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Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling?

03-25-2018 , 04:02 AM
similar thing happened at the Borgata a couple of years back

Plaque was accurate there, but the player asked specifically for plo8 and was directed to high only table by a clueless floor (plo8 doesn't run at Borg). Lost his $600 buy in the very first hand and went quietly into the night.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 04:28 AM
The OP is largely correct but is wrong about one thing and more importantly left out a huge detail which clearly shows it 100 percent was not an angle shot at all.
He also left out several other details.

1)this player was not at the table for 10 or 15 minutes. it took place on his second or at worst third hand. He came over with a bag of mostly blue (2 dollar) chips. He had been picked up from a 6/12 oe game- which is half limit Omaha hi low. He locked up a seat but then went for a walk. He may have been gone 15 minutes but he did not see 15 minutes worth of hands.

2)on his literal first hand he doubles up. he had broadway on a kj10xx board.However he didn't even have the required 500 dollars to start the hand.He had something like 300-350.There is no low possible at all. He may have been dealt one more hand before the fiasco hand but I honestly don't remember.

3)for the players saying some people at the table saw the sign but did not say anything-someone noticed the wrong plaque and actually told the dealer about 2 hours prior to the incident. Nothing was done about it. However right after the hand in question as the player who got screwed was complaining the floor swapped out the hi lo plaque for the correct hi only plaque.

4)here is where the op really messed up. Yes he is correct that the player called an all in with what would have been the nut low if it was high low. What he left out is his opponent shoved the turn with the nut flush into 4 other players. The player who got screwed calls the all in for about his last 400 dollars with what would be the nut low if this were high low.

HE HAS NO PAIR, NO FLUSH AND NOT EVEN A STRAIGHT DRAW. HE LITERALLY HAS ACE HIGH AND NO DRAW WHATSOEVER CALLING AN ALL IN ON THE TURN.HE DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING RESEMBLING A CALLABLE HIGH HAND. He didn't even have a hand that could have been misread as a flush. He 100 pct thought he had the nut low and said chop it up after the river was dealt and the guy with the nut flush exposed his hand.

There is no way on this planet he is shooting an angle.

5)he refuses to leave and tried to prevent the dealer from dealing another hand. By then the floor was there, who called security and when the player refused to leave the table called the state police. The player who got screwed told them he wanted the police to come. Once the police came he told them he wanted to speak to the gaming commission. I have no idea what happened once he left with the police.

The player 100 percent got screwed, was not shooting an angle and parx handed the entire thing terribly. It was completely their fault that somebody screwed up with the plaque. To top it off nobody had ever seen this player before and he's coming from a different game that was half high low. He had every reason to believe this was a high low game.

Last edited by parx fiasco; 03-25-2018 at 04:40 AM.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Koss
Assuming the casino wouldnt eat any part of this loss by either compensating the player for half the pot or his losses in the hand, I would give everyone all their bets back from the pot. Everyone at that table sux though. No way I dont call out a wrong plaque within 30 seconds of sitting at a table.
You suck. The wrong plaque was called out and nothing was done about it until after this hand.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Suit
I don't think this guy really thought it was H/L. He likely noticed the plaque and tried to angle for half.
Originally Posted by Suit
Very probable that you get sent to an Omaha game and when you sit down you look at the plaque to see if it is H/L or not rather than ask the dealer.
Then why is it likely that this particular guy is angling?

fwiw I don’t play Omaha but I do read the plaques. I’m learning from this thread that I’m weird in that way. Also surprised to learn that the plaque doesn’t play, as “table stakes” has been drilled into my head since I started playing live.

Out of curiosity, how would this go down if it were the first hand of a new table? How would it be decided who was playing the wrong game?
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Suit
Very probable that you get sent to an Omaha game and when you sit down you look at the plaque to see if it is H/L or not rather than ask the dealer. I'm suspicious of everything though by nature.
Here in the Northeast, historically much more Omaha was played as O8 rather than as straight Omaha. This is changing as Omaha (especially PLO) gets more popular, but in this part of the country, when people said simply "Omaha" they generally meant O8, and referred to straight Omaha as "High-only". This is still somewhat true today, IME. (I have always thought that this was the same as referring to HL Stud as "Stud" and to regular Stud as "High-only"... which of course no one does.)
So it isn't unreasonable that when the player asked for and was sent to an "Omaha" table, he assumed that it was O8. As previously posted, I have seen this a bunch of times. Could he have been angling? Sure, but unlikely IMO.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 10:00 AM
Highly doubt this was an angle; seems a very risky angle... “ I know this is PLO hi, but I’ll put my whole stack in with nothing because I spotted the plaque was wrong, and then I’ll argue I won low and hope for a favorable ruling”
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-25-2018 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by parx fiasco
The OP is largely correct.... whole bunch more words
Thanks for filling in some of the missing details.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-26-2018 , 10:10 AM
Jesus casinos are stupid. If I'm the floor manager I immediately pay this guy out of the casino's coffers, apologize and comp him a couple of steak dinners. Never mind that i'ts the right ethical thing to do. There's no way the casino wants gaming involved here.

I hope the guy pursues this up the ladder with gaming, gets reimbursed, and the casino eats a huge fine.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-26-2018 , 11:23 AM
The Player clearly got screwed here. Based on the second set of facts, it's highly unlikely that he was angling. I would be calling my casino manager and poker manager and finding out how to compensate this player because it is clearly the casino's fault. Even with a table full of degen regs who play the same game every day at X-o'clock, this is still a huge mistake several hours into the game.

That being said, upon reading the second part of the story, I couldn't help picturing the biggest a-hole that I have in my room as being the victim here, because he would make that kind of scene about it, albeit he would in the right.

And I have no clue what the deal is with the gaming agent. Granted they don't all know poker, but if you don't know, find someone who does.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-26-2018 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
My guess is I could write a plaque of pure gibberish leave it on the table for a month and not one player would notice
It depends how many regs you have. The first few times I am in a room I tend to look at the table number plaque to make sure I am at the right table and then look at the game plaque to make sure I asked for the right game.

It has never once occurred to me that the plaque may be wrong - if the plaque didn't meet my expectation I would assume that I had either asked for the wrong game or the floor sent me to the wrong table.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-26-2018 , 12:10 PM
In fairness to the gaming agent ... Many people are unable to articulate meaningful explanations of a situation especially when they are angry or upset......

It is possible the gaming agent didn't get a clear explanation of what had happened.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-26-2018 , 12:21 PM
I play in mainly two casinos ... one goes by the plaque as 'religion' ... the other one doesn't even use them as Dealers usually ask the players to verify what game they are playing.

Def think the player got the business here. 'Very' correct to wait until the police showed up to get (hopefully) third party witness to the evet.

If the Floor changed the plaque before the GC rep showed up ... well, duh .. of course he's not going to see a problem and move on. And good luck getting any footage of the table from security.

Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-27-2018 , 12:54 PM
Good on you, parx fiasco. Hope you're willing to be a witness in a lawsuit.

As for people saying it was an angle -- really? He decides to pull an angle AND just happened to hit nut low?
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-27-2018 , 03:28 PM
If it is an angle it is the dumbest angle ever. It is not a freeroll, he is literally risking his whole stack. He needs to be right 50% of the time to pull this off so it makes no sense whatsoever. If he can't win the high hand ever then it is impossible to be an angle.

Actually the 50% isn't correct because he chops the pot and only wins half the dead money. In other words, it needs to be correct the vast majority of the time.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-28-2018 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by albedoa
Then why is it likely that this particular guy is angling?
In all honesty, after thinking about it I changed my mind. That's why the contradicting posts.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-28-2018 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Hope you're willing to be a witness in a lawsuit.
lol lawsuit lol
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-28-2018 , 07:19 PM
I don't think the H/L guy has much of a chance at a lawsuit. For a book of regulations of over 1100 pages in PA, this specific issue isn't addressed as far I could find. PA does have a "rule 1" that states that the poker supervisor's decision is final. There is also a section that discusses that the players can decide to change the stakes if done unaminously and the plaque doesn't need to be changed to reflect it. That would indicate that the other players' understanding of the game trumps the plaque when a new player comes in.

Appreciate parx fiasco's additional information that makes it clear it wasn't an angle.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
03-31-2018 , 07:53 AM
Not an angle but still don’t feel comfortable shipping him half the pot...

W the nut low and no high he literally could be getting quartered...

I think 1/4 of the pot is fair, paid in food comps

If plaque speaks ship him half if floor speaks give this guy some meal coupons.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
04-01-2018 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
similar thing happened at the Borgata a couple of years back

Plaque was accurate there, but the player asked specifically for plo8 and was directed to high only table by a clueless floor (plo8 doesn't run at Borg). Lost his $600 buy in the very first hand and went quietly into the night.
This happened at my home casino. Guy signs up for O8 gets seated by floor at high only table. Ships $400 with nut low on his second hand. Other player keeps pot. Poker room reimburses him the loss. He was a big player in the pits though.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
04-01-2018 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by RedThunder
This happened at my home casino. Guy signs up for O8 gets seated by floor at high only table. Ships $400 with nut low on his second hand. Other player keeps pot. Poker room reimburses him the loss. He was a big player in the pits though.
Being a pit player changes everything. I know if a poker room on the strip that was closed because a pit player got upset in the poker room.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
04-04-2018 , 12:34 AM
If this were me, it wouldn't have stopped with a gaming agent who didn't understand poker. There would be a formal complaint. Although venice is raising a really good point, which is that what really matters is what PA law requires.
Oops, Wrong Game - Ruling? Quote
