Need Help with Horrible Cheating Dealer
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 62
Ok, i play regularly at Fallsview in Niagara Falls. There is this asian female dealer. She is extremely rude to many players, but not to asians. Sorry this is not meant to be a thread on racism, i don't accuse her of being racist but she definitely is more friendly to the other asian players. What got me steaming was in a hand 3 weeks ago, I called an all in, against an asian player, during the showdown, she grabbed my cards when i FLIPPED them over face up, and MUCKED THEM. She awarded the pot to the asian guy. I freaked out and she said oh i thought you said fold. I got extremely angry, tried to keep my cool, but couldn't. I called the floor over, nobody said they heard me say fold, the dealer said she was sure i did, they took her word and play resumed. I only lost $80 in the hand, so i was not going to make a huge deal about it. Then two weeks later, she was dealing my table and a guy beside me commented she was the worst dealer and told me a similar story. I told him what happened to me and asked if he wanted to file a complaint. He said no, didn't think it would get us anywhere. Later that night when she came back to the table to deal, during a big bet, i was thinking about calling or folding. She said "all in". I said "I didnt say that". She said "oh i thought you said all in". My opponent was asian. My reaction obviously gave away any raise bluff possibility. I was going to fold, but thats not the point. I was sure she did this on purpose to give the other asian player a read on me. So this is really upsetting me. I wanted to know if anything be done? I mean besides a slap on the wrist or a verbal lecture, can any complaint ever be worth it? Or will the pit/staff always back eachother up and not listen to players? thanks for your help