Originally Posted by Playbig2000
will M&B now be combined and discontinued
The new, combined forum will be called B&M&M&B, with subfora:
B&B : discussing artsy accommodations near casinos
M&M : discussing topics such as the superiority of the old tan color over the metallic looking blue. Also allows discussion of white artists in black culture.
B&B&M : Boring, Boring, More Boring: discussions of "is this hand dead..."
B&M: now called "Buildings and Maintenance", discussions of which casinos have the best, most secure, and closest to the card room parking lots. Also discussions of quality of bathrooms
M&B: now called "Meals and Babes". Table side dining and eye-candy quality of waitresses.
M&M&B: "Masochists, Meanies and Beasts" -- general bashing of other players, dealers, Floor, card room managers, 2+2 Mods. Posting here earns you an instant perma-ban.
More to follow...