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most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino

03-07-2013 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by notats
evidently casinos don't send their sick dealers home, because I had a dealer wipe her nose with a tissue and place it on the felt near the shuffler (three-card poker).

Nothing crazy like puss-fingers up there, though...
One "s". What you wrote means something else entirely.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-07-2013 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
One "s". What you wrote means something else entirely.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-07-2013 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
One "s". What you wrote means something else entirely.
Yeah, I started scrolling up looking for some truly outrageous story that I missed! I skimmed through about 20 posts before I realized what he meant.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-08-2013 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by benfox
Let me start off by saying I am probably one of the most disgusting guys your ever likely to meet. I am the dude who invented the "the cocky pint" , as far as I'm aware I am the first person to swill his filthy cheesy foreskined penis in another fella's pint and watch him chug it down.

Anyhow right now I'm in koh phangyan Thailand. A couple of weeks ago I went out to some rave on a remote part of the island (you have to go by boat) I got pretty messed up and at 11am me and a friend leave the jungle and head for the beach to go get a boat back. When we get there we find out we have to wait until there is enough people to fill a boat so I just go sit under a tree and fall asleep. This is where I'm pretty sure I sat on an ants nest. Fast forward to the next day and I wake up scratching the **** out of my ass !! Fast forward another week and I have huge boils and open wounds all over my backside but the real problem now is I have a major infection on some other bites on my foot (it's swollen about x3 and all red and puss is leaking from it like a tap) anyway a local prostitute recommends me a doctor and off I go. He gives me some cream and antibiotics and tells me no sunshine no beer no swim and keep it dry no water ! So I can't shower until the four days of antibiotics are up.

Mean while I find an "illegal" poker room (police are all paid off, its probably the softest game on the planet, but thats beside the point) I'm sat there in the sweaty humidity and it brings on attacks of Extream itching. I smell so bad at this point its hard for me to stomach my own sweaty stench. The itch was incredible and the relief of the scratching has to be one of the best feelings a human can experience. I have puss and scabs all over my fingers. I'm shuffling chips then scratching, shuffling then scratching on and on it goes. I am running really hot an have amassed a huge amount of chips, the dealers don't have a chip tray and the players have to chop big chips amongst themselves. Anyway the funny thing is there is a guy who is constantly putting chips in his mouth, I know there is a lot of stories itt of seriel chip chompers but this is the first one I have ever come across, perhaps I'm just running bad but I've never seen one before, it's pretty wierd the kid is only in his mid 20s and he looks like he's Israelie ( not the kind of person I would imagine to have this kind of problem) anyhow with all the circumstances combined, me running hot as hell, no chip tray, me just finding this game was pretty wierd (another story), my puss/scab fingers the fact I havnt washed for over 3 days and the chip sucker I would say your more likely to hit a jackpot twice in one day ! And can honestly say I'm not sure which would bring me more joy !!
That is a messed up story bud. Thanks!
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-11-2013 , 06:50 AM
i wasn't a fan of the guy with one half-amputated leg who easily weighed 400lbs+ and kept a fan next to him to evaporate the sweat he created from sitting still and breathing who would eat nothing but snacks and lick his fingers as he played. being a person who lacks mobility, he rarely if ever went to the restroom, and consequently did not clean his hands despite a great deal of licking and touching of fomites like chips and cards.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-11-2013 , 02:09 PM
I can only assume that el_dusto means by "half-amputated" that the leg was a partial amputation (where the joint was preserved) rather than unfinished.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-11-2013 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
That's your follow-up question to that post? You want to know how to get the seat next to him?!?
This made me laugh so loud I'm certain all my apartment building neighbors thing I'm crazy now.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-18-2013 , 05:58 PM
I used to work in a casino, so I've seen plenty of the usual degen gambler behavior: substance abuse, domestic violence, locking children in cars while Mommy gambools, old timers passing out at slot machines, fistfights over buckets of nickels, etc.

But probably the most disturbing was something I saw as a customer. I am a semi-reg at the Horseshoe in Hammond, Indiana. As many of you know, there are some uh...interesting...folks that go there from some of the lovely nearby neighborhoods.

On a cash-game meal break I went to get some food from one of the restaurants outside of security. While walking out, there was a group of 4 "kids" that seemed to be getting turned away by security. As they were leaving they started arguing with each other: "B*tch I told you they wouldn't let you in without ID", followed by a string of expletives in response - you get the idea.

This goes on for a little while - free entertainment while I eat my food. Then it starts getting heated. They start throwing things at each other (bottles, food, etc.) and the one guy then douses one of the girls with Mountain Dew. Her response was to PEPPER SPRAY HIM IN THE FACE!!
We cleared out of the restaurant (pepper spray does not make your food taste good), and of course security, police and the fire dept. show up. Dude who got sprayed was in rough shape - she got him good.

I did the most responsible thing I could, which was to finish my burger, return to my table to regale my fellow poker players with the story
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-19-2013 , 12:07 AM
I hope that girl got arrested or something. If gender roles are reversed there (girl throws mountain dew, guy sprays her) he probably gets in so much ****. That's always kind of bothered me.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-19-2013 , 01:31 AM
This thread literally made me sick to my stomach. Wish I would have skipped this one. I was gonna tell a little story about a guy who spilled his whiskey on the felt and half jokingly tried to slurp it up with a drink stirrer. Its no where near sick enough for this thread. I'm really hoping the majority of these are not true.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-19-2013 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by bvggocats
This thread literally made me sick to my stomach. Wish I would have skipped this one. I was gonna tell a little story about a guy who spilled his whiskey on the felt and half jokingly tried to slurp it up with a drink stirrer. Its no where near sick enough for this thread. I'm really hoping the majority of these are not true.
I cannot confirm or deny any of these individual stories, but I can say that you have not played enough live poker.

Ignorance is bliss
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-19-2013 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Redsoxnets5
I hope that girl got arrested or something. If gender roles are reversed there (girl throws mountain dew, guy sprays her) he probably gets in so much ****. That's always kind of bothered me.
i know a guy who went to rent a movie with his girlfriend. while standing in line he had her keychain and was swinging it on his finger, turns out she had a mini pepperspray on the keychain and it accidentally sprayed a little bit but luckily didnt hit anyone directly.

he was arrested.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
03-20-2013 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by bvggocats
This thread literally made me sick to my stomach. Wish I would have skipped this one. I was gonna tell a little story about a guy who spilled his whiskey on the felt and half jokingly tried to slurp it up with a drink stirrer. Its no where near sick enough for this thread. I'm really hoping the majority of these are not true.
We're sad to report that most of these are probably true. There's only a couple that I doubt.


...still my favorite thread though. #tho
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-09-2013 , 04:38 PM
Bumping my favorite thread.

[Spent last week in NOLA, but the Harrah's was clean. Bourbon Street, not so much.]
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-10-2013 , 03:24 AM
Saw a dude picking scabs off of his arms (looked like roadrash from a motorcycle accident), then popping them in his mouth and sucking/gnawing on them while contemplating his action.

Was fairly revolted.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-10-2013 , 05:48 AM
That is sickening.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-12-2013 , 04:55 PM
Not poker related but seen a man jerking himself off under the roulette table.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-14-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheBritishLion
Not poker related but seen a man jerking himself off under the roulette table.
If a woman were doing this, the floor could charge for admission.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-14-2013 , 06:04 AM
There was a woman whose boob popped out of her gown and landed on 36. The ball also landed on 36. The pit boss said, "Pay the lady 35 quarts of milk."
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-19-2013 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by moki
If a woman were doing this, the floor could charge for admission.
Depends on the woman.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-20-2013 , 01:05 AM
Mine don't even come close to most of these but have 2 quick stories.

Just last week playing an underground 2-5 game the gentman on my left with a full blow mullet and gigantic beer gut orders a bowl of spaghetti.
The good stuff w fresh mushrooms in the sauce
About 2 hours pass and I just so happen to look over as he notices on his gut a completely dried up sauce covered mushroom is resting all alone.
He proceeds to scrape it from his shirt and EATS IT.
I threw up a little in my mouth and had to swallow it.

A few years back playing a juicy 1-2 game out on a ranch w a few wealthy ranchers and one completely wasted ex military 70yr old bastard sitting to my right drinking crown straight and flashing everyone his cards
PISSES HIS PANTS and it drips onto my bare foot I flip flops.
I scream like a little school girl and leap out of my chair .
Realizing what he has done he stand up falls over breakers a food tray and passes out on the floor.
I cashed out
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-20-2013 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Saw a dude picking scabs off of his arms (looked like roadrash from a motorcycle accident), then popping them in his mouth and sucking/gnawing on them while contemplating his action.

Was fairly revolted.
I don't think I'll ever be able to see a scab again without thinking about this. ****ing gross.
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-21-2013 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Stacking Chips
A few years back playing a juicy 1-2 game out on a ranch w a few wealthy ranchers and one completely wasted ex military 70yr old bastard sitting to my right drinking crown straight and flashing everyone his cards
PISSES HIS PANTS and it drips onto my bare foot I flip flops.
I scream like a little school girl and leap out of my chair .
Realizing what he has done he stand up falls over breakers a food tray and passes out on the floor.
I cashed out
-EV play. Also, when he passed out, was his hand declared dead?
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:57 AM
I was playing cash game at Star World in Macau and saw a Chinese gentleman pissing in the Dyson hand-dryer in the men's bathroom. He had obviously mistaken it for a urinal. Needless to say I used the paper towels after I'd washed my hands!
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
04-21-2013 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Albino Lord
-EV play. Also, when he passed out, was his hand declared dead?
Nothing unethical came about.
(These men are real ranchers not a dishonest bone in their bodies)
The guy was on the book for about 2k they drove him home.
It was actually quite sad
most disturbing/disgusting thing you've seen in a casino Quote
