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Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game?

12-31-2018 , 03:05 AM
What cardroom let's you run it 3 times at 2/5? What a disaster.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 06:38 AM
I don't understand that last one at all. Did you even mean to post it in this thread?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
What cardroom let's you run it 3 times at 2/5? What a disaster.
The only absurd thing in that story
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
What cardroom let's you run it 3 times at 2/5? What a disaster.
In Texas, the cardrooms have different rules than regular casinos. And why is that a disaster? Keep the fish happy yo.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by dogarse
I don't understand that last one at all. Did you even mean to post it in this thread?
If I wasn't clear, we ran 3 full boards.

How many outs does V have?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
Keep the fish happy yo.
Treating this like some universal truth is absurd thinking. The fish would be happy if they won every pot - start mucking your cards even if you have them beat. Running it 3 times at low stakes games where people are constantly short stacked and getting it in grinds the game to a halt.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
In Texas, the cardrooms have different rules than regular casinos. And why is that a disaster? Keep the fish happy yo.
Wasting several minutes chopping a pot into thirds doesn't keep the fish happy. Run it twice or four times, never 3.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
How many outs does V have?
finally you posted something worthy of this thread
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
If I wasn't clear, we ran 3 full boards.

How many outs does V have?
Would've been hilarious if V spiked 2 sets and rivered a straight on the 3rd
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 04:53 PM
I'll just say this. Most of the games I play are 'invite only.' These games are on average way juicier than any casino games. If you guys poo pooing rules and and complaining about running how many ever times, you probably also going to complain about the chairs being uncomfortable and God knows what else.

Guess what, it would be the last time you play in that game. Not only that, most of the games run because of the regs in the games. You get bounced from 1 game and hosts of other games will find out pretty quickly and you are done. Time for you to find some piss-ant home game where you can enforce 'casino' rules to feed your ego at .50/1.

Not often you find 2/5 games at a casino where there might be 18-22K in play as the game matures into the early morning hours. So stick to the casino so you can call your mom, errr I mean the floor when something doesn't run to your liking.

Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
Would've been hilarious if V spiked 2 sets and rivered a straight on the 3rd
I totally agree. And I would have gladly shipped him his $500 and congratulated him on the win!
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
I'll just say this. Most of the games I play are 'invite only.' These games are on average way juicier than any casino games. If you guys poo pooing rules and and complaining about running how many ever times, you probably also going to complain about the chairs being uncomfortable and God knows what else.

Guess what, it would be the last time you play in that game. Not only that, most of the games run because of the regs in the games. You get bounced from 1 game and hosts of other games will find out pretty quickly and you are done. Time for you to find some piss-ant home game where you can enforce 'casino' rules to feed your ego at .50/1.

Not often you find 2/5 games at a casino where there might be 18-22K in play as the game matures into the early morning hours. So stick to the casino so you can call your mom, errr I mean the floor when something doesn't run to your liking.
You're too dumb to get it. You are the annoying POS who makes the game unbearable for everyone. You have the option to run it 2 or 4 times and keep everyone reasonably happy or 3 times and make everyone hate you. You might as well be asking the dealer to run it through a calculator to equity chop it for you. Any "host" with a brain would tell you to stop running it 3 times unless you're the huge donator in the game, which I suspect you probably are.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 05:56 PM
It's my birthday today so I'm in a good mood. Lucky for your dumbass. I'm not the one that wanted to run it 3 times you idiot. The other player did and I just agreed.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 06:10 PM
He's gotcha on that point
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 06:11 PM
I still don't get what the absurd thinking was.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I still don't get what the absurd thinking was.
He thought it was absurd the guy wanted to run it 3 times when there's only 2 kings left in the deck
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by thenewoldpro
Last night playing 1-3 nl holdem

2 young aggressive players, not looking like they know what they are doing. But both have big stacks.

Player a raised to 25 preflop.

Player b calls.

Flop is Ad Qd Jh

Player A bets 25, player B snap calls

Turn Kh

Check, check

River: 10 of clubs.

The board is now the immortal nut straight.

Player A goes all in

Player B is thinking for about 5 minutes. He’s about to muck his cards. He asks the dealer “sir.. can I ask you a question? Is there a better straight on board than the ace high straight?” The dealer just freezes up with a crazy look on his face.

Player B gets ready to muck.. the player to his left says “you have to call”.

Player A is a little upset and protests but then backs down. He’s a drinking joint smoking kind of guy.

The whole table asks why he was going to fold.

Player B says he thought that a spade high straight beats a diamond high straight and he didn’t have the ace of spades. He is then promptly informed by the table how holdem works.

Another guy on the table agrees and says he has played in some casinos where that is the rule. A spade high straight beats a diamond high straight.

When I started my old job, there as this group of old guys that used to play poker at lunch for like $1/hand type thing, and I basically won lunch money very day. They mostly played 5 cars draw with wilds.

Anyways, I made a royal flush in spades one day, called it a royal and one of the old guys said “the only Royal Flush is in hearts”. Then he pulled out the ‘rules/hand chart’ that came with the deck and said “see, hearts”.

All I said back was “does that mean the only 4 of a kind is with 8s?”.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by seat
I don't get what's so absurd about wanting to run it 3 times with KK vs AA. It increases his chances of hitting a King on one of the boards. He's basically hoping to get 1/3 back. He can either run it once and lose it all or run it 3 times and hope to get 1/3 back. Most of the time he'll hit on one of 3 boards(almost). He can run it 4 times which would increase his chances of hitting a K but it would also pay less. So it evens out. It doesn't matter how many times you run it.

Pretty sure EV is the same no matter how many times you run it.
No, running it 3 times is -EV for winning players and +EV for losing players
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 08:53 PM
Damn it i deleted my post just after you quoted it. realized you guys are in a leveling war too late lol
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 09:01 PM
i don't get how the guy has been a member since 2010 and still doesn't know what EV is and that it's the same no matter how many times you run it. maybe he's trolling us idk. i'm getting trolled i think. yes definitely getting trolled, trollception.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 10:38 PM
Immediate EV is neutral. Stinkypete may be talking metagame though.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Immediate EV is neutral. Stinkypete may be talking metagame though.
Or sarcasm or something. Pretty sure pete knows the applicable math.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2018 , 11:09 PM
I think pete is talking about hands per hour going down
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-01-2019 , 12:49 AM
The important "meta" implications are unknown because they depend entirely on what the fish will do with different stack sizes. If he's on a single bullet planning to hit and run if he doubles up you should run it as many times as possible. If he's going to tilt reload when he loses and gamble it up if he gets a big stack you should run it once always.

But that's not what I was getting at... running it 3 times wastes so much damn time splitting the pot you're losing stupid amounts of money.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-01-2019 , 11:53 AM
Without knowing the expectations of the fish it's hard to scale the 'absurd' factor. We have plenty of RIT (2/3) threads to discuss both sides.

I always defer to the 'Big Game' when PHell allowed the 'fish' to RIF (4 times) when his TT Flopped T94 against the 'Loose Cannon' KK .... and of course Phil lost 3 of the 4 to set, flush, set ...

The LC's only expectation was to somehow stay in the game by winning one. Of course Phil was looking to win at least three runouts ... not sure there's anything absurd either way other than the actual result being labeled in today's catch phrase adjectives. GL
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