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Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game?

12-14-2012 , 11:26 AM
There was a fish that you used to think the best people to bluff were people who were very tight preflop because his thinking was that if they are so tight if you reraised them with atc they will fold because they can't handle the pressure. He would tell people at the tablet this and the players he respected would tell him he was right. This fish would do this until he loss a couple buy in's and wonder why the players he respected always won his money. Then he found twoplustwo and realized the players he respected didn't respect him and just wanted his money. Damn i used to be a damn donk. still a little one but not bad as before.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-14-2012 , 08:23 PM
Always love hearing the logic behind a fish shoving with any flush draw: "I was 50% to win."

Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-14-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by NthDegree
Always love hearing the logic behind a fish shoving with any flush draw: "I was 50% to win."

I heard a guy the other day "calculate" his pot odds as 50%, then mucked his flush draw face-up because he didn't think it was going to get there.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-14-2012 , 11:01 PM
I had an idiot to my left that was highly entertaining. 1/2 at the Edgewater in Vancouver. Any thing 55+ he was 3betting to 100 regardless of position or raise sizing by the better.
One spot utg raised to 15. Idiot 3bet $110. Utg 4bet shoved $500. Idiot tanked for about a minute and says, "I knew that was going to happen. You definitely have me beat. I call."
UTG shows QQ and idiot says "I knew it" and shows 88. Of course idiot binks the turn.

A while later idiot had been getting pretty bluffy and on one hand he barreled a 2486jr board and somebody called him down with A high. Idiot said he had a pair of sixes even though he had T7hh and as dealer shipped the chips to Mr. Ahigh, Idiot started berating the dealer. "Why are you mucking my hand?! I had the best hand!" We all saw his hand and saw he had air. We kept telling him he obv didn't have a 6 and he continued to not believe us, tilting for a good 15 minutes.
Towards the end of his tilt session, there was a 3 bet shove and a call before action was to him. There was easily a good $300 in the pot and he insta called. QT5otf. He shoves and the remaining person tank calls. Idiot shows Q5cc and rakes in a $700 pot with a huge proud smile on my face. I started laughing at the stupidity of it all and he proceeded to defend his decision because "Q is a good card and it's suited." He never admitted to being on tilt. I said he was a stupid play, he said whatever and then lost his $700 back in about 30 minutes and then left insulting the table for all being a bunch of donks
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-16-2012 , 06:35 AM
Whenever live players raise with a middle/bottom pair because "they thought you were bluffing"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-16-2012 , 07:30 AM
love it when a guy calls all in with a gut shot vs top set then say
off to the races
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-18-2012 , 09:52 AM
$1-2 local casino on a Friday night

Fat chick: an hour prior lost her whole stack (300ish) to LAGish player who flopped a set of deuces on her

3 limpers from EP, Fat chick raises to 16 from MP LAGish calls from BB, all limpers call.

Flop 7s6d4d

LAGish bets 30, folds to fat she raises to 100 (150ish behind)

LAGish shoves (fat covered)

She tanks for 20+ sec, then shows her hand KK "to get a read", LAGish says that he thought she called and throws over ATdd (nfd and OC)

fat tanks for 1+ minute while LAGish starts talking about how many outs he has. Player to my left clocks her. She runs the clock down to 5 sec saying "I know what I'm doing regardless". 5 sec to go she announces "I can't call" and mucks saying "he outdrew my kings once tonight already".

Dumbest hand I've ever seen
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-20-2012 , 06:51 AM
My favorites will always be "I figured we were racing..." (when it's KK vs. 99 for example), and "I KNEW YOU HAD THAT HAND!!!" (after calling a river bet and losing).
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-22-2012 , 07:25 PM
Man and woman at the table are discussing the previous hand where the man had bet/folded the river vs. a huge fish who had been running fairly hot.

Man: "I was value betting."
Woman: "You can't value bet players like him. He calls everything. It's not a good strategy."

Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-25-2012 , 05:49 PM
1500€ tournament, level 2, we're about 150bb deep.

Donkey limps in from UTG, I raise 88 in the cut-off, he calls.

Flop Qh8c6c

He checks, I bet, he check-raises, I 3-bet, he tanks for five minutes and finally shoves, I call. He turns over QJo, I take down the pot.

He then delivers two gems for this thread:

1) "I put you on a flush-draw."

2) "Weren't you afraid I might have top set?"

I answer something non-committal, but I'm sitting there thinking: "Dude, you just donked off 150 big blinds with top pair, no kicker and you're asking ME if I was afraid of top set???"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:17 AM
heard a gem recently

I shove UTG for 10 bb with A9, folds around and I scoop blinds and antes. guy who was in the BB on that hand says 'I fold AQ, good fold u think?" and I say "really?" he says "ya" I say "well nh then" he says "ya you only have 10 bb, if you have more I call, but with 10 bb you can't really offer me anything" ...............
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-26-2012 , 10:24 AM
This one was quite bizarre

I'm playing 1-2 in my local casino, some quite competent regs mixed with the usual clowns.

Foreign aggro ****** = FAR
hero = me
Competent Reg villain = CRV

I'm the short stack at the table but not by much and get dealt 6 7

FAR raises to £6
Hero calls
CRV calls everyone else folds

Flop 6 Q 2

At this point look at the FAR and iknow he has some of that flop so he bets out to £17, I call with my middle pair and not so good flush draw.
CRV calls.

Turn is 7

FAR bets something like another £31 and is visibly excited, if he was any good I would've puthim on QQ but I've played him previously and know he's beyond bad. I call. CRV also calls.

River is 7

I fill up

I notice this foreign donkzilla almost urging me to shove, I pushy remaining £50 or so chips into the middle, he starts jumping round in his seat as if it's Christmas so my QQ theory dosent seem so stupid now, the CRV tank folds(later found out he had Q6)

As the CRV is tanking the FAR is looking at me actually saying "hehe I've got you both"
I say rather pissed off " I knew you had QQ, nice hand"
He is completely bemused by this and now it's his turn to act

He eagerly asks the dealer how much more it is to call.
He calls

He shows AA

I laughed and collected a rather juicy pot

Haven't seen him since
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-27-2012 , 02:21 PM
£1/£2 live game

£200 eff stacks

4 way all in pre.

67 "I have to call, it's about the implied odds"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-29-2012 , 02:12 PM
Low buy-in NLHE MTT, 6K starting stack, first level 25-50.

On the very first hand, the woman to my immediate right, who is UTG, opens for 1000 (20x). I fold, but she gets two callers. Flop is low and raggy, she bets 1000 again, both callers fold. Woman then shows AA and tells the table that she almost folded pre-flop because she hates aces, and then says she bet so much because she hates to see a flop. I wonder what the two flat callers had and if they would have called pre if she had shipped all-in. BTW, woman with AA ends up as the first player out.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by BigRounder9
Playing 5€/5€ against a massive spewtard.

He opens for 20€, I'm on the button and look down at aces. I make it 80€ and he calls.

Flop A74 rainbow.

He checks and I check behind, hoping to get him to do something stupid.

Turn is a ten, he ships his entire 500€ stack in the middle, I call and show my aces.

River is a K, he turns over QJo for the gutshot that got there.

As he stacks my chips, he says: "It's your own fault: if you had bet the flop, I would have folded!"
Hahaha! This is quite common actually.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Bayes
Low buy-in NLHE MTT, 6K starting stack, first level 25-50.

On the very first hand, the woman to my immediate right, who is UTG, opens for 1000 (20x). I fold, but she gets two callers. Flop is low and raggy, she bets 1000 again, both callers fold. Woman then shows AA and tells the table that she almost folded pre-flop because she hates aces, and then says she bet so much because she hates to see a flop. I wonder what the two flat callers had and if they would have called pre if she had shipped all-in. BTW, woman with AA ends up as the first player out.
Back in the days of the poker boom there was a woman reg who played 20-40 LHE online who would raise and then type in the chat box "Fold! I have Aces. ACES!" She never lied.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
12-31-2012 , 01:40 PM
Not sure if this qualifies, but I thought it was rather funny.

I am sitting in the 7 seat of a moderate 1-2 nl game. No one is crazy or anything but chips are going in. Guy next to me is playing every hand as if it's 3 players left at the wsop. Every angle, every math computation seems to be going through his head, even if it's to limp in for $2.

We get into a hand with the button in the 10 seat. 4 limpers and the blinds play including the guy in the 8 seat, Mr. WSOP. Flop comes whatever. One seat leads out for $20 a fold another call, folds to 8 seat.

Tanks for maybe 4 or 5 minutes, I am out of his hand and just watching him. Someone says "come on man!"

Finally, and this is where I think it reaches absurd.

He asks the dealer to spread the pot!

For a guy that seems to be paying so much attention to the most minute detail, he asks the dealer to spread the pot on a 6 way $2 limped pot? Hello? I racked up and left. Watching paint dry or grass grow was better than that.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-02-2013 , 02:38 PM
I had one last night that I'm still scratching my head trying to sort out. Playing 1-2 NL, I turn a straight with a flush redraw. I bet and one of the table soft spots calls. I figure his hand is most likely a pair/gutter draw or open ended straight draw. Before the river comes out I plan to check if I make my flush to allow him to bluff it since he's been fairly aggressive in spots.

The river completes the flush and I check as planned. He thinks for a bit and then checks behind. I grumble and announce my flush, turning over my nine-high club flush. He looks at my hand and turns over the 3 of clubs and then turns over the 8 of clubs.

The dude calls the flop with middle pair, no kicker, calls the turn with an 8 high flush draw, and then HITS HIS FLUSH ON THE RIVER AND DOESN'T BET WHEN CHECKED TO. I don't normally tap the tank, but I had to know what the hell he was thinking.

He replies, "Well, my flush wasn't very high." Well, that's true I suppose if he put me on a flush (I don't know how since it came runner-runner.) Then he drops the line that makes my head hurt: "I didn't put you on a flush."


So you don't think I have a flush, yet you won't bet your own flush because it's too small? *facepalm*

Amazingly, we're not done here. About 30 minutes later, my new friend is racked up, ready to go and calls a $10 raise on the button with 53ss. He makes his five-high flush on the turn, raises a bet and then calls an all-in for $100 more with said FIVE-high flush. He, of course, loses to the jack-high flush.

If anyone can explain what was going through this dude's head, I'd love to hear it.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-02-2013 , 03:15 PM
playing at casino,

1/2 nl
i have ak with like 30 left
guy to left has 300
guy to right has 300

right opens to 12
i shove my short stack ak suited to 30
left shoves 300 with 99
right insta calls with aces

flop 622 t q r
right scoops entire pot

(the guy on right is a friend )

left said he was trying to isolate
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-02-2013 , 06:27 PM
In a 300 euro live tournament, the board reads 667TT. Don't remember all the action, but pot is already quite large. Player 1 checks, player 2 bets ~75% pot. Player 1 calls. Player 2 shows 22 and player 1 shows 33, both playing the board and they split it. I still have no idea wtf happened there.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-02-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by GrinningBuddha

So you don't think I have a flush, yet you won't bet your own flush because it's too small? *facepalm*

Amazingly, we're not done here. About 30 minutes later, my new friend is racked up, ready to go and calls a $10 raise on the button with 53ss. He makes his five-high flush on the turn, raises a bet and then calls an all-in for $100 more with said FIVE-high flush. He, of course, loses to the jack-high flush.

If anyone can explain what was going through this dude's head, I'd love to hear it.
I saw something similar to this last night.

Rec fish is OOP and has ATo vs another rec fish on the BTN who raises $20 preflop, fish limp calls from UTG, they are heads up. Eff stacks $400, game 2/5nl.

Flop($40) 4 T 3
Fish checks, V bets $30, fish calls.

Turn($100) A
Fish checks, V bets $30, fish calls.

River($160) 9
Fish shoves for $320, V open snap folds K8 face up...

Fish says, "Yeah, I knew you were on the flush draw."

It blew my mind. You "know" he is on a draw but you don't bet or raise turn and then you shove into him on river so that he can't bluff river???

I'm amazed how fish just are incapable of understanding how wrong they are.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-03-2013 , 01:32 AM
Playing .50/1 in a bar and it gets to the last hand of the night. Pre flop action goes limp, limp, raise to about $10 and the limpers call. Flop comes AAA, both players check to the raiser who goes all in for about $200. First player thinks for a while and says "I think I have a live card" and calls for his last $180. Raiser shows QQ, Caller shows J8o. Board runs out KK for a split. Raiser starts going crazy swearing about his sick luck and a third player turns to him and says "hey, don't be pissed off, at least you didn't lose".
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-03-2013 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
I saw something similar to this last night.

Rec fish is OOP and has ATo .......

Theres a variation of this. Using your example the rec fish would shove on the river after seeing the front draw bricked because he knows he has the best hand and won't be outdrawn.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-03-2013 , 04:40 PM
"i prefer playing vs strong players instead of bad players" usually followed by "because the donks always play bad hands and crack my aces"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
01-03-2013 , 05:02 PM
Years ago but won't ever forget it. 2/5 at the Borgata. I'm on the button with AKo, heads up against an older female tilapia on a Axx rainbow flop.

The pot is about $150, and she has about the same $150 left, so I just fire after she checks. She snap calls. With king high. KTc, to be precise. No pair, no draw, just the backdoors... the flush variant of which comes in on the turn and river, of course.

Anyway I couldn't help but ask just what in the world she was thinking when she called that [pot-sized all in with like 5% equity] and she just looked at me like I was an idiot and replied "I had no money left, I had to call!"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
