My first impressions of the Poker Pros on TV
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 7
Anyone recall how back then Poker was on tv in 2003, most of the guys were no names.
Doyle Brunson
I recall first time i saw Doyle Brunson on TV, he seemed like a bitter old man. Maybe it was the one he was depicted first on television? Then when you got to see him in WSOP in 2005 and after that, i started to think Doyle is a good dude. Even on High Stakes Poker, he seems like a good person and not an arrogant or whatnot player.
Phil Hellmuth
First time i saw him on TV, i thought he was the best poker player ever since he bragged about his bracelets. He had the look of the best pro if you know what i mean. However, the more and more i saw Hellmuth, he seems to be nothing more than a tight player. He doesn't scare anyone anymore. I recall how when he was in the WSOP back in 2003 when i saw him, he looks like the number 1 player in the world. Now, he seems to be the fish at a cash game table.
Tom Dwan
First time i saw this guy on TV was the heads up tourney on NBA. He seemed to sound like a geeky kid during that match. He kept butting head with Phil and i hoped Phil would teach him a lesson. Dwan seemed to act like a know it all player. As the years went by however, he seems to have matured a lot. I used to hate Dwan because of how he acted but he seems very professsional now at the table.
Phil Ivey
When i first saw him on TV in Wsop 2003, I thought that was Tiger Woods. He was wearing a Steve Francis Jersey i recall and use to make jokes with Freddy Deeb. He looked like a decent player but a young guy. As the years went on, I cannot believe right now he is the best player in the world. Back in 2003, he was not a big name but definitely a very good player. I mean you didn't hear that much about him. Now, he is the best player in the world and won so many bracelets. This new Phil Ivey as oppose to the one in 2003 is so much better.
Mike Matasow
I hated this guy when he and Raymer butted heads. He kept cursing at Raymer and all that. I could not stop laughing when Raymer knocked him out of the WSOP and then Mikey started whining. I thought haha this guy deserved it. Now, the Mike Matasow i see wasn't that bad guy that he was back then with Raymer. Anyone know what changed? I do notice however, that he plays very weak tight poker now as oppose to back then when he was loose.
Anyone here didn't like a poker player on tv at first because of how he was and then thought hey he's not such a bad guy after all? Tony G is another funny guy because of the way he talks. He berates people like no other but its also hilarious.
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Daniel Negraenu
Basically I thought this guy was the nuts, seemed to be the best player because he was all over TV
Phil Ivey
I first saw him in the WPT he won. I had heard his name before get thrown around about how good he was and had seen the face, this was the first time I put the face to the name and thought really is he that good of a player?
Phil Hellmuth
Thought he was a fantastic player who was always running into bad luck lol
I remember seeing him on online hand replays against Ivey and I was thinking who is this Durrr guy is he serious? I had never seen these limits before and assumed he was some super user type thing and didnt really trust those games. I knew basically everything there was to know about him before I saw him on tv
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The coolest player with the best one liners.
Savy spanish chav.
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Posts: 65
Huck Seed... Stoner obviously