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Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money

03-28-2016 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
Sorry I don't believe in karma. People actually believe that bull****? Like if that hasn't happened, somehow I would've cracked his aces and the cards would've changed? The old guy dropped his chips on mine and I was unsure of how much was mine. Really. So one of us was going to walk away with a bit more. Since it was his fault, shouldn't we err on me getting more than him?

Try to picture this scenario in your head. You have 4 black chips and 5 greens and 3 whites that you're shuffling (let's assume you're sure this time). Player drops his stack onto yours. All reds are his but then some guy says you did not have 4 blacks. Which you know is not true. What's your move? Tell me really because I'm confused.
I don't believe in karma either but I also don't steal.
I've given money back when gettng overpaid at casinos i would never go to again, pointed out when a player shorted a pot heads up vs me several time, corrected the dealer in giving my opponent too little change etc.

If you knew you ended up with too much money why didn't you say so?

You initially said you had around 100 more than you should have- that is stealing even if the other guy was wrong about what denominations you stole.I could understand not being sure if it was 475 or 525 but then why would you end up with more than 525? The fact you point out 50 bucks won't change your life makes it even worse not better.

Last edited by borg23; 03-28-2016 at 06:16 AM.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by NHTPA
Exactly. Dude is stealing $100.00 from some old man. Have some respect, not only for your elders, but for yourself. Jesus, if you're over the age of 6, I honestly feel bad for you, and your ethics.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 06:20 AM
I'm guessing this didn't happen.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by EZmoney74
How do you not know how much you have? Your sitting there playing with your chips, yet you don't know what they add up to?
He had a rough estimate, that's more than a lot of guys have.
Originally Posted by randommuppet
I'm guessing this didn't happen.
Why would you make this up? To make everybody dislike you?
On the other hand, if this was a real story, why would OP say $100 instead of $10 which would look way less scummy..
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:48 AM
There was no question in the OP , guess there doesn't really have to be one always. OP told a story looking for some feedback. Well he certainly got some.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by randommuppet
I'm guessing this didn't happen.

Op eventually cashed out $1,400, so blacks and greens are significant chips in the game.

What color stack was the old mans? Shuffling blacks and green with white is not the norm, as most people put them on top of their stack to be visible. Add to that a stack dropping on them even stranger. Very rarely will you see an old man with a mixed stack. So unless this guy dropped a stack of blacks, how was there confusion over how many blacks Op had?

Story has too many holes, or too many out of norm coincidences.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:12 AM
I've seen amateurs shuffle mixed colors. It's a little tilting cause you can't tell the stack size easily.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Do OPs in LCP have to contain questions, or are you just looking for an excuse to move this to BBV?
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
There was no question in the OP , guess there doesn't really have to be one always. OP told a story looking for some feedback. Well he certainly got some.
He never stated he was looking for feedback of any kind. Yes I was looking to move this to BBV. OP has a history of making BBV-ish threads here so I was trying to determine his intent. I'm glad I didn't move it though, I'm really enjoying the comments he's getting
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:11 PM
Whatever you do, don't move it to BBV. We are sick and tired of MTT's threads already
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:15 PM
In the OP's defense, third parties outside of the two people involved should either be specific as to what they think is wrong, or shut the **** up.

I hate people who say, "You didn't have four black chips," without specifying how many there actually were. It turns the game of Guess How Much I Had (which is already a tough game to play) into Guess How Much Seat Three Thinks I Had, which is asinine.

That being said, people feel compelled to speak up when people like the OP clearly try to take advantage of the situation. If you (OP) had been honest from the beginning, there's a good chance that the other guy wouldn't have spoken up, and if he did, you could be righteously indignant rather than just another loser caught with his pants down.

Especially in NL where people keep track of others' stack sizes pretty carefully, trying to pretend you had $100 more than you did is pretty lol.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
He never stated he was looking for feedback of any kind. Yes I was looking to move this to BBV. OP has a history of making BBV-ish threads here so I was trying to determine his intent. I'm glad I didn't move it though, I'm really enjoying the comments he's getting
No he did not ask for any feedback, but I just think when you post a story on this forum you are expecting to get some responses from folks. I am glad it's here too BTW!
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
I've seen amateurs shuffle mixed colors. It's a little tilting cause you can't tell the stack size easily.
You typically see this more from players who know what they're doing. Shady angle move.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
...... or are you just looking for an excuse to move this to BBV?
Please do move this to BBV. THOSE guys are harsh. At least here, OP will get honest feedback.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 02:05 PM
Simple solution. From the outset you should have returned any amount beyond what you thought you had. So if you knew you had somewhere between 475-525 it is fine to take the 525, but trying to justify accepting anything beyond that just makes you a bad person and the player who called you out was absolutely right to do so. Just learn from this and try to act better towards others in the future. You will feel better about yourself and lead a happier life. Taking advantage of people does not produce happiness in the long run it is just a recipe for ending up self centered, depressed and alone.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 02:36 PM
You shouldn't shuffle high value chips. They are supposed to remain visible at the top or front of your stack so other players can see at all times how many you have.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 02:42 PM
if the OP was going to allow an additional $100+ comp on the split than he knew was correct, that is scummy no doubt about it.

Additionally though, I'm surprised that the other person at the table was so adamant about the fairness of it and openly accusatory of the OP. I would guess chances are higher that the other player did not know for certain how much OP had in the hand to start. IME most people will tend to remain silent if they are not on the more certain side of knowing the facts at hand since it involves two players and their own money. So that makes me think either this person who spoke up just likes to cause a bit of trouble or perhaps the OP has shown himself to be the type of person previously where calling this act into question is justified.

Also, I dont think OP can say he did not try to steal money. Granted the first action/mistake was on behalf of the neighbor player, so not saying the OP angled for or planned this. But having a good idea that you are $100 heavy on your split and saying "I dont know, it's up to you" isn't really fair play - so in a manner of speaking that definitely is theft (even if it is theft facilitated by omission of facts lol.)

Any who - tough situation and still have no idea how this neighbor botched his shuffle to the point where it messed things up this badly, but poor form from the OP IMO. next time just stay above board with your input to the situation and thus remain beyond reproach from other players.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 04:44 PM
OP was looking for responses saying that the 3rd party should have kept out of it.

Instead, he got a heavy consensus that he played on the good will of the old man and KNOWINGLY took money from him.

I think that he internally rationalizes it as "you got to pay for your clumsy chip work".

Sorry OP.

Donate $50 to a charity as penance.

I'm betting you won't.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:35 PM
Your worse then a thief.... Thiefs at least have the decency to not justify their actions with he's got so much money he shouldn't even care. Just come to reality that your a horrible person who wants to take advantage of every angle and scam to steal from others and stop making threads and wasting our time.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:38 PM
There is close to zero per cent chance that some old guy dropped chips onto MTT's chips. He is just jacking with you guys. His most famous thread in BBV is something to the effect of 'playing .10/.20 nl is the equivalent of banging a fat chick.'
I have asked the mods to confine him to the BBV section, kinda like they lock up crazy people in the insane asylum.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by bot01101
I have asked the mods to confine him to the BBV section, kinda like they lock up crazy people in the insane asylum.

I'm picturing this situation as old guy spilling his stack, and OP immediately spilling his own stack right into them, before proceeding to guilt the old guy into giving him an extra $100.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Koko the munkey
I still can't picture how this happens. I've never heard or seen of anything remotely like it. How does someone "drop a pile of chips" onto another player's stack while that player is shuffling chips?

There is obviously a big part of the story that's missing.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone who has played a reasonable account of live poker hasn't seen big piles of chips being scattered in various directions many times, including into other stacks. Do you play live with any regularity?

Let's keep the thread focused on the OP's appalling lack of ethics.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by frommagio
Let's keep the thread focused on the OP's appalling lack of ethics.
No, let's keep the thread focused on the OP's continual trolling of 2+2 with ridiculous threads that have no basis in reality. (As I first noted within about 1 hour of this one being created.)
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 08:48 PM
Cheers to that!
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by frommagio

I find it difficult to believe that anyone who has played a reasonable account of live poker hasn't seen big piles of chips being scattered in various directions many times, including into other stacks. Do you play live with any regularity?
I learned how to play poker in 2004. Guesstimate - I've probably played between 2000-2500 total hours since then. I was probably a losing player until 2008 or 2009 although I played mostly small-stakes home games until then. Since 2012 I've tracked 1,136 hours between tournament and cash (in raked casino games) according to Poker Income (iPhone app). I haven't played in an unraked home game in probably two years. I've never stopped playing for more than a couple of months since 2004.

I'm not even close to the most experienced live player in this forum. Probably not even in the top 100. But I've literally never seen anyone drop a pile of chips onto another player's stack or chips. Ever. Not even close. I've seen bets where a few chips rolled around the table (even done it a few times myself), but nothing close to what OP described.

Maybe others have - but I haven't seen them speak up about it in this thread.

I'm not saying it never happened, and I'm not saying I'm any kind of authority or anyone with any kind of significant experience. I'm just saying I've never seen it happen personally.

Originally Posted by frommagio
Let's keep the thread focused on the OP's appalling lack of ethics.
I agree with you on the appalling lack of ethics. I certainly wasn't defending. I'm just saying that there is a lot missing from the OP and this thread likely doesn't tell the whole story.
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
03-30-2016 , 10:21 PM
still wondering how his chips ended up splashing on yours?
Neighbor drops stack on my chips. Another player gets involved and accuses me of stealing money Quote
