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NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$?
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most $$$?
Tom "Durr" Dwan
136 41.72%
Phil Hellmuth
27 8.28%
"Silent" Mike Baxter
12 3.68%
Allen Cunningham
119 36.50%
Guy Laliberte
18 5.52%
David "Viffer" Peat
14 4.29%

07-21-2008 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by The_Taj
What would you do to see Hellmuth get 1-outered by Durrr to win the main event?
Nothing. I want to see him get pummeled with raises and reraises, and then get knocked out with the worst hand, "Thank You" (like set over set against AC).
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 05:13 AM
Phil is great:

'Criticizing someone else's bad call and then they make a much worse call, that's ironic. I know that's a tough word for you durrrr, now that you didn't go to college'

NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by PhishOneTime
I understand that he wants to play position. All I'm saying is I throw up every time I have to look at him. I can't imagine why people suck his nuts off so much. He is a complete bore and the definition of a Dbag.
Um, you could be talking about anyone at the table?
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by The_Taj
What would you do to see Hellmuth get 1-outered by Durrr to win the main event?
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 03:02 PM
god helmuths self centerdness tilts the **** out of me. When he was bragging about air-balling Dwan with K5o and dwan responded to him with "omg rly? i had a deuce" the typical reaction would have been to been surprised and impressed or whatever, but PH just ignored Dwan twice and continued talking about himself (with sunglasses on). He was completely ignorant to how ****in close he was to getting completely obliterated.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by RikkiDee
god helmuths self centerdness tilts the **** out of me. When he was bragging about air-balling Dwan with K5o and dwan responded to him with "omg rly? i had a deuce" the typical reaction would have been to been surprised and impressed or whatever, but PH just ignored Dwan twice and continued talking about himself (with sunglasses on). He was completely ignorant to how ****in close he was to getting completely obliterated.

I think phil played bad and Durr play realy good, but I have to disagree with close to completely obliterated. Phil made a good play that hand and he won that pot you can't flip that.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 05:07 PM
My feelings are a lot like most in this thread...this week was awesome, I want a PAD cash game every week,etc.

Just wanted to add that Ali Nejad was really really good this week.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by oldmangrimis
Phil made a good play that hand and he won that pot you can't flip that.
firing a second barrel (remember, he didn't bet flop) on a scare card when checked to, when betting is the only way you can win the pot, is not exactly impressive. it's standard. durrrr almost calling is seriously a hundred times more worthy of acclaim than anything phil actually did in that hand imo
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07-21-2008 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by oldmangrimis
I think phil played bad and Durr play realy good, but I have to disagree with close to completely obliterated. Phil made a good play that hand and he won that pot you can't flip that.
i don't deny he made a good play (although if durr was anywhere but the very bottom of his range he was getting snap called) I just hate how PH didn't even knowledge what Durr was saying in the interview.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 06:38 PM
Considering the amount of compliments Phil gives others, i thought he was pretty respectful towards Durr in the last interview
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 07:14 PM
Did they ever mention the Durrr-Hellmuth run-in at the Heads-Up Championship?
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by tailspin4540
Did they ever mention the Durrr-Hellmuth run-in at the Heads-Up Championship?
It got mentioned in one of the lead-ins opening the show, where Dwan was introduced as the guy most famous for cracking aces with pocket tens, then having Hellmuth introduced as the guy who had his aces cracked by "that guy."
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-21-2008 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Self Made
1) Why the odd structure? Their donkaments have an odd structure too. Don't the producers think regular poker is good enough for TV? I couldn't find a 250 bb min. buyin game with large antes if I wanted to. Certainly not at my local or online poker room. Why not a normal 100 bb deep game without antes?
To generate action. Deep stacks allow for more plays like floating the flop and better implied odds for speculative hands. The antes help create more multi-way pots. No antes and shallower stacks lead to more hands that are raise-and-take-it pre-flop or c-bet-and-take-it on the flop.

2) Is Ali talking more this season? Please stop. Haven't we make it clear that one of the things we've liked about this show is limited commentary and being able to hear the table talk? I don't need Ali talking over table talk or his play-by-play, and venturing into analysis is dangerous for him. E.g. the hand where durrrr raised Baster on the river with two pair. I, and even that donkey durrrr, correctly recognized it as a weak blocking bet, but Ali painted it as a strong value bet (or representation of such).
I like Ali's play-by-play. I prefer him to any poker commentary team out there (but then I also liked his appearance as a player.) He consistently relates the size of the bet to the size of the pot, for one. He also talks over at least some of the table talk on the instruction of the producers.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:07 AM
I understand that some people find Ali's voice irritating but he's definitely one of the best poker commentators out there. Imagine PAD with someone like Jesse Mae behind the microphone...
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07-22-2008 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Devilboy666
I understand that some people find Ali's voice irritating but he's definitely one of the best poker commentators out there. Imagine PAD with someone like Jesse Mae behind the microphone...
I would be obliged to stick superheated knitting needles into my ears.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-22-2008 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Devilboy666
I understand that some people find Ali's voice irritating but he's definitely one of the best poker commentators out there. Imagine PAD with someone like Jesse Mae behind the microphone...
gabe kaplan is the best just for that bob stupak joke alone.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-22-2008 , 05:42 PM
lol @ replaying the KK vs AA hand AI preflop
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
firing a second barrel (remember, he didn't bet flop) on a scare card when checked to, when betting is the only way you can win the pot, is not exactly impressive. it's standard. durrrr almost calling is seriously a hundred times more worthy of acclaim than anything phil actually did in that hand imo
if it so standard why did durrr just give up that money
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by oldmangrimis
if it so standard why did durrr just give up that money
uh because a) he had a pair of freakin 2s; his hand can't beat several bluffs, b) phil's fakeout angle psyched him out, and c) it's surprising for phil hellmuth to actually play a street correctly
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:22 AM
So are they done with the cash game? When will it go back to the cash game?
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-23-2008 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
uh because a) he had a pair of freakin 2s; his hand can't beat several bluffs, b) phil's fakeout angle psyched him out, and c) it's surprising for phil hellmuth to actually play a street correctly
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-23-2008 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by pokerkid45
So are they done with the cash game? When will it go back to the cash game?
They just filmed one cash game for now to see how it does. The next few weeks will be SNG again but they are going to make more cash game episodes.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-23-2008 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Killingbird
my wife (who never watches poker) was just watching this with me. She wanted to know if it was some kind of special poker game because there are 4 gay guys at the table.

I told her that I thought only 3 of them were gay, but that I could be wrong.
I think I saw the waitress handing out poppers.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by Devilboy666
They just filmed one cash game for now to see how it does. The next few weeks will be SNG again but they are going to make more cash game episodes.
wrong, they filmed two:

7 37-42 Oct 13-Oct 19 Cash Game #2 Patrik Antonius Dee Tiller Howard Lederer Doyle Brunson Gabe Kaplan Eli Elezra
here are the other dates of the season:
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 14 - Cash Game - Who Will Win The Most $$$? Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
uh because a) he had a pair of freakin 2s; his hand can't beat several bluffs, b) phil's fakeout angle psyched him out, and c) it's surprising for phil hellmuth to actually play a street correctly
but you said that with air that it was stander to bluff there, say that thet move was easly so if it was so easy, it should of been easy not to loose it. if he had a pair of 2 and he could not beat several buffs then it was an ok bluff by phil but you call it stander. I think you just say that becouse of how played it. So phil angle ok so he should of show his tell of what he hand, come on. if you don't like him cool I don't like him aswell but bash an ok play just make you sound like kid.
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