Originally Posted by mn_trader
the 6 was on top and covered about 1/2 of the 8,
He thought he saw 66, instead of 86.
I kept the pot, am I a douche bag? How many offer to chop here?
So I am not looking to steal pots at showdown.
Originally Posted by mn_trader
FWIW, after betting and being called, I showed my hand. I just flipped over, like I would w/ any hand, and they landed w/ the the 6 on top and the 8 showing, but not 100%. It wasnt a deliberate placement.
Only after seeing that he mucked did I even realize that the cards might not have been 100% out in the open, but they were more than clear to anyone who looked at them. He just "saw" what he expected to see. Hell, I didnt even check to see that the 6 was on the bottom, I knew what I had and just showed the hand when it was my turn to showdown.
Go Vikings!!!
Your stories are not matching up.
I'm pretty sure that, if you did hold 6 6, you would have flipped them over and spread them apart so that they could have been easily seen.