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NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread
View Poll Results: Who Will Win "Gus and the Ladies" Week?
Gus Hansen
126 51.43%
Vanessa Rousso
17 6.94%
J.J. Liu
27 11.02%
Clonie Gowen
21 8.57%
Beth Shak
13 5.31%
Erica Schoenberg
41 16.73%

04-02-2008 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
Looks like JJ is the best player on that table and Shak by far the worse.
I thought that, until she donked off all of that cash to Gus. Just because Clonie pushed him off a hand doesn't mean everyone can do it that easily.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
Given the stacks and the money, it was a push or fold situation for Gowen, hence the "Damn it."
When she said "damn it", my first thought was how real the comment was. She seriously looked surprised and I thought that was a stupid reaction to have on the turn when there's more betting action after she call/folds and thought there was no opportunity for her to raise. I was amazed that she still raised and that Vanessa laid it down.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
About to watch night 2 on the DVR...

Clonie...OK...but based on last time she played with Vanessa there and some of the chat/body language between the 2 again...I'd say it's a good bet that Clonie & Chad were together shortly before Vanessa got him

clonie had a weird run in with vanessa on ultimate cash poker. clonie didn't think she had to put in the BB, but she did anyway. she flopped 2 pair and vanessa hit a pair. on the river vanessa hits bigger 2 pair, clonie goes all in. vanessa says something, clonie thinks she calls and announces that she has 2 pair, vanessa freaks out, vanessa calls anyway, vanessa felts clonie, clonie gets pissed

vanessa disturbs me for some reason. wish she would disappear from TV poker. it has to do with her 7th place finish at a WPT 2 years ago and how hungry the TV people were to make her a star.

she also has a temper control problem, absolutely hates to lose. almost tore van alstyne's arm off when he busted her out of the WPT championship in 7th place then stormed off and tossed the velvet ropes to the ground.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:08 PM
lol ^^

I like Rousso but I wish she didn't wear 50 pounds of wardrobe every time...

Gus and Cloine heads up

Erica is beautiful but she looks bored playing poker

JJ might be good but every Asian women I've played with live is a total donkstain...

I want to see Beth Shak's rack hop up and down again please NBC.

Gus ftw
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by iTz gUidO yO
I like Rousso but I wish she didn't wear 50 pounds of wardrobe every time...
I don't get it. Lack of cleavage showing=50 pounds of wardrobe?
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by CPOner
um... not sure what you are talking about, but PAD is most certainly in hi def

but more importantly... i must scroll up and see these naked erica pics

.... no. it's not.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
I don't get it. Lack of cleavage showing=50 pounds of wardrobe?
Oh I'm sorry , I forgot I can't exaggerate at all on the internet. I dont care about cleavage at all. I want to see her face. If I wanted cleavage I would go watch Tilly play...
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ted_Thompson
Am I the only one who thinks Clonie is the hottest? I know she is no spring chicken, but her banter and her flirting with Gus and her bad-ass game is all working for me. She has a slim girlishness and sexiness. Anyone agree?
If Clonie didn't have decent bewbs she would be invisible to me.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 11:31 PM
Clonie's pwning Gus. I like how she's playing.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:46 AM
Lol @ vanessa asking if they give massages.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:52 AM
Can somebody bust out, so everyone can start playing again?
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:54 AM
weeee go Vanessa!

Oh more Shak boob shots immed
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:57 AM
Great laydown by Erica. I guess A10 is the only hand she could have by limp calling then flatting the flop and firing a checked turn.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Garbs
Can somebody bust out, so everyone can start playing again?
it's winner take all, so that shouldn't matter ...
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by iTz gUidO yO
Great laydown by Erica. I guess A10 is the only hand she could have by limp calling then flatting the flop and firing a checked turn.
Actually Vanessa is so bad that she is probably playing so exploitable as to only play that sequence with a monster. If she floated the flop, I think she is shoving the turn after Erica checks. Vanessa's preflop play was freaking awful, limping then calling 2800 with those stacks.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by beserious
it's winner take all, so that shouldn't matter ...
No it shouldn't, but no one wants to bust out first.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:05 AM
CLownie is playing really well. I was impressed by the AhQh laydown.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:22 AM
Lol at Vanessa's amazing play of small pp's. Love her flat of Gus's raise with 22.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 04:56 AM
Someone tell Ali that this is Vanessa's third time on PAD, not her second. Hell, he was at the table for one of them. (Although I wouldn't blame him if he's blocked that show out.)

Originally Posted by stiffdeadman
who's banging clonie?? thought she was divorced with a couple kids.
That's a question for NVG imo.

Originally Posted by A_Pete
But can somebody explain all these pros at PAD 3-betting preflop with KJ, AT, AJ type of hands? What's their intention? Are they valuerasing with KJ and AT? If they bluff couldn't they pick hands like 87s or 98o to not get into difficult spots? I just wonder every time I see it and it happens a lot on PAD.
I think they think they are. But it seems to have come to a sudden stop.

Originally Posted by beserious
Vanessa's preflop play was freaking awful, limping then calling 2800 with those stacks.
Even if Vanessa sensed something was up by Erica's too-big re-raise (2800 with blinds at 3/6? Really?), calling for set value doesn't... seem right in a heads-up situation because she's less likely to make money if she hits it.

As an aside, Erica's made some pretty loose calls. Still, she's lasted longer than David has every time he's played, so good for her, I guess.

Clonie's a crafty one. Not only is she running over the other women like last time, but now she's randomly decided to start singing Gus's praises to try to soften him up. (Or possibly the opposite. )

Also, I can't believe this thread didn't explode when Patrik was brought up.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:01 AM
Just for the record........

Marinela needs to go...she can't even read her cue cards with skipping words or use any energy. It's obv that someone's also feeding her the questions to ask each player as well.

Ali's stiff & sarcastic announcing is a lot more entertaining to mix in some other pros to do it.

And don't allow JJ to wear a freaking Las Vegas sign as a shirt on camera!
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:04 AM
its his eyes!
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:04 AM
Did Liu just say to gus "you want to go?" pointing up to her hotel room? creepy.

Clonie is obv drunk. Gus even asks "what are you drinking over there clonie?" Not to mention her awkward conversation with liu about where they met/didnt meet for the first time where clonie didnt remember.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:18 AM
Clonie is hot, Erica is hot but hasn't said a single word, Beth is pretty fkkkkin good lookin for a girl who had five kids, Vanessa looks like Big Bird, JJ maybe cute if she lost a few pounds. Clonie and Vanessa are definetely flirting with Gus, Clonie even said he was so good looking it distracted her (same for PA), Vanessa is an awkward little bitch, she should stop talking and disappear forever. Clonie's probably playing the best here. Shak has no chance. Just my 2000 gs
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Garbs
Everything about Vanessa is so grating. If I had been called with an open-ended straight draw in that spot, and my draw turned out to be the best hand, my reaction would not be, "WHAT? I don't understand!" Just shut up, and be happy.
QFT wanted to stab her here and for the way she said "thanks" after. I always thought it was her incessant blabbering that bothered me but she's generally being quiet this week and I'm just as annoyed by her. Plus she's acting all serious like she's at a major final table or something.

Are you people joking when you say Shak looks good?

Schoenberg = my girlfriend

Last edited by KSOT; 04-03-2008 at 05:54 AM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by tailspin4540
Even if Vanessa sensed something was up by Erica's too-big re-raise (2800 with blinds at 3/6? Really?),
Ya rly, I thought Erica's re-raise size was correct. After one limper, a 4.7xBB raise is reasonable.
NEW Poker After Dark - Gus and the Ladies - Who Will Win?/Discussion Thread Quote
