting upset.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Dealer-Guy
okay, early one Sunday morning a young guy decided to jump to another table ut there were only two and they were both short handed so the dealer told the floor and the floor made the young guy move back.

After sitting back down, he asked who "narced" on him and made some unpleasant remarks about the room and the players in general.

A regular, at least 55 years old and a very nice gentleman, told the young guy he had done it. He was being a southern gentleman and protecting the dealer, a young woman.

The young guy managed to felt himself a couple of hands later and before leaving he leaned over and spit in the regular's face.

He stood up and started to leave but the reg. put him on his back and explained where he came from, spitting in a man's face would get you killed.

Security showed up and escorted the young guy out without saying anything to the regular.
spitting on someone is worse than a punch. hes lucky security came.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by frommagio
Hmmm, I'm one of the few who voted for the young kid as the "bigger d-bag." I guess I just hate to see all this hollywooding crap; it gets old.

However, I do agree with the overwhelming opinion that poker-wise, the young kid played him like a fiddle. He applied a little strategic rudeness, put him on tilt, and then he capitalized. Good job, and well-played - I suppose.

But he still was the bigger d-bag.
you're playing in a 1-2 game. you arent exactly playing with pros. i have buddies that play the same way. they can flop a boat and wont even realize it. if the local grinders want to chase the recreational players away by being *******s then go ahead. you're only hurting your wallet.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 06:50 PM
Sounds like both are people you'd rather not deal with. The regular sounds like a typical old macho douchebag, and the young guy sounds like a typical Hollywooding moron who watched too much TV. I wouldn't call the clock on him unless he went way overboard, but I wouldn't look down on someone who does.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by PkrMaven
Don't underestimate "old dudes", they are everywhere and were here before you.
I think you are assuming something very incorrect about my age, which is interesting based on my explanation of why the "old dudes" are portrayed the way we -oops I mean "they"- are.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by RanchDressin
Almost every thread I see is about some old guy being a douche. You think it would be the other way around.
this. lol. they usually are d-bags. and they play really bad mostly. but i guess everyone at 1/2nl plays mostly bad. maybe it is just funny to see an old guy playing terribly and acting like a douche.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-08-2009 , 10:21 PM
I don't see anything wrong with the younger player in the OP. Old guy tilted and called the clock on him, and pretty much telegraphed that "tanking" would set him off.

He basically told the kid how to take his stack.

Occassional Hollywooding with money behind is good poker.

Had he been doing it every hand, then yeah, he's a jerk.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
09-09-2009 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
I'm surprised that OP seems to think that young kid did something wrong hence the thread.
I didn't imply that the young kid did something wrong, however his nonchalant and very passive attitude may rub people the wrong way. Some people at the table tried to engage him in chat which was met with one word answers. Whether this contributed to setting off the local is another question.

I always feel like there are an alarming number of "douche bags" in AC like the regular mentioned in the OP. *shrug*
Somehow I normally get the non d-bag table, this table certainly was entertaining to sit at.
Player calls clock on another player, comes back to bite him not once but twice! Quote
