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Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game?

03-18-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by zaphkr
People like this are the reason the tickers by roulette wheels are the greatest invention casinos ever made. "It's been red 10 times in a row, HU4ROLLZ on black!"
I was watching some documentary on Casinos, and they were talking about this. They said that since the tickers went up, their roulette profits have increased by 300% as a result.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-18-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by thebreezyone
I was watching some documentary on Casinos, and they were talking about this. They said that since the tickers went up, their roulette profits have increased by 300% as a result.
I saw my buddy fall into this hard one night, we were 18 and at a tribal casino for the first time. he kept bouncing from table to table based on the ticker and saying "It's all probability, man!" with the most degen wild eyed look i'd ever seen. i think i saw the documentary as well.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-18-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by str8buster
1-2 NL home game. Short stacked, I get it all in w/ 9-9.
Get called by inexperienced female with 7-8 off, and she asks "why do you bet so much when you don't even know what the cards (board) are going to be?"

7-7-x on flop, she says, "see?"
LOLOL! That's when you give her a high five for her keen observation, reload, prey to get another big hand when she limps, then shove, and try to not giggle like a schoolgirl as you rub your newly reaquainted chips all over your titties.

This thread reminds me of a time when the post would've been about me. I had a few too many on New Year's Eve and couldn't resist the temptation of the poker room. I sat down at a 1/2 table, ran well and doubled up a few times against others even more inebriated than myself, so I apparently I felt I had some chips to spew. One older gentleman was particularly annoyed of my good fortune that night kept playing back at me and over-shoving, and I eventually decided to call his $100 pot-sized shove on the turn with a pure gut-shot. I outdrew his flopped 2 pair, and my excuse when the table gasped was that (I don’t recall saying this, but my buddy swore I did) I thought the $100 bet was "worth it to tilt him."

…I’m sure I’m the one they’re all laughing at the forum he's on. Please don't remind me of how bad I play...
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-19-2011 , 01:48 AM
The philosodonks strike again!

"You know, I read on the internet that (insert your favorite poker site) is fixed. You'd be stupid to play there!"

"Of course I raised it to 15! I have a Bad Beat hand!"

"I shouldn't play poker during March Madness. If my teams are up, I'm bound to lose."

And the pièce de résistance of my 6 hour foray:

"WTF?!?! I had like 44 outs here!" Which of course is wrong for more than 3 reasons.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-20-2011 , 10:00 AM
Had a session last week where I turned a flush vs a superdonk in a juicy 1-2 game. I hit my flush on the turn, he leads for 21, I raise to 57. He calls. river doesn't bring the 4th club and he checks. I think for a few seconds and see how much I can bet to get value out of his mediocre hand and I bet $37. Heres the following dialogue.

SD: "will you show if I fold?"

Bunky: "Not this time, I'm too ashamed to show it"

SD: " Really?"

Bunky: "Yep, can't show you if you fold, your too good to give this kind of info to "

SD: (after tanking for like 30 seconds) "You really wont show me if I fold?"

Bunky: "Nope, cant do it. Nothing personal my friend"

SD: "But I really am curious about what you have this hand! Show me one card for 10 bucks?"

Bunky: " $37 dollars lets you see both of the cards "

SD: (tanks for another 10 seconds or so and.....) "Ah hell with it I call."

I show down 34c for the turned flush
Super donk turns over 4 high. no pair, just 4 high

Guy in between us says "Hey buddy! You realize you just called a $37 river bet with 4 high?????

SD: "Yup, told you I wanted to see what he had!"

All three of us including super donk crack up hysterically loud enough that the floor comes over to see what happened. When explained during the next hand even the floor walked away chuckling. Glad SD was a really good guy and a good sport. Noone tried bluffing him after that one though
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-20-2011 , 05:11 PM
Aggrodonk PF raiser bets a KA7rainbow flop, and gets called by local station. Aggrodonk doesn't notice that someone called, and flips over an A to show that he had a real hand, putting it on top of the card he didn't show. Dealer then tells him there's a call, and he quickly flips his hand *back* over, now exposing the other card, and offsuit 3. Entire table laughs at him as he blushes and re-covers his cards.

Turn J, goes check-check
River 7, goes check-check

Flop caller shows KJ for a turned 2-pair that river counterfeited. Says, "I couldn't bet the turn. I just couldn't do do that to you."

Nice guy...
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-20-2011 , 10:51 PM
this was couple of yrs back, at 1/2 table, im in the middle position with kk, couple of limpers in front and i made it 18, sb called so did bb, limpers fold, flop was 3 3 8, checked to me, i bet 30, sb made it 75, bb fold, i had about 150 behind i went all in, he insta call, turn 10 and river A, he has AQ, and he was like he made a great play and he knew that A was coming and he says it happens all the time, the whole table was happy to see that kind of play n me obviously on tilt.

re loaded n after couple of rounds, i had AsKs, early position , just limped, the same guy made it 20 n 5 other callers before me, so pot was about 100, i had about 180-190 behind me, i pushed all in, im tilting and i just wanna play heads up with the guy who sucked out my kk, i knew for sure he will call, u know what all 5 of them called 200$ pre flop n few side pots , so total pot close to 1500, board was 9 high, one guy had A10, one had AQ, that moron had 22, one guy had 66, u know what the winning hand is 7 8 off suit, he says after every body call he had enough odds to call that 200 $ pf with 8 high and few hundred dollars side pot, he just thinks hes a professor at poker n he knew exact math and no one can beat him, he scoops 1500$ pot n feels great about it n lecturing people thats how u need to play poker, i just ran from that place, ohh i had enough for this week
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-21-2011 , 03:41 PM
Doing my best to keep strat discussion out of this thread, but you guys are making it really tough. Infractions will follow for further strat discussion.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:51 AM
Two days ago in a live tournament.
MP calls everyone else folds to me in BB with Q6o I only have 8 BBs left I check flop comes 2 4 6 rainbow I shove he calls with J8o hd hits J on river I ask why did you call he said he put me on A high....
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:30 PM
Most likely, he's not explaining himself right (still an idiot though). What I think he means is that he put you on ace high so he has 6 outs on the flop and turn. Still a stupid play by him but not so absurd when looked at that way.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:45 PM
I really dislike it when someone says after the showdown " I knew this is what you had".
I'm like, if you knew, why did you cal then? Do you hate your money?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by apeman100
I really like it when someone says after the showdown " I knew this is what you had". . . .
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:13 PM
Playing $2-$5 NL at the V today. Raised UTG+1 to $25 with AA. All fold to BB, and BB calls.

Flop is: 554 (rainbow)

BB checks. I bet $30. BB calls.

Turn is: 9 (completes rainbow)

BB checks. I check.

River is: K

BB checks. I bet $30. BB calls.

Before I can show my hand as the last aggressor, BB flips over 55 for flopped quads. I tell him "I can't beat that" and muck.

As the next hand is being dealt, I can hear the guy next to him ask why he never raised. The BB's response?

"I thought he had a bigger hand than he did."

Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 12:10 AM
I want to say that's even worse than Jennifer Tilly checking behind with quads on Poker After Dark.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 01:48 AM
Has a straight and flush draw this guy raises and I pushed w gs and fd and the flush came in twice but the guy next to me was like you had nine high well I didn't know the guy had two pair and we were close to even so 2/5 and 1/2 are very similar as a whole, some good players mostly bad.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Aceium
I want to say that's even worse than Jennifer Tilly checking behind with quads on Poker After Dark.
She had a boat she thought patrik had kk
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 04:35 AM
Guy in a game tonight says he "only raises with AK, AA and KK" Sure enough i saw hime raise 5 times...everytime had an above mentioned hand.

Said people that raise with jj, 1010, qq etc are "stupid"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Misohoni
She had a boat she thought patrik had kk
Oh right. So it's much worse.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 11:50 AM
Saw a guy fold TT in a tourney, said the other guy who went all in could have two overs, and since there are four overs to TT, it'd be 12 outs vs 2 outs.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-23-2011 , 01:43 PM
I was running hot 1/2 NL at the Borgata and had approx $1K in front of me. Some young guy joins the table, white track suit, hat on sideways. Looks at my stack as he's sitting down and says "Is all of that in play?"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-24-2011 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Rand-onk-y
I thought the $100 bet was "worth it to tilt him."
I have done this more than once. It works and very, very well. =)
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-24-2011 , 12:12 AM
Playing 1/2 at Harrahs in Chester PA on the button with AA 5 limpers I raise to 60 lol to take it down but I get a TANK caller. flop K59 I bet 120 Call, turn 2 I go all in, call river K. He shows AK lmao and then tells me he put me on AA pre flop. what what what?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-24-2011 , 12:25 AM
Here's another good one from some old guy in commerce. 4 limpers to me in the BB with 84o, I check. Flop is 842 rainbow, I bet, old guy who limped UTG calls. Turn is a 4, I bet again, he raises me, I flat. River is a brick, he bets, I shove all in he calls with A2 that turned a FD (he missed the FD on the river). He said he put me on AK.

This was at a 5/10 game btw.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-28-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by speede165
Playing 1/2 at Harrahs in Chester PA on the button with AA 5 limpers I raise to 60 lol to take it down but I get a TANK caller. flop K59 I bet 120 Call, turn 2 I go all in, call river K. He shows AK lmao and then tells me he put me on AA pre flop. what what what?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
03-28-2011 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by speede165
Playing 1/2 at Harrahs in Chester PA on the button with AA 5 limpers I raise to 60 lol to take it down but I get a TANK caller.
Pretty absurd poker thinking, I agree
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
