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Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in?

07-16-2008 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
If people ask about the games spread in Florida, I'd imagine it's because they ****ing want to know about the games spread in Florida. Moreover, I'd infer that they ask about this because they have some reason to play in Florida. Perhaps they live in Florida, and have a job or family there, and aren't interested in relocating to Vegas or purchasing a plane ticket every other weekend just so they can play in the most intellectually challenging 2-5 games.

However, whenever there's a thread on the topic, "How much should Florida players be willing to spend on travel to play 'real poker'?" I'm sure that opinion will be treated with all the respect it deserves.
For some reason this reply made me laugh for 20 minutes. AKQJ10 whoever you are you're hilarious.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 08:22 PM
After reading this thread and playing a bunch of 1/2 in FL, I'm thinking 2/5 would be actually much easier to beat.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 08:55 PM
LOL at Florida lawmakers where $100 is the max buy in, likely to "protect" the players, but you can peel as many Benny's from your roll as you want after loosing coinflops...

Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
Everything I've read here implies that the 2-5 in Florida is, if anything, an easier game. So easier game + higher stakes = yes, it's worth moving up if you're bankrolled and able to beat it.

Misunderstanding the "size" of the game to be primarily about buy-in size rather than blind size is a common mistake. Of course buy-in matters too but not nearly as much. A 2-5 game with $100 stacks stands to be much more profitable than a 1-2 game with $100 stacks.

If you can't answer this for yourself based purely on theory then you need to catch up a lot on your reading. Start with GSIHE to learn the fundamentals. I hear it's only $8 on this site.
what the hell does GSIHE mean? and hey id love to read all the articles u can refer me to on playing shortstacked. in fact im strongly considering coming to FL with my meager $4900 roll just for this purpose. (to buyin shortstacked.) id probably make a killing in the $2-5 and $5-10 games shortstacking.

btw the isle in lake charles also lets u buyin for only $100 in the $2-4 NL.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 09:26 PM
Google: GSIHE

Good luck! I'm guessing based on how the FL play you'll do quite well unless you play too loose.

@Kingz22: Glad someone else shares my sense of humor. I'm really not that upset by it but it's just funny how many times people butt into threads like this to pass judgment on what is and isn't real poker with no regard to the big picture of why someone might play in these games.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 09:44 PM
Guys, you are making me want to go to Florida. I'm only a 1-2 player, but it sounds so juicy. Where's the best action in Florida? Are there reasonable hotels nearby?

FishHead24, I'll buy the buffet and the drinks. We can talk video poker and revel in our winnings!

I'm not sure whether I'm joking. This sounds like a blast!
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 09:58 PM
You're going to have to embrace the fact that there is going to be much higher variance on your first buyin, then I'd look for a spot to

a) shove pre if someone has already opened


b) bet pre and shove flop if you are opening

depending on position and how many players are in front of you. If you make a standard raise to like $20-25, you're not going to be able to c-bet and fold profitably, just keep that in mind. If your table is loose passive you can limp in late position with hands that play well multiway but avoid at all costs limping up front and if you lose a hand that you open with, rebuy for the max. Hope that helps.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:15 PM
does FL now have VP machines? it never used to, only them funny kind of slot bingo machines.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by WorldsBiggestNit
If you make a standard raise to like $20-25, you're not going to be able to c-bet and fold profitably, just keep that in mind.

If those raises are getting called 1-2 ways, I would still "CB" with AK unimproved or a pair with one overcard on board. I'm really betting for value and protection almost as much as a bluff -- my AK is quite possibly the best hand out there. (If I see people call these bets with 33 or bottom pair I might stop betting AK quite so much, because there's no FE. But betting any pair would be very profitable against such an opponent.) May as well shove for $60-80 more if it's not much more than the pot.

If those raises are getting called 3-9 ways, I would CB a lot less with hands that miss the flop but still bet for value any time I make top pair or better. Again, once the SPR is below 2 and probably around 1, no need to get fancy. Just shove the chips in and you'll win over the long haul as top pairs calls you all the time.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:59 PM
over 500 hours of 1/2NL of florida 100 max at $18/hr
over 500 hours of 2/5NL of florida 100 max at $25/hr
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by DavidTth
You can do that. Just say you're coming in from a broken table.

The trick when you just flat buy in for the $100 in 2/5 is to get your stack in pre with hands that are generally going to be a coinflip or better against hands that are opening. A lot of times there will be a situation where there is an open to $20 and a few callers, and your shove will actually induce folds for $80 more in a pot that already has $80 in it before the shove. 2/5 players in Florida are some of the dumbest people on the planet. It can be easy to get stuck a few stacks doing this but eventually you'll get your money in dominating and/or win a flip and it'll give you the ability to play more creatively 75+ BB deep. There's no doubt in my mind that these games are ****ing up my 100BB+ cash game though which sucks, but until Florida stops being so gay, this is the way it has to be. Once you have a real stack at 2/5 it's basically like printing money.

yes my local B&M ran their 2/5 game this way. I chose to get their right away in the morning when it first opens that way everyone has the same stack not sitting with $700 like I did after the game has been on for a 5 hour session and fresh stacks coming to table and only have $100. I agree once you get your stack up there it is easy pickens because people want to push their short stack.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Fishhead24
Poster "VIG" obviously has never stepped foot into the HR in Tampa..........

Collin- You undoubtedly have met me or played with me, as I've played since day one of the NL in Tampa.........have a slight notion of who you may be.

As you know, if Florida cardrooms did three things, this would probably be the mecca of poker, not only in the US, but the world!

1. Allow maximum buyins
2. Lower the rake to $3 or $4 max
3. Give comps on the level of Tunica or better

If anyone here has never experienced Florida poker, you will be in for a real shock. Two things that will be much more apparrent to you in these games here are the looseness/aggressiveness and the emotional/rowdiness of the players.

Make no mistake about it, these games are highly beatable, and many are grinding away a nice little profit monthly.

Poster Vig- Catch a flight down here and experience this for yourself. Let me know if you come, free drinks(10 maximum) and a free HR buffet(as good as any LV buffet) are on me.



OK thanks, I'll take you up on it some time.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:27 AM
my move up to 2/5 the past few weeks has been so successful that all i can think about is how quickly i can get my exams over with so i can go spend like 30 hours in the hard rock this weekend.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:33 PM
The GSIH ST strategy is perfect for the 2/5 game as you can always keep your stack at the required 20BB. However, do you guys think that the 5/10 is beatable in the long run??? I have no way to prove it, but to me intuitivly it seems impossible to beat it in the LR, b/c you just don't get enough of the premium short-stacking hands per orbit to cover the SB and the BB...

Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:11 PM
does FL take the huge upfront drop CA does no matter how little the pot is, or is it based on the size of the pot? i dunno since i aint been to FL yet since they started offering NL.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:19 PM
This is my first post, but I have alot of experience with the $100 max buy in rule especially at Tampa Hard Rock. Bring 5 buyins. The variance in this game is a bitch. Be prepared for some hideous play. That same hideous play is what will make you a ton of money. Play tight and don't get fancy. It is not needed. You will make more than enough money just value betting your solid hands that bluffing frequently is not needed. Be willing to gamble with a short stack. You only have 20BB's. If there is a raise of 20, two callers, and a shove of 100 don't be afraid to get all in with AQ. 9/10 it is the best hand. I have seen many people open shove each and every hand. They will run thru $600 in two orbits. It is almost comical. They seem to not like money or enjoy the thrill of going all in and gambooling. D.A.I. Don't Assume Intelligence. They probably are a ******ed spew monkey and your one pair is good. Anyways, thought I would share my two cents. Come down and enjoy the insanity that is florida poker!!!
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by stir
There is nothing wrong with taking a shot at the 2-5, even though it is a short stack game. If you get unlucky and run bad for a few sessions, just drop back down.
I just can't see the point in this. If the buy-in is $100 for 1-2 and 2-5, why would you want to play 1-2? Of course I can see that the other game has 20bb and the other 50bb, but if you're a winning player why would you play 1-2 instead of 2-5? Both are shortstack games but if the players are as bad as I've read, why would you waste your time grinding with 50bb's when you can make profit against 20bb lotterie specialists... Not to mention when 2-5 gets deep, there's your a-game ++++ profitable then in 1-2... dunno...
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:24 PM
The 1-2 games are usually good, full of fish but variance is a bitch. Had a fish last night who couldnt miss, hit quads twice and ran up $50 to around $500. I got AA all in preflop 4 way against hands like J 8 and 9 10 and one guy still managed to make 2 pair. Running normal you can do very well and if you're running hot then you can make a lot of money.

Never played 2-5 but the best time to sit down is when the card room opens or at a new table so your stack is comparable to the rest of the table. Seems like the hardcore gamblers in Tampa are now playing 2-5 or 5-10 if the room spreads it.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:27 PM
How much is min/max buy-in for the 5-10+?
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by kamo
How much is min/max buy-in for the 5-10+?
Still $100
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by OMGUCALLED
Still $100
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by kamo
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 03:58 PM
I'd love to see one of the math guys around here do an analysis on the optimal way to play the 5-10 with 100 cap. I'm barely over break even playing it, but my sample size is super small. Can you make a case for ever raising without a full shove with 100 or less? Or is the push always the right play to give max FE?

I started at the 1-2 and figured that out, then moved to the 2-5 and found the optimal way there. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but any added knowledge is always helpful.

And to DavidTth, I'm doing everything I can to keep my "regular" cash game from jumping on a bullet train to hell. I try to get up to Biloxi or out to Cali/Vegas once a month or so just to keep it somewhat sharp. I don't want to blow off the nice BR Florida has given me once the limits get raised or I decide to relocate. But I'd think that's a small price to pay for what might be the most +ev game on earth at these stakes right now.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 04:06 PM
I really need to move to Florida. Or at least spend a good few months there.

Regarding the $5-10, I can imagine that a strict short-stack strategy wouldn't be very good there because of the high blinds. (But it might still win a little, since the players sound pretty terrible.)

So you probably have to loosen up a good bit, but I'm not sure of the right way to do that. Open AJ UTG? Call more $100 pushes by wild players with suited connectors because you probably have two live cards? I'm sorta thinking aloud here....

Few hands are folded to the button and no one folds to your raise, right? So it's not like you can win back the blinds through stealing. I think you just have to push more marginal edges and develop a good intuition for when your marginal hands like AJ, AT, KQ, 66 have enough of an edge to reraise all-in.

You could practice by buying in for $2 in an online NL10 game, then losing half your stack intentionally.

Last edited by AKQJ10; 07-17-2008 at 04:12 PM.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
07-17-2008 , 04:17 PM
lol 20bb games
bring a mathbook, a calculator, and it's over and done with
no poker involved.
Moving up to 2-5 with 0 max buy-in? Quote
