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ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas

06-09-2008 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
losing $4k or even 2k in $1-2 Nl would be almost impossible.
Not true! I see people at my table on a pace to do this on a nightly basis.

Originally Posted by sevencard2003
but playing only poker is hard since u fold 95% of the time.
No offense, but this comment doesn't make me think you'll do well grinding short stacks. If you don't have the discipline to stay away from VP, it's hard to see you having the discipline to play some 7% of your hands.

And I'm still not convinced this isn't a level, but if not, I definitely want to hear the story about the $1000 to the woman in Louisiana.
06-09-2008 , 03:51 PM
she is theycallmecc on stars, known her a long time, (4 yrs--an talked on the phone alot) but never met her in person, shes always asked for money all the time ive known her. just wantedto have a chance to meet her while in louisiana for another reason for a week. i was there about 2 weeks right before i went to vegas. and yeah im tight in cash games, evidence of which is the guy siting next to me complaininng im tying up a seat and not playing since i constantly folded. its just the machines are more FUN than poker. pokers BORING when played correctly, thats why i like shorthanded games 4-7 players. but everytime i find one in a casino, the floors always breaking it and moving us to full tables.

yeah i used to live in vegas, and for about 2 yrs my roll never passed above $3000 or dropped below $250. this was many yrs ago when i mainly played $1-5 stud at binions and stayed in a cheap rooming house downtown, as long as i could afford it. so playing for many years off $4000 and not going bust is easy if u stick to only poker. thats why i went ahead and played machines i think so much in the last few weeks, its cause i knew i still had enough left for poker.

but really to be honest, thats DUMB. i should be trying to save up $10-20k so i can play with $500 buyins instead of $40-100 buyins most of the time.
06-09-2008 , 05:21 PM
If I had to guess, the OP is probably down slightly at VP and down massively on the VBJ.

OP, why are you wasting your time playing a game that returns 97% when the house advantage on BJ is less than 1%? The worst BJ table in Vegas still returns 98.7%.

I have to agree with the others, GA sounds like it might be the correct answer.
06-09-2008 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
($1-2 PL omaha half hi half hilo.)its at binions and the min buyin only $100 and there is NO max buyin.
oooooomggggg first commerce spreads real NL and now this sweet ass game??? What is in the water that poker room managers are drinking lately?! I want some of it!!!!
06-09-2008 , 05:43 PM
there are many Bj tables in vegas paying less than 98% just go to the smaller strip places around imperial palace all paying 6-5 only on BJ.
06-09-2008 , 06:22 PM
Thank you OP you're an inspiration to me and based on your posts I've decided to chase the dream and go pro as well!
06-09-2008 , 08:52 PM
you deserve no advice you god damn peice of **** short stacker.
i ****ing hate shortstackers.


Edit: I have now read all of OP's posts and feel a little bit bad for saying what i initially sad. But not bad enough t remoove it.

however, i have come o the conclusion that either this is one massive level, of this nees to be posted in BBV as a...dare i say BlotKis type persona.

This is quite epiclicious...

Last edited by Dark_Mace; 06-09-2008 at 09:00 PM.
06-09-2008 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
there are many Bj tables in vegas paying less than 98% just go to the smaller strip places around imperial palace all paying 6-5 only on BJ.
That's why you don't play single deck or at Harras Casino.
06-10-2008 , 12:06 AM
rofl you sukkk
06-10-2008 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
actually since i came to vegas with the $7000 a week ago, im actually up about $600 at poker. (mostly in 1-2 NL). doesnt count the $900 i dropped at rio, you're down then?

i won't get too riled up, because you HAVE to be pulling our legs with your whole story...
06-10-2008 , 08:30 PM
rolls still over $4300 made $81 yesterday downtown, half of it playing $1-5 hilo stud at binions which they never have going usually. and im not too happy cause my cell phone disappeared somewhere and i have no idea what became of it.

BUT GUESS WHAT--i stayed 100% off machines yesterday. was a little disappointed no PL hilo omaha going at binions last nite.
06-10-2008 , 08:52 PM
if you put it all on red you have a 50/50 (- 3% house edge or 6% if you have double zero)
of doubling your roll.

I feel given yor Br management and general money skills as presented by your continuously ignorant posts, this is your best bet for making money in a casino environment.
06-10-2008 , 09:42 PM
go screw urself, im always winning when i only play poker, made $81 last nite staying off machines.
06-10-2008 , 10:33 PM
man this is pathetic...stay off the machines and away from the pits... u saying that u always win playing poker seems like a fib to me if uve lose thousands playing video BJ or video poker..this is what u want u really want to do? u really need to evaulute ur life when ur living out of a motel grinding 1-2 games short stacking for 20BBs. im not making fun of u in any way im just actually concerned for ur general well being because poker and gambling does not need to be ur life. u need to balance poker and other hobbied u enjoy along with spending time with friends and family to maintain a healthy and viable social life. theres more to winning at poker than just playing good poker and that includes just some of what i have mentioned in the above paragraph. and btw it does count if u were playing 2-5 at the rio half asleep. money lost at the poker table or blackack table or craps table is still money that u no longer have counting as a part of ur losses. u sound like one of those guys who plays at clubs and plays on a sheet and because they actaully didnt lose the physical money in the game that they didnt lose at all

Last edited by hockeyhero31; 06-10-2008 at 10:41 PM.
06-10-2008 , 10:39 PM
Probably shouldn't take the rest of you're bankroll off of online, since you're obviously a degenerate gambler.

My prediction: You're gonna take a couple of bad beats and tilt off you're whole bankroll in the pitts. And trust me it won't take long.
06-10-2008 , 11:28 PM
'live poker's boring'

'i play shortstacked'

'i like 4-7 handed'

screw you guys and your advice'

Dude you're in the wrong business.

A, poker's probably more interesting if you played more than one street you dirty short stacker.

B, why not just play online then? You can multi-rathole

C, see you at the penny slots when I get to town next month.
06-12-2008 , 04:18 AM
am now at $3700, lost $300 on the big split machine in the golden nugget, that i aint seen in ages, and $400 in the pl hilo omaha game there. everyone at the table said i took a bad beat with that one hand i lost. only thing thats gonna work is for me to go to CA to stay off machines. cause los angelos aint got machines.

flop 437 with 2 clubs my hand is aj clubs 24 spades.
turn is j dia, im short stack, go all in after calling a raise on flop
i had the low and was freerolling for high. and he had 56 for a straight.

river was a 2 killed my low and he made wheel and scooped. everyone said theyd been in with my hand too, and i was lucky i didnt have more on the table before the hand.
06-12-2008 , 04:22 AM
bleh, this is so sick. gl op
06-12-2008 , 05:26 AM
gl seven i hope you correct whats wrong in you life and run with whats good!
06-12-2008 , 07:41 AM
You are a degenerate. Please post a picture of yourself. Do you have anyone that you can talk to about your problems? And what the hell is the big split machine? Los Angelos will not solve your problems, you need to clean up your act. I believe that you are not a winning player. You need to get straight or consider kys imo. Please post a picture.
06-12-2008 , 09:33 AM
Dude, just wait for that SSI reload and start tearing up High Limit Slots!
06-12-2008 , 10:26 AM
Maybe you should loosen up a bunch at the poker table. That way you'd get more of your gambling fix in and wouldn't be bored and have to blow your money on the machines. Either that, or learn craps. Craps is fun.
06-12-2008 , 12:00 PM
This has to be a joke.
06-12-2008 , 12:32 PM
06-12-2008 , 12:43 PM
OP is the reason poker is profitable. Get halp.
