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NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft

09-14-2009 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by nuts busted
I played there on a trip 2 years ago, and had a weird run in on the HH Jackpot. I was dealt A7 and the board came something like 774K7, giving me quads 7s. I asked for the high hand jackpot and the floor told me that "both hole cards must play" (as I had already noted on the board up makes no mention that for quads the hole cards must be a pocket pair). I informed him that both hole cards DID play for quad 7s with an ace, he refused and the game moved on. I let it go.

I now wonder if he stole my jackpot from me?
Probably not. In most rooms the rule is "both hole cards must play, and for quads you must hold a pocket pair", but people tend to only repeat the first part.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by chubby checker
Probably not. In most rooms the rule is "both hole cards must play, and for quads you must hold a pocket pair", but people tend to only repeat the first part.
Except for the fact that the posted rules clearly made no mention of the pocket pair. I've played in rooms with HH Jackpots before and know the usual rules; in this case, the rules were either ambiguous or he was wrong (cheating me).

Last edited by nuts busted; 09-14-2009 at 05:39 PM.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
09-14-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
All probably true.

The casino needs to make this right. They know who jackpot hands were awarded to. They have a log.
This is teh funny.

The log consists on a player signing something illegible and taking the money. There is NO way to figure out who the hell each of these players are. Perhaps you will have some luck with the regulars, but the tourists are SOL.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:25 AM
I feel sad, angry, let down, and cheated by what happened in the PH poker room. (And let's just say I am more than a player and close to the individuals who were arrested).
It was a sad day for everyone involved in that poker room when they were handcuffed and led away by gaming and security. It's one thing to think that somebody is shady, it's another thing to know it. On the surface, they were great fun guys. But let's just say my sympathy is turning into anger as I realize the damage they have caused to the poker room reputation, and cheating the players out of their proper high-hand payouts. They not only stole from the players earning their high hand jackpots, but stole from the dealers who deal the high hand jackpots and rely on tips to make a living. It's one thing to get tipped on a 50 dollar jackpot, another on a 599 dollar jackpot.
To those individuals involved in PH who want them back and feel that oh, since they didn't steal from me, that's allright, I liked them, I want them back. Well, indirectly, they STOLE from you as well. Nobody was not affected by their greed.

Thankfully there is a full investigation and everyone can bet the poker room are doing things right and by the books now. Who knows how many other rooms might be involved in various forms of illegal behavior.

I'll just say this. They currently and will get what they deserve. They cannot work in gaming again (yes, I know there are loopholes, but will be difficult since their mugs are plastered all over the news and local television), and who knows what punishment will be dealt out in the courtrooms.

The high-hand jackpots now are properly documented and surveillance called. The PH poker room has a high-hand jackpot promotion, pays 50-599 for quads, straight flushes, or royal flushes. Once they are hit, they pay 50 dollars until the next day when the amounts of the high-hand jackpot drop are calculated.
The room does not have a bad-beat jackpot, hence no "payout to the room". Everything is done correctly now.

Even after all the bs is done, we thankfully are still known as having one of the softest 1/2 no limit games around, and we always have several each day. Perhaps the one thing that when all is said and done, will save the room. Not mentioning all the eye candy (to the guys who played in the room, you know what I'm talking about).

I for one will apologize to anyone who has hit a high-hand and feel like perhaps they have been cheated. No way to know for sure. I did not know what was going on. But I heard after the arrests that this has been going on for at least a year or longer.
Look, they found a weakness, a flaw, and took advantage of it. Good people who found a way to make a dishonest buck and made bad decisions and are paying the price.
Hey guys, listen: Do the crime, be willing to do the time.

P.S. And a bit of a joke, don't steal, casinos hate competition lol
Can substitue casinos for government too I guess.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
10-10-2009 , 12:36 PM
If true, I will not patronize that room
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
10-10-2009 , 05:23 PM
a shame because the PH had a good reputation amongst a few of our regular posters. I didn't know why that was though.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
10-10-2009 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by nuts busted
Except for the fact that the posted rules clearly made no mention of the pocket pair. I've played in rooms with HH Jackpots before and know the usual rules; in this case, the rules were either ambiguous or he was wrong (cheating me).
You should have taken it to the gaming commission. Recent events might tip it in your favor.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
I havnt played in this room for a long time, but most of these high hand payouts are capped at $599 so there is no taxes.
.... "taken out at the time" I assume you meant to finish with? Because, of course, a dollar in session profit is a taxable amount.
NEWS: Planet Hollywood Poker Room - Four Supervisors Arrested for Jackpot Theft Quote
