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opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand"

02-19-2010 , 02:45 AM
I hold myself to a higher standard than I do my customers.

When I delay at showdown, I apologize.

When others do it, I pay no mind.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:47 AM
I just say, I called you.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
You watch too many movies. The info rarely is relevant, and you may end up seeing his hand anyway (or he yours)
You rarely get anything out of seeing how someone played their hand?
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Chubrock
Tell him " I called you"

he is the one being a DB
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Somebody who is afraid to share that last little tidbit of information is somebody with a lack of sophistication about the game. I'm happy keeping him thinking that he's pulling some advanced move on me. If he's betting at me in situations where top pair with no kicker is good, I have no interest in shaming him.

If you feel that the information you'll get from the reg from him showing his cards here is so valuable, then by all means enforce the last-aggressor-shows-first rule. But honestly, if you're a half-decent player your skill edge vs casino players is gonna be huge enough with or without that extra information.

So just make a mental note that the guy bluffs rivers, and let him keep bluffing. Forcing him to show his cards is probably going to make him cut down on the bluffing.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:40 AM
It is interesting that the most experienced players (I am assuming based on post count) seem to have no problem with it, so I am trying to figure out just how many problems my thought process must have poker wise.

If it is a drunk or tourist I agree to keep it lively and fun and not shame them. I lets lots of stuff go. But when the nitty old reg does it and it is his typical move I cant wait to force him to muck or show. I definitely believe you can be more forceful with him because you are not going to run him off. He will be there everyday and I hate his DBag moves.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by mbp711
But when the nitty old reg does it and it is his typical move I cant wait to force him to muck or show. I definitely believe you can be more forceful with him because you are not going to run him off. He will be there everyday and I hate his DBag moves.
I will sometimes wait with a regular if the play of the hand is truly confusing. But I try to stay away from spots that confuse me. Let someone else risk the money while I learn the information, then I can get involved with a clearer mind.

The way not to be annoyed by this "DBag move" is not to see it as a DBag move. If you stop viewing it as a character flaw, then it no longer upsets you. How is it good for your game to allow another person's style affect you like this?
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-19-2010 , 01:24 PM

People definitely shouldn't let this kind of stuff change their mood or their game in any way. However, I do feel that you can't let players get away with everything at the poker table. When someone consistently doesn't want to turn over a medium strength hand like middle pair they are going to far. I don't think that quietly waiting for someone to turn over their hand or muck it is going to kill the mood of a game or make anyone feel like they are being shown up.

I use my judgment in these situations. The stronger your hand, the more you should be inclined to turn it over. The lower the stakes, the more you should be inclined to turn your hand over. If a player is a wining regular, I will probably let him get away with it once or twice. If the player is a losing newbie, then I let it slide.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-20-2010 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlatTireSuited
Using "or/ee" on words is actually pretty much only done in legal jargon. How often have you heard "lessor/lesse" in relation to a lease outside of a legal area?, for example, does not list "obligatee" as a word (not that is the end all of dictionaries), but it comes up in legal jargon all the time.

If there was a legal case where the question of who bet and who called was important to the outcome of the case, it would not be surprising to see the words "caller" and "callee" used, despite it not being a word.

And it's apparently actually a word in computer programming anyway - not that I knew that before I looked it up (
That word is probably used if some one makes a phone call, there is a caller and a callee (recipient), of the call.

But we have a word for the bettor so we don't need to make up another convuluted word. But perhaps that what lawyers do.

Other than you me and Al, I am not sure anyone cares. Words and their defintions and correct usages are interesting. Too often, people misuse words and then they become repeated and constantly misused.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-20-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jack 0' Clubs
Is it not convention that the callee tables his cards prior to the caller?
Forget convention, he can have the pleasure of flouting the rules and I'll take the pleasure of collecting the pot.

I think of it as a win-win situation. We both got what we wanted.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Chubrock
Tell him " I called you"
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 05:45 AM
" I called you"

And then the dealer should be saying,
"you've been called, show or muck", and 2 seconds later, "FLOOR TABLE 19".
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 08:41 AM
meh, I make him show first. The main reason being to be consistent in spots where I DON'T have top pair. If I show when he says this and I have top pair, and I don't in spots where I don't have top pair, I give him information in both spots (which isn't that big a deal) but the game still ends up getting slowed down in the spot where I can't beat the stated hand. By setting a precedent that when he's the aggressor, I'm going to make him table his hand first, at least it keeps the game moving in future situations.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 10:14 AM
OP - Don't show him your hand, respond to villan "OK,I have top pair you can go ahead and muck" regardless of your actual holding thus putting the ball back in his court. If he mucks don't show him your hand and collect the pot. If he tables muck if you don't have him beat and he will then invoke "IWTSTH" and he will be a bigger douche than you. Meanwhile the rest of the table can wonder if there will be another hand dealt before the current dealer's down is over.

opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by ActionFreak
I use my judgment in these situations. The stronger your hand, the more you should be inclined to turn it over. The lower the stakes, the more you should be inclined to turn your hand over. If a player is a wining regular, I will probably let him get away with it once or twice. If the player is a losing newbie, then I let it slide.


And if I want him to show first I just say, "Whatcha got?"
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 06:18 PM
show your cards and after he mucks do a IWTSTH
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 11:21 PM
Why does everything have to be contentious at the poker table?

If he says that, and you have that beat, show it. If he is slowrolling you, then you can be a dick to him in the future. But give a guy the benefit of the doubt rather than drag on the pointless game of showdown chicken. (Also, you are showing respect to the time of the other players at the table.)
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-21-2010 , 11:53 PM
i have a strict opinion on this matter that i do not deviate from, regardless of how hard my opponents may try.

if i call a bet on the river with the nuts (assuming i called all-in), i will immediately show my hand. if i have aces all in pre-flop, i will table my hand right away.

ANY OTHER SITUATION where i call a bet on the river, i will just wait until my opponent mucks his cards, in which case i will usually show although i am not positive on whether or not that is actually required, or if my opponent looks at me expectantly i will either look at him right back or i will act like a cocky young kid and look around and say," i've got all day." if my opponent says," you got it" instantly, i will usually show, provided my opponent is not a total d-bag which, no doubt, some of you reading this will be thinking that i am a total d-bag.

i am paying to see his cards. if he mucks it, i don't mind-i never enforce the IWTSTH rule. i have had too many times in the past where they will say," i think you probably have me beat." i just wait and they get the idea.

now, a change of heart- in this particular situation, if my opponent says to me," if you got top pair you have me beat," assuming i have top pair or better, i will show right away. if i do not, then i would not say anything and look at him and make it clear i will not be showing first. it is not mandatory for me to show the losing hand if i don't want to.

if i was slowrolled, and i actually never have been (although i have witnessed it), indicating my lack of experience at live play, i would probably have to take pfap's line and realize that this is just someone who is not sophisticated and i want him in the game.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
meh, I make him show first. The main reason being to be consistent in spots where I DON'T have top pair. If I show when he says this and I have top pair, and I don't in spots where I don't have top pair, I give him information in both spots (which isn't that big a deal)
This makes no sense. If you have top pair or better and he turns over his cards you will then turn over your cards. If you don't have top pair or better and he turns over his cards then you still won't turn over your cards unless you beat what he has. So there is no difference.

The key for me is to not tell him what I have before he tells me what he has unless I know I have him beat.

In this scenario I already don't like the villain. He forces others to show but wants to be treated differently. So just to spite him I might make him show first. But unless he crosses me or makes me show when I tell him my hand then, in this case I probably would show if I had top pair or better and just speed the game along.

Typically when a player doesn't want to show their hand (or kicker) they just say the pair they have or "K high" or something like that. In this case, since villain is not quite so descriptive, if I don't have top pair or better, I would ask him what he has. This gives him the option of telling me specifically, or showing.

Villain is implying that he has second best pair on the board with top kicker or a pocket pair between the two. However, because of the description, villain may be trying to imply a hand that he doesn't have in order to look stronger and sow disinformation. If villain is unwilling to define his hand specifically (i.e., what pair he has) then I would make him show or muck. I don't need to see his kicker.

Here are some reasons I show my cards first when I know I have villain beat:
1) It speeds the game,
2) More importantly, it affords you the same opportunity. There are times when I would prefer not to show a specific hand to the entire table.
3) It gives the appearance that I am uninterested in his hand and am possibly not a thinking player.
4) It doesn't upset the applecart. There are many people who do some form of what villain does (including myself). If you make a big deal of him showing or mucking, it could change the table dynamic.

When I will make him show:
1) When I have seen him lie about his hand at showdown (in order to win with a weaker hand or in order to get an opponent, not necessarily myself, to show a weaker hand just to see what he had)
2) I don't like him.
3) I gots to know what he had. This is a rare exception but I will concede that the deciding factor in a tough calling spot on the river could be I want to see what he has for future reference (i.e., to know what he is capable of). In this case, telling me one card may not be enough and I will need to see the whole hand. In practice, I can count on no fingers when I asked to see both cards.

edit: There is one case where villain could get me to define my hand when I am behind and that is when he has the same pair as I do. Instead of asking what his kicker is I just indicate he should turn over his hand. If I beat his kicker I turn over my hand. If I don't I can choose not to turn over my hand. I typically will turn it over anyway in case I am mistaken about my kicker playing. I can't tell you how many times I have seen players muck winning/chopping hands when a kicker doesn't play.

Last edited by Mr Rick; 02-22-2010 at 12:53 AM.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Al_Capone_Junior
I nominate this post as the most pedantic use of word nittisms for this entire week.

I like it.
If you want to be the nitee.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 10:10 AM
I'd tell/force him to show his hand first if for no other reason than to tilt him and his Hollywood showboating ass.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 10:38 AM
from my experiences, at commerce if u verbally say "no pair, or i missed" the winner always show their hand w/o hesistaion

east coast (especially in AC) from what ive seen the potential winners are more to say , show it or muck it
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 11:25 AM
Just fast roll; he wants to be a little bitch, that's his perogative, you are a man respect your time and the time of the other people at the table, especially your paying customers.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 11:29 AM
The info really means nothing. I mean really.

Be the bigger man and let him be a douche, just show the cards.
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
02-22-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlatTireSuited, for example, does not list "obligatee" as a word (not that is the end all of dictionaries), but it comes up in legal jargon all the time.

No it doesn't. The word is "obligee", and that one you WILL find on
opponents who say "you got me if you have better than X hand" Quote
