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New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money?
View Poll Results: Who will win the most money?
David "Viffer" Peat
112 36.60%
Howard Lederer
13 4.25%
Phil Laak
51 16.67%
Greg Mueller
13 4.25%
Olivier Busquet
55 17.97%
Eli Elezra
62 20.26%

02-12-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
2nd edit: Maybe Howard's extended walk has to do with Laak being drunk? It's pretty sick for him to sit out a whole episode imo.
Maybe he got choked up with excitement after 4-betting with K3, and needed a couple of hours to settle down.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:47 PM
I love this show.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
no its really not even close lederer is by far the nittiest/boring of any cash game. the best explanation is ferguson is tight howard is nitty. i would easily be willing to cross book howard vs chris in any cash game obviously at a much smaller percentage.
They both play tight. Ferguson doesn't say a word. Lederer at least tries to make for some interesting conversation, so imo Lederer>Ferguson.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:37 PM
they should take your antes while youre up
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:44 PM
No, that's why it's a cash game and not a tournament.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Deeze Nutz
So, was Viffer right about them redrawing early? If so, could it be because they see the week is going downhill?
Maybe so, but they did manage to fill 5 hours.
I thought I heard Viffer say they'd only been playing for like 2 hours, so they must have shown a lot of hands they played if that's true.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by sbfootball_84
how many sets did liv hit this session?
quite a few sets, and a couple more just regular ol trips. he's made more hands than anyone else at the table by far but the problem is he's been coolered like 3 or 4 times and not really coolered anyone himself. he definitely has not been lucky. he'd be down even more if his timing and demeanor hadn't convinced the most scared-money player at the table to call a large bet on the turn with a pair of 3s in a 3bet pot on xxQK. i'd say he definitely earned that one. i like how he's playing
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:12 PM
They should have a week called "Just shut up already", with the following lineup:

Patrick Antonius
Howard Lederer
Phil Ivey
Tom Dwan
Chris Ferguson
Jennifer Harman

I put the over/under on words spoken for the week at 100.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:18 PM
This busquet guy is boring as hell.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:55 PM
Well, maybe Laak actually IS drunk. If so, Mueller's way off when he says Laak has had only six drinks. But episode 5 is really the first time I've seen Laak be an obnoxious drunk.
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02-12-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by KingSnyder
"No. 14.2......"

Laak is making this watchable hahahah
This may be the WORST post ever...i seriously hope this was a level...Laak is a babbling moron on every poker show he is on...but if he is drinking or Antonio is on the same show its 1000 times worse...PLEASE MORI.....NO MORE LAAK EVERRRRRRR
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02-12-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Odds Bodkins
I haven't yet seen the last episode, but wow, in the first four Laak has really played like garbage. This is the first time I've seen him play as badly as he is reputed to play on these forums. Yuck.

laak is a spewtard when he's had a few drinks lol
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:34 PM
Did they give you these episodes early or are you just seeing them as we are? Since you played in it, are you even bothering to watch it?
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 10:06 PM
Viffer's inability to not say 'like' every 2 words has probably been even more tilting than Laak this week.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by M4TT
Viffer's inability to not say 'like' every 2 words has probably been even more tilting than Laak this week.

Whats worse was in HSP when Dwan kept saying "like" when talking to DN then DN started saying it every 4 words.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:20 PM
This is the first time I've seen the episodes, I am interested in seeing them cause I'm semi-interested in what people had and semi-interested in how I come off in this format.

People analyzing the way we are all playing have to remember one thing. We play around 150 hands. Anyone that plays online understands just how minuscule that sample of hands is. I, for example, tend to bluff a lot but I wasn't randomly gonna force bluffs in spots I didn't think would be good. Good spots just didn't come up in that sample. It's obviously self-serving for me to emphasize how few hands we play when I'm down money in the game but in all honesty, 150 hands is so little, especially when playing with people you've never played with before.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by livb112
This is the first time I've seen the episodes, I am interested in seeing them cause I'm semi-interested in what people had and semi-interested in how I come off in this format.

People analyzing the way we are all playing have to remember one thing. We play around 150 hands. Anyone that plays online understands just how minuscule that sample of hands is. I, for example, tend to bluff a lot but I wasn't randomly gonna force bluffs in spots I didn't think would be good. Good spots just didn't come up in that sample. It's obviously self-serving for me to emphasize how few hands we play when I'm down money in the game but in all honesty, 150 hands is so little, especially when playing with people you've never played with before.

I don't think anyone that matters has a problem at all with how you were playing. We all saw the coolers. You carried yourself well and you repped the online community well. (Except for the cufflinks)
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:33 PM
Olivier, how tilted were you when you reloaded with the cranberries, or do you ever go on full blown monkey tilt?

P.S. I have a full house.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-13-2011 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
Maybe so, but they did manage to fill 5 hours.
I thought I heard Viffer say they'd only been playing for like 2 hours, so they must have shown a lot of hands they played if that's true.
I can't see any reason why they don't show every single hand in a PAD cash game. I suspect they do. Now, in the SNGs, they frequently will have to edit it down, because you can't predict how long it will take to get to a winner. But in a cash game, they can start and stop it at will, and they know, more or less, how long they have to fill. What small amount of editing that would be neccessary can then be done during tank time and between hands and the like.

As for Laak, wow is he drunk. He's crazy when not drunk, so, yeah.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:25 AM
probably already been said but laak does this fake drunk thing all the time. it was funny as **** when viffer pointed it out like right away and laaks face was this priceless "hand caught in the cookie jar" face.
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02-13-2011 , 02:30 AM
it would be easier for me to think it was fake if his increase in spewiness didn't seem to be directly correlated with his drinking. he might be exaggerating it to some degree, but i think there's some genuine intoxication going on. i've seen him drinking on tv before and he never got this crazy, fake or otherwise
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-13-2011 , 03:26 AM
Re "Pretty sick that Lederer could play 4 simultaneous chess games without once looking at any of the boards (and not make any mistakes)."

Hard to believe he could play four simultaneous blindfold games, being only a rated expert, below master, in the the 2100 range. Odd how he could have such a memory, and not remember how he did in the games, then add that he "probably won all four." Lederer did not say he made no mistakes. Bobby Fischer claimed to remember all the games he ever played. No one at the expert level can make any money at chess.

Sarwer was a strong master, in chess. Walter Brown, a chess grandmaster and U.S. chess champion, tried playing in a poker tournament, and won something like $100k. That kind of money is not available in chess. Dan Harrington was only a strong expert in chess.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-13-2011 , 03:53 AM
What happened in the hand with Peat's 32c vs Busquet's J9c? My file and all the ones on youtube just cut to the next hand after Viffer's check-raise... it's an interesting situation and I wanna know how the hand played out.

Flop was Ac Kh 4c, Busquet bet 4k, Viffer cr'd to 19k and then it's cut off for no reason.
New Poker After Dark:  0K Cash Game...who will win the most money? Quote
02-13-2011 , 03:56 AM
Watching the Directors Cut now.....Vif has come across as a douche lately but he comes off as more polite, easy going on the directors cut. He also came across well on the big game etc....I think he's bipolar.
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02-13-2011 , 04:18 AM
i think viffers attitude that last episode had alot to do with laak antics you could tell he was getting tired of it. that antonio joke was kinda harsh. but definitely had some truth to it you could tell laak didnt know how to react to it.
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